
Chapter Eight

The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky.

I bit the grilled lemon chicken and closed my eyes to savour the sweetness, as I stared at the stars.

He was such a good cook. Anytime I saw food, all my manners took flight and left me on my own.

I was holding my chunk of chicken between my hands taking big mouth fulls and closing my eyes as I chewed.

Ryan on the other hand was nibbing the corners of his mouth with a white napkin,  while slicing his chicken and garlic bread with a knife.

" Forgive me if my demeanor lacks any lady like grace," I apologized without really meaning it.

" I think you are cute, when I watch you eat like that, " he chuckled. " But when I take you on a date, you'll have to use them," he winked.

I looked down as colour filled my cheeks. Was I blushing?

Take you out on a date.

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