All Chapters of Maria (A Mafia Romance): Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
129 Chapters
Part 2- Chapter 28
Maria’s POV-   “Shh, fuck” Diego hissed at Aimee as she drunkenly took a fall, her hysterical laughter bouncing from the garage walls with an echo.   I couldn’t help the loud burst of laughter as it escaped my lips. I had seen her drunk before but boy oh boy this was next level. I myself wasn’t feeling as drunk anymore just a slight tipsy feeling lingered but mostly tired and ready for my bed.   “You are super handsome” Aimee complemented Marcel out loud as he gently lifted her from the floor and to her feet with a chuckle.   “Shit” she froze, swaying awkwardly as she tugged at the bottom of her dress as if attempting to make the fabric longer.   “Shit indeed” I followed the voice to the door that lead to the house, my eyes landing on Lorenzo standing with his arms folded as he furiously looked to Marcel and Diego.  
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Part 2- Chapter 29
Maria's POV-         “I fucking told you, Maria. He’s a dead man you will see” Lucien fired his double meaning.   I froze at his words his threat from days ago ‘I wont just make him watch, I’ll make you watch as the life leaves his eyes’ repeating in my mind.   The anger was rolling through me in waves I was physically shaking at the furiousness I was feeling.   He had a nerve. He was here spying on the man whilst that same man had done nothing but protect me tonight.   I turned to see Lucien opening the door of his car. I didn’t know where he was heading but I new him all too well to know that he was planning on going through with his threat.   A fire of need to protect the man that had only ever protected me was a need and must and before I knew it my mind had already sent the signal f
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Part 2- Chapter 30
Lucien’s POV-   “Fuck this love Lucien, I am not playing this game to get fucked over again and again” Maria spat.   My fists clenched tighter at her words. My knuckles ached, itching to drive my fists into something but I knew if I took even one step towards her she may just fear me.    I knew she feared me after my promise and once the obvious alcohol in her system wears off she will with out a doubt fear me tomorrow.   “I am done. I am walking away from you. Ill be damned if I am not done with you before you break me anymore” she cried, turning away from me.  
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Part 2 - Chapter 31
Maria’s POV- I groaned drowsily waking from my sleep at the new warmth that surrounded me, a hand softly sliding across my hips and soothingly rubbing circles into the bare skin of my stomach. I sighed in content at the cologne that hit my senses. Luciens cologne I could identify it anywhere. “Princess” his husky voice breathed agains my kneck. I hummend in response to his lips gliding across my skin a shiver of delight running down my back at the soft kisses he placed upon my neck.  I tilted my neck, his teeth nipping at my skin causing my back to press tighter against his chest. His th
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Part 2- Chapter 32
Maria’s POV- With a squeeze I hugged the pillow tighter. I felt like crap. I was hungover!  In Fact not hungover just dead, but ten times over.  My body ached and my head felt so heavy, all the dancing from last night had taken a toll on my muscles like I had never done any workout of any kind in my entire life. I squinted my eyes open, adjusting to the natural light that seeped through my half open curtains.  I have no idea what time it is but I was hoping to see darkness when I opened my eyes because.. sleep..god sleep is all i want right now. A glass of water and two white t
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part 2- chapter 33
Maria’s POV- Lucien was playing a game I just know it, his quipped response of us breaking up was so out of character for him, only minutes before his departure he was outright refusing that I had ended our relationship. So here I am frozen, looking at the door he had just left form. This was what I had wanted, I had instigated the breakup so why does it feel so wrong? I do not know how to explain the emotional feeling that I am feeling right now.  Is it Pain? Yes. is it sadness? Yes. Is it Relief? Possibly? No not relief of our breakup but relief that he had left with no fight at all but just that thought alone does not just come with relief it comes with so much pain. He had said I was no longer his problem nor he mine but was I honestly more of a problem than a partner for him? I guess I do understand his words to some extent, he has always been the jealous type of man and with jealousy there always followed with drama
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Part 2- Chapter 34
Diego’s pov-“You know I would like to see the day you both are happy” I confessed handing Lucien his bottle of water.“I want her to have happiness, that’s why I am giving her space” He breathed heavily unscrewing his water bottle cap.“So, she broke up with you and you’re the one giving her space?” I raised a brow at his logic. It is fascinatingly mental how Lucien’s brain works.“No, you dick, this is what she wants so I am respecting her wishes, I am trying to grow and be a better man for her” he explained, in all sincerity. At least I know he believes his words. “Here me out” he piped up, unwrapping his knuckles indicating his work out was officially over.“By the time my business here is done, let’s say six to twelve months give or take, she would have had her space, we would have grown
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part 2- chapter 35
Maria’s pov- I don't know why this was becoming such a turmoil for me. It is not like I am telling my brothers I am leaving forever and will never see them again; I’m simply telling them I want to live elsewhere, in a place of my own without guns, and drama and fear. A life I built for myself not one that was handed down to me by family name. “What is this about Maria? Aimee has me trying on bow ties and cuff links for the wedding and I have no patience to deal with her scorn if it so happens that I am late” Lorenzo chuckled from his seat in the sofa across from me. I smiled softly at my brother, I truly am happy that he has Aimee by his side, he deserves love and happiness, they both do. “You look like you need a glass of whiskey” Diego suggested eyeing me with what I assume was curiosity slash concern. “Yes please” I took the offer although I’m not even sure he was offering. “at least we can check pregn
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Part 2- Chapter 36
Marias pov-I fidgeted with my hands to ease the overwhelming emotions within me.“In order for Lucien to leave he would need to get his business in order, wipe out every enemy he has, as well as find a replacement to take his place, a someone to work alongside the rest of us. And even if he was to succeed, he would still need to take precautions when living a life out there” Lorenzo filled me in.“Enemies? precautions?” I questioned not believing that Lucien has any enemies.“Yes angel, enemies and many of them. This family are not sunshine and roses. But I’m sure you already know that” Diego forced a smile. An attempt to ease the pain of my hopes and fucking dreams being shut down.“I broke up with him. I cannot stay here and see him, day in and day out. I need my own space, my own life. I don’t want this” I cried; I couldn’t help the tears that
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part 2- Chapter 37
Maria's POV-  “I don’t know who Rocco is, but I don’t see how him having overlook every movement I make for the rest of my life is going to be an improvement from living here” I added, what would a life like that consist of? Me being stuck in another overly large house only this time more alone with nowhere to go. “Lucien already has plans for Rocco. And Maria, I know it’s not what you had hoped for but for now, you’re going to have to sit on the idea for the time being.” Lorenzo said as if pained to be the one to send the last blow to my now distant dreams. I shook my head in disappointment. They are supposed to be my family. Instead, there more like my captives. I rose to my feet swiftly needing to get some air or just out of this now seemingly small living room. This was pointless. An effort waisted on an impossible hope. “You know this is bullshit right. If I stay, I’m stuck doing your paperwork, you won’t let me
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