All Chapters of Mr Reluctant Billionaire: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
118 Chapters
I insert a chip covered in brown sauce into my mouth, barely tasting it. Stifling a groan at the heap of chips left in my plate, I scowl at Clarissa sitting across me with an empty plate in front of her. This place is not worth the hype, maybe it is but I am too tired to notice. Whatever the case, and like Clarissa said, from now on, we only roll in Gucci.Thinking about it now causes me to laugh, her straight face after she hollered at the sight of the black card and proceeded to list all the Gucci things we will g
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Heat crawls up my cheeks at the wicked reminder of that unfortunate incident, sending me into a fit of coughs. Clarissa winks, faking gag sounds and I scowl. Embarrassment claws at my throat, I clamp a hand over my mouth and watch with tear-stained eyes as she retreats with the phone plugged to her ear, unable to give the perfect comeback.  
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None of us attempts to break off our staring bout, the anger, hurt, every emotion I feel is transferred into the glare directed at him. His lips press into a thin line, my nails dig into my jean and I grit my teeth to quell my rising anger. I want to inflict the same level of pain on him, whack him on the head like the unwanted mole he has become.  
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Ping. Ping. Ping.  I wake up with a start, my eyelids flutter open and a groan slips past my lips as my gaze lands on the ceiling. The vibrations coming from under my pillow cease, I
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Without another thought, I put my account on private. I don't want fame if it comes with this amount of hate from people who have not met me and might never. I was satisfied with my former followers, their good vibes, hype comments and positivity were enough.  
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"What did Josh want?" Clarissa asks, pulling me by the hand into the kitchen. She stops at the counter with a bunch of banana, a frown crawls to her lips. "What did he say?"I burst into humourless laughter, shaking my head as her small frame takes a seat on the counter, it took her eight days to ask. She pouts while squinting, I stick my tongue out and whip my long ponytail, causing her to do the same. A laugh escapes me as the tip of her hair brushes my face,
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Laughter escapes my lips, she winks and I throw my head back. This girl. She licks her lips and cracks her knuckles in a supposed gangster style. I scoff. Between both of us, we can't hurt a fly, the most we can do is fight with our mouth but she is better at it."Alright, bitch, playtime is over," she says in a voice eerily similar to Riley Freeman, I shake my head. This is what happens when I let her binge watch Boondocks for the umpteenth time. "Let's get to
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I push the surprisingly open door, a soft sigh escapes me as my feet carry me in the direction of the kitchen so I can wet my parched throat and my arms wrap around me. My heart clenches at the memory that springs up on me when my eyes fleet to the entrance of the kitchen, the image of Brandon standing there in all his handsome glory.  
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Her eyes lift from the files on the desk, the chair clatters to the ground as she rushes to engulf me in a hug like we are old friends reuniting after a decade. I stiffen in her arms, my hands glue to my sides as she squeezes me in an embrace. Letting go with an arm still wrapped around my wrist, she pouts and I cringe at her overly bright smile.  
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Pregnant? I snort in disbelief, folding my legs underneath me as I reprimand myself for letting Sophia’s words linger in my head. Nothing positive comes out of her mouth, why did I expect that to change today? Propping my elbow on the table, I nibble on the last of the chocolates I stole, eyeing the empty wraps strewn across the table. I am a big mess. Unable to block out Sophia’s voice, I open my phone’s browser to Google spotting, the possibility of young women spotting during pregnancy and I suck in a sharp breath at the information displayed in front of me. My eyes water, I shake my head and let my phone slip through my fingers, this is bullcrap. They are in collaboration with Sophia. Why haven’t I thrown up yet? Why don’t I have the usual morning sickness? I have lost my appetite and that’s normal for me, a lot of women. But I haven’t felt dizzy or many of the symptoms they are kind to list off
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