
Chapter Five

QUEEN SEVINA COULD NOT REALLY hide the look of disbelief on her face. She felt like she had been blindsided and she was perfectly aware that eyes were already drawn towards her to watch her reaction after hearing what Prince Kevian just announced right in front of everyone.

She cannot really choose whether to laugh or confront the crowned prince of his bold statement that seemed too ridiculous but no one dared to brush that off as Queen Sevina took her time to think of what she could say from her end.

What was he thinking?

She looked across the hall and straight to where Prince Kevian was still wearing a smile on his face, grinning as if he did something he was completely proud of. What was he planning to get out from this absurdity?

Queen Sevina felt like he was mocking him, for some reason. But knowing the crowned prince, he was not one to just put out a suggestion unintentionally. He was not trying to be a laughingstock but his proposition sounded more like he was eagerly trying to test the patience of the royal ministers. Was he really going to become a good King?

Sevina could no longer tell with all of her confidence but she had to save his face and stand on his defense because she knew how manipulative and wary the royal officials are. She was pretty sure the people are now doubting the intentions of the crowned prince after laying out his preference. But to make her his queen? Was he out of his mind? Did he really think about this through?

And if he did... WHY?

Was it because of that night and that kiss that they shared that should have not happened in the very first place? Queen Sevina tried her best not to be fazed as she stood her ground and kept a blank expression. It took her a moment to regain her composure as she took a deep breath and looked towards the audience. Their eyes were gazing at her... and it put enough pressure for her to really say something.

She had to do damage control. This was not the good time for the crowned prince to cause a scene like this and make a total disarray of the plans she had already thought for the kingdom. Why can't he just keep still and wait for his turn to be on the throne? Why do something like this?

"I heard it loud and clear, Prince Kevian, and so as the people of Vire. Your intentions were solemnly understood by us," Queen Sevina slowly intoned, and she was trying her best to be careful with her words because she did not want to worsen the situation as well, "But I don't think my presence to stand as your Queen is necessary to make this kingdom stronger. We all trust in your benevolence and ability to rule Vire, Prince Kevian. My assistance will be in vain once you become the King so I don't think such proposition would make any much difference whether I will still be a Queen or not."

Prince Kevian, on the other hand, looked like he was extremely dissatisfied with that answer and his eyes narrowed. He was not going to step back and Queen Sevina felt the wave of alarm as she watched the crowned prince step forward.

"Forgive me if I have to disagree, my Queen," Prince Kevian took over. This time, the strong diction in his voice hovered the air with the feeling of superiority and everyone could feel the weight of the young prince's presence as they turned their heads to look in his direction.

"I am completely aware of my duties to serve the kingdom and I am confident that I will be a responsible king for Vire once I take the crown. But believe me, people of Vire, for I know how much my Queen Sevina is valued for her loyalty and we have already seen how much our country grew because of her great power and good governance... And that is why, I, the crown prince, future King of Vire, see no one who would fit to be my Queen and to share the throne with me until death other than my Queen Sevina, herself. We all know that. All of us can attest to the grounds of work and success my Queen has built for the progress and rise of Vire. And now that we could see that she is invincible and she has the fullest knowledge of how to manage the affair of Vire with the other kingdoms, she is the only candidate I would surely accept to marry for the throne."

It was plausible and it was convincing. And even the Queen felt that she had nothing left to deviate the idea from the favor of the crowd. And so with a feeling of heaviness and anxiety, she stared down and met the eyes of the handsome young prince, who had turned around to gaze back at her.

He really was not going to accept any response that would go against his point and he looked more like a capable leader that undoubtedly amazed Queen Sevina, despite the words he was trying to convey and wanted to pursue. He will be a great King, indeed. But the thought that he was not going to let anybody take the position of the Queen if it will not be Sevina, eventually scared her.

She can't tell if the people of Vire was even going to agree yet... But it looked like the crowned prince had gained a lot of approval. Maybe she could still manage to change his mind... She didn't have to stay. She still had the choice to refuse this proposal... She was still the Queen after all.

But somehow, deep inside her, she knew. She felt the rush of warmth and fuzziness ifrom the pit of her stomach. Her body was reacting against her thoughts and she tried her best not to be swayed by it. However, she knew that she could no longer deny it.

She was feeling strange... And it was all because the Prince wanted to marry her and make her his Queen.

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