All Chapters of Wonderings: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
116 Chapters
Wonderings: Office Lunch
[Kael] “I don’t have time to eat lunch outside the office today. I’m a bit busy but if you want, we can eat here in my office.” I said. I tried to sound and act nice but my body just wouldn’t cooperate. I hated this woman in front of me. I wanted her out of my sight and I want Amelia back but I can’t aggravate her right now. She still has a trump card against me.  Natalia started squealing and jumping around telling me she would love to have lunch with me here in my office. I tried to think about what else I could do to make her stay here longer. I called my assistant through the intercom and I told her to buy us lunch. I specifically ordered all the food that Natalia used to like back when we were datin
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Wonderings: Crazy Obsession
[Kael] “Noted, sir. I’ll get the food and serve it to you during lunch.” My assistant said. I thanked her and I looked back at Natalia who was smiling from ear-to-ear. I broke away from her arms for a second so I could talk to my assistant, she just stood there in front of my desk while looking at me intently. After the call, she quickly rushed to me and hugged me once more.  “You still remember my favorites! I knew it! I just knew that I was still the one in your heart!” She said over and over again. I just let her have her way with hugging and touching me but I wouldn’t dare touch her on my own.  “Sir, here’s your lunch.” My assistant knocked and came into the room to deliver the food. I didn’t even notice that it was already lunch time. My assistant just put the boxes of food on my desk and she left immediately. I noticed that Natalia was
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Wonderings: As long as it takes
[Kael] “Let’s eat by the coffee table, my love.” She suggested. I thought about ignoring her but it worried me that she’d suddenly leave if I did that. I nodded and we went to sit on the couch. She grabbed the boxes of food and she handed me one. She gave me the utensils and she was treating me really well. She beckoned me to eat while her food was unopened and untouched.  “Aren’t you going to eat?” I asked. She smiled at me and she handed me her food.  “You used to feed me when we’re eati
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Wonderings: Lost Appetite
[Kael] With a deep sigh, I took her box and I opened it. I took the fork on the table and I slowly grabbed a little bit of the food and fed it to her. She smiled happily as I was feeding her like she was a kid who couldn’t eat by herself. She was seriously enjoying what I was doing for her but I, on the other hand, am getting really tired of this.  “The food is so good!” Natalia said. I couldn't get a chance to eat since seeing her acting like this made me lose my appetite. It appears she didn’t notice that I didn’t touch my own food which was a relief. I really didn’t want to force myself to eat when I wasn’t in the mood. I was just about ready to stop this facade as I was getting extremely annoyed and irritated the more I see her here in my office. I just want to force her to set Amelia free, but I know that if I even mention the slightest bit about Amelia, she’d go crazy. 
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Wonderings: Fake Conference
[Kael] As I was contemplating how to keep Natalia here when I received a text from Terrence saying they left the apartment complex and it was safe to let Natalia leave the building. I felt relief wash over my entire body. I needed a reason for her to leave without having to throw her out. I thought about informing my assistant through text to come into my office to tell me about a conference so I had a good reason to let Natalia leave. As if on cue, the assistant knocked on my door before entering and she informed me of a nonexistent conference and I was needed there urgently. 
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Wonderings: Cheek Kiss
[Kael] “I’m sorry Natalia but I have to deal with this. You can leave for now.” I told her. She smiled at me and she stood up from the couch and walked over to me. She placed a light kiss on my cheek before she said her goodbyes. She said she would be coming back tomorrow to see me. I wanted to tell her not to come but I knew I couldn’t do that. I just nodded and told her that it was up to her if she wanted to come tomorrow.  “I’ll be sure to come here early. I’ll even make you lunch.” She said excitedly. I didn’t bother answering her and I just let her leave my office. She went over to the elevators but before she went in, she looked back at me and blew me a kiss.
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Wonderings: Burn That
[Kael] “Burn that.” I ordered. She nodded and took the handkerchief away. I went back to my office and called Terrence, I wanted to know what they found. It was a good thing that Terrence picked up the call quickly. I was on edge after spending half of the day with Natalia. I felt like all the stress from the past week couldn’t even compare to this.  “Did you find anything?” I asked. I thought it was Terrence who answered the call but it turned out to be Aira. She told me that Terrene was still driving and they were on their way here to talk about the details. It was too risky to talk about it over the phone so we decided it was better to talk in person. A few minutes later, both of them arrived. 
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Wonderings: Listening Device
[Kael] “Natalia was in here, right? Was there a time where you didn’t have your eyes on her?” Terrence asked. I looked at him, confused as to what he meant. I shook my head and told him that Natalia was clinging on to me the whole time she was here so she was always in my field of vision. “Are you sure?” Terrence asked. He walked around my office and he looked like he was looking for something. As he walked past the plant on the coffee table, he stopped and fumbled through the leaves. Aira and I looked at him curiously. We didn’t know what he was doing but it looked like he was determined to find something. At last, he straightened up and held out his hand. In his palm, there looked to be a tiny metal piece. He held it with his two fingers and crushed it easily. 
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Wonderings: Another Attempt
[Kael] “That was a listening device. She must’ve planted it while you had your eyes on something.” Terrence said. I was astonished, I didn’t even know that she placed it on the plant. I wasn’t even aware that she would go to this extent just to spy on me. Why would she do that? Why would she have to keep ears on me?  “I knew there was a reason why she came over here. It wasn’t just because she wanted to see you, she needed more leverage against you. She wants to sabotage the launch. If we had talked about work while not noticing that device, we'd seriously be in trouble.” Terrence explained. I couldn't comprehend how twisted Natalia had become. She kidnapped Amelia and now she’s even spying on me. What more could she want? 
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Wonderings: Caged Animal
[Kael] “Also, we found out about something in the apartment complex. The person in room 407 was a guy planted by Natalia. He was put there to guard the door where we think Amelia is. Someone tipped us off about the possibility of Amelia being inside that room. A little boy who lives next door often heard crying from that room and he even called Natalia, a mean lady. Also, Natalia locks the room from the outside. I bet she even locked all of the windows on the inside to prevent Amelia from escaping.” Aira explained to me. It felt like all of the strength in my body disappeared. She’s treating Amelia like she’s an animal trapped inside of a cage. 
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