Wolf's Pet

Wolf's Pet

By:  merwa_g  Ongoing
Language: English
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He had seen her glancing back. It wouldn't do to scare her this early on. He turned right as she crossed the street. Cole Baxter had never followed a woman before, especially a human. He'd never had the need, females usually came to him. As a Beta in the local pack he could find a woman whenever he felt the need, and he usually felt the need quite often. But if he knew his wolf, that was going to change. He could feel his wolf in his mind pacing, wanting to follow his mate closely in case any other males got too close. Cole had to remind him that they couldn't just jump her on the street. His wolf would have to learn patience. He'd been waiting for her for close to 200 years, no reason to over react now. He caught sight of her from two blocks down and continued to follow until she turned into the front door of a medical clinic. He stood outside the door and glanced inside. He couldn't see her so he waited around the corner. After what seemed like an eternity, she came walking out with a male who stared straight at him with bright blue eyes. Cole realized immediately this wasn't a human, he was a Were, one of his kind. The male was holding his mate by the waist, and Cole automatically growled, ready to tear the wolf's throat out to get him away from her. Wait, his mate? Maybe he was too late. Maybe she was already mated. His heart was pounding as he watched them walking down the street. He couldn't believe he had waited this long to find his mate only to lose her to another.

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87 Chapters
Chapter One
He almost sprained his neck as his head whipped around. He took a deep breath just to be sure. There it was, lavender with an undercurrent of licorice. It was the most amazing scent in the world. He turned and started to follow her from a distance. He could just make out her long brown hair as it seemed to float with each step.She sped up a bit as she noticed the stranger following her. She took a quick peek back over her shoulder and made a turn. Instead of turning right at the next corner she would cross the street. If he crossed as well she'd know he was really following her and not just going in the same direction by coincidence . When he turned right she breathed a sigh of relief. How silly to think such a good looking man was following her. He was much younger than her and way too good looking to be interested in someone like her.He had seen her glancing back. It wouldn't do to scare her this early on. He turned right as she crossed the street. Cole Baxter had never follo
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Chapter Two
She looked around at the grove of trees, the hills, meadows, and wolves. Everywhere she looked were wolves. Where was she? How did she get here? She tried to hold still as the wolves walked up to her one at a time to sniff her and walk away. She felt rooted in place, her body shivering in fear, her mind in a jumble, not understanding what was happening. Then she saw him, a large dark brown wolf with the most beautiful green eyes. They almost looked human. He sauntered up and stood in front of her, seeming to warn the other wolves away. She stared in awe at the gorgeous animal. This was all so surreal. The wolf looked up into her eyes and then morphed into the naked form of the tall man she had seen yesterday. She fainted in front of him.Karen jumped up in bed and looked around, her heart pounding in her chest. She was at home in her own room. It had been a dream. Maybe it had been the howling she heard last night as she fell asleep. That must have started the dream. And she was t
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Chapter Three
The three men watched from a distance when the woman left the house. One watched her every move as she got into her car and drove off. The back of the car was long out of sight before he heard his companions chuckling. "Earth to Cole, Earth to Cole, come in Cole."Cole turned to face his friends and smiled sheepishly. "What? If that were your mate you'd be doing the same!"Trey and James couldn't stop laughing as Cole tried to defend himself. They had to give him a hard time since he was always the first to make fun of any besotted male who couldn't take his eyes off his future mate. They just couldn't let this go by without getting in a few digs."Hey guys, time to get serious. There he is." Trey and James stopped their joking and looked in the direction Cole was pointing. The male was walking the opposite direction of the woman which immediately made Cole relax. The further that lone Were was from his mate, the better. Cole's wolf was close to the surface, and both Trey and Jame
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Chapter Four
Karen wanted to stay just like this, in his arms, feeling his hand stroking her hair, his heart pounding in his chest, breathing in the same rhythm. She wondered what the people walking by must think, ah hell, she didn't care. She was just enjoying the feeling of his strong arms around her, their bodies pressed close. She let out a contented sigh and heard his deep laugh. God she loved that sound already. She had this sense that this was where she belonged. She'd never felt this way before. Never."I really have to leave now, as much as I don't want to." Karen pulled herself away slowly, not wanting to lose contact with him. She looked up into his face and smiled at the way his green eyes crinkled when he smiled down at her."OK, I'll let you go, but you have to make me a promise." Cole couldn't help but smile whenever he looked at her. She was everything he had ever hoped for. She had the most beautiful dark brown eyes, long thick auburn hair, and a full lush body that he couldn't wa
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Chapter Five
She looked down at the chocolate brown wolf curled up at her feet. She stroked his soft fur. Why was it whenever she saw him she felt safe and loved? He never seemed to leave her side. Where did he come from? And where was she? She looked around at the vast meadow, the slight wind rippling across the tall grass. It was so quiet and serene here. Sometimes she caught a glimpse of a wolf nearby, but none came close. If they dared, a low growl would rumble through her guardian's chest and they would quickly leave. She was so sleepy all the time, but there was no better place to sleep than next to her wolf. He kept her warm, and she knew no one would touch her with him near. No one would hurt her ever again.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jeff was scanning through her medical chart and looked up at his patient, still in a drug induced coma. She was slowly improving, but now he was starting to worry about Cole. He hadn't left her side for more than a few minutes at a time, and he looked like hell. And hi
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Chapter Six
She felt so cold! Even her wolf couldn't keep her warm. She huddled next to him but couldn't stop shivering. And every part of her body ached. There wasn't a muscle or joint that didn't feel like she had just run a marathon. And why all of a sudden did her vision seem so blurred? And the numbness, where did it come from? There were times when she had her face buried in her wolf's fur but could barely feel him there with her. It was like she wasn't really there. What was happening to her?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"What's wrong? She's in pain! Give her something Jeff, don't just stand there! What kind of a Doctor are you?" Cole stood there with Karen's hand in his, watching her body shake as the drugs wore off that were keeping her in the coma. He glared at Jeff. He should be making her feel better, not letting her suffer like this. His eyes were swirling green and amber. His wolf paced in his mind, ready to take over if need be. He'd do whatever he had to do to protect his mate!Jeff ran a ha
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Chapter Seven
Cole wished he knew what she was dreaming. Again, he smelled her wet pussy. He hoped she was dreaming about him. That thought made him smile."Cole? Can I pull you away for a bit?" Cole turned to look at his brother standing a few feet away. Boy, he really must have been an asshole lately. No one was coming too near."Sure, news on Gary? Guess I need to get caught up on a lot, huh?"Cole followed Carr into the office and saw Brett, Trey, Troy, and James sitting around the room waiting for them. Carr sat behind his desk and Cole took his usual position on Carr's right."So, obviously a lot has been going on lately. First let me just say I appreciate all the extra time you've put in trying to sort all this out. I know Cole appreciates it too. Brett, is there any fallout with the Police Department, or are we OK on that end?""They all accept the story I put out about an accident while visiting family. Karen doesn't really have any family, bu
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Chapter Eight
The blue eyed wolf skulked through the preserve. He hadn't been out to hunt in almost a week and needed to run, needed to kill something. He wanted to feel the bones breaking and the blood flowing in his mouth. He hadn't been able to find Karen and he was seething. That damn pack dog must have her. He'd never be able to get into their compound. And since he hadn't been able to mate her yet, that mutt probably had. Gary was sure she was covered in his scent by now. Saliva dripped from his mouth as he pictured tearing out his throat. His blue eyes gleamed with hatred. She deserved to die too if she was no more than a pack whore like the rest. He'd have to find another woman who was worthy of him.The black SUV had been parked across the street all week. The tinted windows hid the occupants who were alert, watching their prey. James was on the phone with Brett letting him know that Gary had been spotted. He hung up the phone and waited.
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Chapter Nine
Karen was watching wide eyed. "What happened? Was he shot?" She was shaking and suddenly realized she was about to fall. Lila held her up with one arm. Karen thought to herself that Lila must work out for her to be strong enough to hold her up with one hand.They both stood by as Carr ran into the treatment room and stopped next to his Betas. He spoke quietly to the men. "We need to let them work. James, stay here with Troy and keep him out of the way." James nodded. "Cole, Brett, with me." The three walked into the hallway as Lila was helping Karen back to her room. Lila made a motion for her to stay put and walked into the hall."Brett, what in hell happened?" Carr had a feeling he already knew but waited for the answer from the trusted Beta."We found Gary. He did that after being hit with four darts! I told Steve to get him into the holding cell.""He's here?" Cole turned and ran. "He's fucking dead! Dead!"Karen couldn't hear the con
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Chapter Ten
Karen opened her eyes and for just a moment didn't know where she was. She felt strong arms around her and rhythmic breathing. She glanced around the room and saw the wolf statue and smiled. She was with her wolf, she was safe. She burrowed her face into his shoulder and felt his arm move a little."Welcome back pet, I was wondering when you'd wake up. Trying to cheat me out of my fun?" His green eyes looked down at her smiling face. Having her here in his bed was exactly where she belonged. He pictured her on hands and knees with his wolf taking her hard from behind. His arms around her tightened. She would be his for eternity, no doubts about that. And for the moment, he would help her forget Gary and the horrors he had brought to her."I'm sorry I fell asleep. I just felt so snug and warm, that was the best sleep I've had lately." He stroked her soft hair and gazed into her beautiful dark brown eyes. He started to undo her hospital gown and helped her take off t
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