
chapter 4_The EX

Selena's POV,

A cold shiver ran down my spine, and I froze still, not believing who I had just seen. I stood with my mouth wide, stunned to my bones, unable to fathom what was going on.

"Are you alright? Did something happen?" Fred inquired as he appeared astonished by my reaction; he seemed rather excited. George had not seen me, so I attempted to flee but was apprehended by my soon-to-be husband, Fred. He appeared quite proud of me today and was eager to introduce me to everyone.

"No, not here. Not today!!! I muttered to myself as I saw George approaching.

"How can he possibly be here?" I whispered, attempting to cover my face as George approached Fred and me. I was completely overwhelmed, and there was nothing I could do to save the day. As he introduced me to George, Fred grasped my hand and, despite my resistance, drew me in his direction. I completely neglected to inquire about his family since I was too focused on making this meeting with his grandfather work.

How could I have been so careless? I attempted to compose myself as we walked to meet George. I was not sure about what to do. We reached George, and Fred drew him into a strong embrace.

" Fate is a jerk!! Yea." I averted my face to attempt to dodge his gaze and mumbled.

"What were you saying?" turning to face me, Fred inquired.

"No, nothing; I attempted to flee as I faked a grin, trying to explain myself, but was apprehended when he called out for me.

It appeared like fate was trying to spoil this moment for me. George had to be here, of all the places to be. He turned out to be a relative of my soon-to-be spouse. I had to meet George for the first time here, which was worse than expected because I never would have imagined that he would be Fred's brother.

"Meet my bride; is not she gorgeous? "Her name is Selene. Fred spoke in a proud tone. He was beaming at everyone, appearing to be quite proud of himself for marrying such a lovely woman.

George gave me a startled expression. I could see the disappointment in his eyes and the anguish in his heart. I felt like falling on the scene, but that would cause commotion at the party at least I would not have to confront George.

"My brother, George," Fred said, gesturing to George with his hand.

George tried to make himself look normal, even with the sneer on his face. He introduced himself and held out his hand to shake mine.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss."George reached out his hand to shake mine.

I hesitated, peering at him suspiciously. How could he pretend like everything was normal? His hands were still outstretched, and I was simply looking, which made Mr Peter suspicious. Mr. Peter clearing his throat snapped me back to reality.

"Are you acquainted with her?" Mr. Peter asked, puzzled as to why we had been looking at each other for so long.

"Mm......m" was all I could say as I looked for the right words to explain the situation.

"No, we don't; I have never seen her, but I would remember a face like hers." That is one lovely bride you have there. He said, appearing to grin as he tapped Fred.

I could not understand why he pretended not to know me, but I was glad when he did. I could only think what might have happened if he had not denied knowing me. I felt obligated to act along so as not to give us. away.

"We do not know each other. I remarked reassuring Fred that we were strangers, I caressed him to sell the illusion and excused myself as we strolled away.

"Please excuse me; I will be right back." I got out and went to the loo, taking a long breath and looking at myself in the mirror, thinking what would have happened if we had been discovered.

I took up my phone and dialed a number. I needed to talk to someone, and I knew just the right person. Priscilla was my best friend, and I was astonished that I did not tell her about the entire saga since I knew her reaction would be harsh. But now I needed a buddy to discuss all of this with, and it was the ideal moment to engage her.

The phone rang for a bit before she eventually picked up.

"Hello, Bestie," I said as she picked up.

"Hey babe, what's up?" With delight, Priscilla answered.

"I am engaged; my wedding is coming up in a few weeks," I told her.

" How are you engaged I am just finding out. She yelled at me and asked what I had done."

"Things have occurred so fast, girl, that I can not answer all of your questions right now; I am not even sure what I am doing, but it needs to be done, and we will surely talk about it when we see." I tried to explain, but Priscilla was not having it. She was frantic to learn why I was married without her knowledge.

"I saw George at my engagement party."

"I am not sure I understand; do you mean the same, George? Your George.

"Yeah, I sighed deeply.

" So let me get this, if you are not engaged to George, then who are you engaged to?

"I thought you two were in a relationship," she inquired.

" We will talk about this when we get to see as I said earlier. But I just saw my ex at my engagement party, and we only broke up a few weeks ago. He acted as if he did not recognize me when he saw me, which terrified me. To top it off, He is the brother of my husband-to-be." I sighed, resigned to my fate.

" This is all a big mess, just try to relax and act cool, it is good he feigned not knowing you. Just act along, and we will deal with this later."

"Thanks, girl, you are a lifesaver, I will see you when I get back." I ended the call and adjusted my makeover and my dress.

I was going to pull through the night, I reassured myself as I headed back to the party.

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