
Chapter 7. Not Human

Ruth's eyes blinked in disbelief after hearing what Shada had just said. She stammered and looked confused.

"What do you mean, Shada?" Ruth asked Shada for an explanation. Ruth's bright bronze eyes were getting darker and darker.

"I mean, I realized that I've never heard about your family or your love story, Ruth," Shada said seriously. She observed how her friend reacted. Also her eyes.

Realizing she was being observed by Shada, Ruth immediately lowered her face. She seemed to be controlling herself at the moment. A few seconds later, she faced Shada again.

"Of course, I'll tell you, Shada. I'm sorry," Ruth said as she grabbed both of Shada's hands, and held them tightly in her fingers.

Shada was stunned by Ruth's attitude. She kept staring deep into the woman's beady eyes that were now turning bright again.

"I swear, I was planning to tell you everything when the time is right. For now, my life is still too sensitive to tell. Please, understand..." Ruth looked at Shada with a pleading gaze, hoping that the woman's suspicions would end soon.

"You can trust me, Ruth. I'm waiting," Shada continued, releasing both of Ruth's grips and galloping to the car that had been parked for a long time.

"Come on, let's go home! It's getting late," she invited Ruth. Ruth immediately galloped behind her.

Their car went back down the big road with the red orange and golden yellow that stretched beautifully across the horizon.

Shada deliberately slowed down the speed of the car she was driving to enjoy the sparkling sunset that always mesmerized her. Not Ruth, who didn't care about anything out there, if she was in the car, all she needed was sleep.

After entering the city, their main goal was to return to the office first. That's because they had to return the company car and check their return attendance lock. As for the documents they had worked on, they could put them in their bags first, and then they would report them in the morning.

The company was now almost deserted, most of the employees had gone home since an hour ago. Shada and Ruth walked to the office to take attendance for their departure.

Shada didn't have to bother waking Ruth up, because her friend had woken up a few minutes before reaching her destination.

After taking attendance, they said goodbye to each other.

"Bye, Shada... see you tomorrow!" Ruth walked towards her car while waving her hand to Shada.

"Bye! Be careful on the road, Ruth!" replied Shada as she raised her hands high to wave so that she could be seen clearly by Ruth who was quite far away from Shada's position. Then she got into the car, opened her cell phone and texted Max that she had arrived at the office and would be home as soon as possible.

Shada's car rumbled out of the office that afternoon. It only took 20 minutes to reach her residence. After arriving home, she immediately rushed to clean up.

Shada was rubbing her wet hair when her cell phone rang. She looked at the caller's name for a moment, then picked it up.

"Hello, Max," she said after successfully sticking the phone in her right ear.

"Honey, are you home yet?" said Max on the other end of the line. He looked worried about Shada, making Shada's smile instantly brighten.

"Yes, Max. I just arrived. Where are you? On the road?" Shada frowned, as if she was listening to the busy traffic there.

"I was on the road, Honey. I have an important meeting with a colleague that I have to take care of the cooperation. Wish me luck," Max said then continued, "Oh yeah, next time I'll stop by your house again."

Shada smiled again when she remembered Max who stayed overnight at her house. Both of her cheeks suddenly felt hot and flushed.

"Of course, Max. I'm always waiting for─Aaaaakh!" Shada was startled by the sudden opening of her bedroom door. A gust of wind rushed freely into her room. Demian was already standing gracefully at the door.

"What's that sound?! Honey, can you hear me?"

"Uh, a cat! Yes, there's a cat. I'm hanging up the phone, Max. I want to check my glass door. Bye," Shada stammered as she hung up the phone quickly.

"Shada..." Demian's heavy voice came back softly to Shada's ears.

"I've been waiting for you. Come in," Shada pleaded with Demian. She looked at Demian. Demian was wearing a brown t-shirt that clung to his muscular body. He also wore long jeans, looking very casual and masculine in Shada's eyes. 

Shada could see Demian grinning briefly, then with a quick movement approached Shada and sat beside her. Shada's goosebumps bristled again, but Demian's handsome face and appearance overcame her fear.

She studied Demian's face. As she got closer, her face was beautiful and radiant. It was unreal good looks. She was mesmerized again. She also saw his bright eyes.

"Who exactly are you?" Shada shot directly, but was immediately surprised because Demian just laughed.

"I expected it. Can't you make small talk first?" chuckled Demian, watching Shada with his sharp, dark eyes.

"I can't. After all, you're not human either. Did I guess wrong?" said Shada trying to aim at Demian. She was wary and kept her eyes on him.

Demian laughed even more, then gently caressed Shada's face with one hand. Shada choked, then brushed him off.

"Uh, you're so fierce, Shada. What do you want? Sleeping with me again, hmm?" This time Demian's grin was very annoying to Shada.

"Enough! I just want you to tell me who you are." Shada tried to control herself to stay calm. It was all for the sake of answering the dozens of questions that had been swirling around in her head.

"Sure, I'll tell you. Your motive was very clear from earlier. Try not to speak your mind next time," Demian teased Shada.

"You can read my mind?" Shada gasped, but also felt amazed. It only strengthened Shada's suspicion that Demian was a monster.

"I can," Demian replied lightly.

"Then... what's on my mind right now?" asked Shada blinking her eyes rapidly.

Demian chuckled again, "Pervert."

It felt like Demian wanted to play around a little longer with this woman who was near him.

"Hei, I'm serious! Want me to hit you?! You deserve a beating at my hands!" Shada almost shouted. To her, this Demian, though handsome and mysterious, was very annoying. But that made her less judgmental of Demian as a monster.

"Then, do you want me to kiss you?" Demian teased again. In the next second, Shada had landed her punch right on Demian's muscular arm.

After her punch hit Demian's arm, Shada was stunned. She then tried to lightly touch the burly arm. Shada then pinched it, while Demian just laughed amused at Shada's attitude.

"Your body texture is like a human, even my hand can't penetrate your arm. Who are you really?" Shada was astonished. She looked at Demian with disbelief.

Now Shada's fear is getting less and less. One of the evidence that strengthens Shada is that she is still alive and can breathe until now. The man didn't hurt her at all. That proves at least Demian is not a murderous monster.

Shada looked warily at Demian who was right beside her. Demian, too, was silent and stared intently at the woman. He then answered Shada's question with emphasis.

"Vampire... "

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