
Round Three

They both froze and tensed. The subject gently pulled away. “Oh crap." He muttered under his breath. “Stay here.”

She watched him walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. A victorious smile should've curved her lips by now but for the first time, she felt something that rarely comes to her, it was so strong that the thought of backing out brushed her mind.

Guilt– that's what she felt. But she knew she shouldn't let her personal feelings interfere. This was her JOB– to ruin a relationship in exchange of money in order to survive. She tried to apply and work decently before but it's either her boss was a horny maniac or a jealous nagging girlfriend would come her way.

“Hey, what are you doing here?" Ethan Kingsman asked.

“I was looking for you. When I didn't find you, I asked your assistant where you were."

“Oh, sorry about that." He chuckled. “I just have to fix some things. Wardrobe malfunction."

“Are you alright?" The girl asked worriedly. “You look pale."

“I'm fine." He said. “I'm just tired, that's all.”

“W-what's that?"


“This..." She said. “Is this... is this a lipstick?!"

Hazel quickly took her dress off as she started hearing footsteps heading her way. She needed the girl to see her with only her undergarments on so she didn't put the replacement dress on at once.

“Babe, where are you going? Let's–”

The door suddenly flew open. Hazel gave a fake squeak. The other girl gasped out loud as her eyes started welling up with tears. “How could you...?!" She faced the guy.

“Let me explain." He pleaded. “It isn't what you think it is!”

“I'm not blind!" She cried. “And I'm not stupid!"

“Babe, listen. I–”

“No!" She yelled then ran away with the guy trailing behind her.

Hazel then took the replacement dress and put it on. She gathered her things and stepped out of the bathroom. Finding no one in the room, she walked to the door. She froze as she saw her subject on the floor, crying. Her heart felt heavy with guilt and she found herself wanting to go and comfort him.

But remembering that emotions aren't part of her job, she turned and walked to the opposite direction.


His eyes scanned the whole area, irritated and annoyed at the doll-like girl's disappearance. He growled impatiently, loosening her his tie. The night didn't turn out pretty well for him. His sister's engagement– meaning he's not the only one man in her life now; his father scolded him and the doll insulted, mocked and left him hanging again.

He went out to the balcony to calm himself down and maybe jack himself off but then, a rustled caught his attention. Amusement lit his eyes upon seeing his doll running away, wearing a different but altogether flattering dress. A slow, predatory smirk lifted one corner of his mouth. With his hands inside his pockets, he started following her.

His doll called for a cab. Not wanting to waste time to get his own car, he hailed for a cab, too. “Follow that one." He ordered. “But don't be too obvious."

Somewhere along the road, Chase silently mocked and laughed at himself for going this far just because of a girl. Chasing a girl wasn't really in his system but stalking?

He haven't gone as to going after a girl, it's always the other way around. But he's sure the amusement he's feeling towards the doll would eventually go away after he gets what he wants or after he gets tired of her. It was always like that. A girl would catch his attention every now and then but after some time, he gets bored and tired.

The cab that the doll was riding, stopped. He told the driver to stop a few feet away from it. ‘Gotcha!' he thought as the girl stepped out of the cab.

He immediately paid the cab driver and stepped out. He waited for a few minutes before heading to the girl's place. He saw a two-storey building with several lines of the doors. Since he doesn't know where her door was, he decided to just knock on them one by one. ‘I must be really desperately frustrated’ he thought.

He went on knocking on the doors one by one. He would greet them and say that he's looking for a girl then he would apologize with a wining smile whenever he gets the wrong door. His patience started to thin up as he got the wrong door again and again. He mentally cursed himself as the 13th door he knocked on closed. He pinched the bridge of his nose, debating whether to stop or keep going.

The latter worn out after a few seconds of thinking about it. He went on the door with the sign 14 on it. He knocked.

After a few minutes of no answer, he knocked again. He growled when the door remained closed. He was about to go on to the next one when he heard it creaked open. The door slightly opened and his eyes met two brown and irritated orbs.

A grin suddenly spread across his face. Truly, good things come to whose who wait. He was about to greet her when the girl started closing the door but his reflexes won acted faster than her. Pulling up as much force as he can, he pushed the door wider to grant him entrance. The girl stepped back and stared at him incredulously. Ignoring her stare, he smirked at her and closed the door behind him.

“What are you doing here?" She snapped.

“Is that the right way to greet a guest?”

“You're not a guest but an intruder. I could sue you for trespassing, you know."

“Go ahead." He shrugged. “But can you afford it?"

It was her turn to smirk. “Oh sure I can." She waved out. “I got some wealthy sponsors."

“Sponsors, I see." He nodded, slowly making his way towards her.

If he was expecting her to step back and look scared, he was in for a disappointment because the girl didn't even show any signs of distress. Instead, she crossed her arm and gave him a mocking stare. “Yes, SPONSORS.”

“How much?”


“You said you don't come for free. So, how much are you?” He asked in a tone like she was a piece of meat he's about to buy.

Her hand itched to slap him but she stopped herself. She started it, anyways. “One million a night.”

“You're joking, right?” He laughed. “That's obviously overpricing.”

“See?" She smirked. “I told you. You can't afford me."

“If that's really your price then why are you living in a small place like this?”

She turned speechless. “I'm simply modest.” She came up after a while but it's already too late. The look in his face told her so.

“Let's stop pretending, shall we?" He slowly said, inching closer to her.

“Who said I'm pretending?”

“What's your real price?”

“I already told you. If your wallet can't produce that kind of amount, then leave." She said and turned her back to him.

The intruder proved to be persistent when he grabbed her arm and turned her around to face him. His lips invaded hers in the same way he did before– hungrily and passionately. Offended with the sudden act, she bit his lower lip hard, making her taste blood.

“What the–?!" He burst out angrily, pulling away from her. “Why the hell did you do that?”

“You can't just go on kissing me anytime you want, you know?" She answered calmly and coolly.

He exhaled harshly. “Like you didn't enjoy it. I know you want me, your body actually sings for me!"

“My body's what?” She laughed. “Jeez, what a term.” She added, rolling her eyes.

“What good will you denial do?"

“I'm not denying anything.”

“You want me to POINT it out to you?” He dangerously asked, his face also dangerously close to hers.

Hazel had the urge to close her eyes and inhale his sweet breath mixed with the faint smell of alcohol. Oh yes, she wants him. She's been having wet dreams about him ever since their first encountered. She just can't help it.

Everything inside her stirs up to life everytime he's near or around. In a way, she hated it. She hated how her body reponds to him or how she's too weak to fight him off everytime he kiss or tries kiss her.

“Point what?" She innocently asked.

“That you want me, too?"

She laughed again. “Okay, let's say theoretically I do want you. What difference would that make?"

“It makes every difference." He gritted.

“Difference to what? To hurt your ego? To your alpha male pride?"

“It make difference to pleasure we can give each other.” He bluntly said.

“Okay." She shrugged nonchalantly. “If you say so.”

“Damn it!" He suddenly exploded and pushed her against the wall. “I'm tired of your words game!"

Once again, his lips claimed hers eagerly. Tired that she was, she didn't fight him off this time. Come to think of it. She had never really fought him off before.

Feeling his tongue demanding for her lips to part, she obliged. Bringing her hands to his hair, she let her tongue duel with him– swirling at the tip then caressing the lower part. She now admits, she's pretty weak when it comes to his kisses.

“Mmm." A strangled moan escaped her as his hand went to her chest. Her peaks instantly responded– they're now straining and longing not just for his touch but his kisses.

Satisfaction welled up inside him after finding out that his doll wasn't wearing a bra. Skillfully, he slipped his hand inside her oversized tee and went to pinch one taut peak. Her hips bucked forward at the act, making him smirk against the kiss. He then went to kneed her breast while she started unbuttoning his top.

A loud ringing suddenly broke through their dazed senses. Pulling away with a growl, Chase took his phone out, planning to switch it off but after seeing his sister's name on the screen, he quickly answered the call.

“Yes?" He greeted tightly.


“Are you crying? What happened?”


“Where are you?”

“A-At... at the h-hotel..."

“I'm coming." He said. “Wait for me there.” He finished and looked at the girl in front of him wistfully.

“One of your girls, I presume?” She asked with raised brows.

“It was my sister." He answered, frowning. The raging lust inside him a while ago disappeared as soon as he heard his sister crying.

“Okay.” She shrugged.

“We're not done yet." He reminded her.

“Whatever." She rolled her eyes.


One week peacefully passed by, at least for Hazel Wyatt. She wanted to know what happened to Ethan Kingsman back at the hotel. From the bonus she received from that client, it was pretty obvious that she succeeded in breaking up the good guy and the girl, whoever she was.

Guilt embraced her heart again. That guy, he was a good one but he was stupid to fall her trap. She wondered, though. What made him give in? Was it her beauty and charms? Her seduction? Or her story weaved from a lie moved in?

Her thoughts then wandered to the rude one and she can't help but wander where he'd gone. Thinking that maybe he believed her one-million price, she scoffed. She perfectly knew it sounded far-fetched but the look on his face when she said that made it all worth it.

The moment she stepped out from the gates of the campus, she immediately saw someone very familiar leaning against a sleek black car. She can't help but silently laugh at the look of irritation and impatience in his face. Just when she thought he already gave up, he suddenly appeared, looking very... arrogant.

Probably sensing someone staring at him, he looked up. Their eyes met. A dark smirk came over him while she just raised one brow at him before flipping her hair and started walking away.

“How'd you know my school?” She asked when he ran up to her and blocked her way.

“I asked around." He shrugged.

“Okay." She returned as nonchalantly as she can. “What now?"

“I told you, we're not done yet.”

“I'm sorry.” She waved off and evaded him. “I'm fully booked already."

“Fifty thousand a month." He suddenly said. “That doesn't cover your daily allowance for school, expensive gifts and clothes.”

She stopped in her tracks. Her heart started beating faster at the generous offer. Oh, now she was tempted to accept it at once but she needs to hear the rest of it. She turned back to face him again. “Let's talk in your car.”

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