
Still not enough?

Chapter 18

Ryan McFlame ~

“My master needs you alive and going if not, I would have loved to make bird soup out of you.” The lycan added walking up to me.

“In your dreams!” I said making a ball of fire in my hands and threw it at him while my bruise healed.

“Don’t waste your strength.” he said dodging the fireball. “Cassius is getting your abilities. The sooner you and they all accept that, the quicker we can get out of this coven.” he added raising me up with both hands by the neck.

“Not on my watch!!!” stormed Frederick running the lycan through with his sword by the chest. “I told you to get off the back of the Royal family! You should have listened! You should have never came near Alessia!!!” he added taking the sword deeper into his chest. 

“Caaassiuus!!!” screeched the lyca

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