All Chapters of Alpha's Psycho Mate (Book-1 of Fated Series) : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
109 Chapters
Chapter -81 "Barriers Of Four"
Okay, The woman I was searching for and thought of her as my birth mother is one of the legendary guardians, and more shocking is that according to Anemia none of that bloodline survived that war.And what about me? Who am I? She was my birth parent, or not?Tears of frustration leaked out of my eyes with thousands of questions nagging inside my mind and no answer available, nor a trace of hope to find any. I ran out of the room, wanting to be alone for a sake. I came here with so much hope, I thought finally I will get all the answers but no way, who am I kidding with? I'm standing at the exact spot from where I started. I was lost in myself to hear the footsteps following behind me to an unknown hallway. Alex pulled me in his warm embrace, worrying flashing over his handsome features as seeing me crying, it
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Chapter -82 "Slow Death"
"Are you out of your mind! I'm telling you it's not an option and I'm not letting you go there at any cost. Even a high ranking creature can't survive that climate and cross those barriers and you haven't come near using your powers yet." Alex keeps rambling about how weak I'm and how this is a mission impossible. Anemia was at gain to excuse herself with a silly excuse, leave us here to fight our way out of it."But we never know until we give it a shot! And didn't you hear what Anemia said? This is our last chance for God sake! We should try at least once, I don't want to regret it my whole life if I never tried and return home with answers I was looking for." Call me stubborn all you want. But I want to do it, isn't it bad enough to not know about my origin and feel like an outsider among a crowd of millions? This is my last chance and I'm not letting it go.
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Chapter -83 "Statue of Stone"
"Are you out of your mind! I'm telling you it's not an option and I'm not letting you go there at any cost. Even a high-ranking creature can't survive that climate and cross those barriers and you haven't come near using your powers yet." I can't stand her and let her sign her death warrant. She is my responsibility and I am not letting her risk her life no matter what it costs. She is not from this world. She has no idea what horrible mistake she is making. I remember hearing from my father and other elders. No one came back once they got there, high ranking creatures can't survive that climate or reach far more than 2 barriers. Barriers of four are not a child game what Ammy is thinking it is. It will cost her never to get back to her normal life or at worst end up losing her life. And here is not trying to understand what causes my anger. It frus
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Chapter -84 "Deepest Secrets"
She is your mate, right. And from what I came across about werewolves mates are bound to protect each other. She just wants to find out about her identity; it's no crime. And think from her perspective it feels like life is not worth living. There should be a goal for which you wake up every morning and fight the whole day to accomplish. It's necessary or living like prey is not what you want right?"Anemia's words left me thinking again about my decision. She is not wrong entirely, I should apologize to Ammy for my earlier behavior. I was so dick.I was lost in my mind having conversations with my wolf when hearing some shuffling sound from somewhere nearby. Anemia was ahead of me but came to halt hearing the voice. I inhaled sharply to get the scent of the person or animal hiding there or you can say I'm trying to but got nothing unspecified except the scent
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Chapter -85 "Not Driven By Alpha Ego"
Author P. O. VSomeone said 'Secrets and lies kill relationships.' No matter how careful you are, you will get caught.It's like a building with an unstable base, it takes no genius to know what will happen with it. A relationship is a resemblance of that building for me that can't be built upon secrets and lies. For any relationship, trust is the vital element of blood or oxygen for the body. The reason for all these Gyan is because the situation does not vary with Alexander and Amber. Yes, Alexander has his reason for keeping whatever secrets to himself but his intentions are not malice in any way. If anything, he is confused, scared, and trying to protect Ammy in his way. With the last ray of sunshine gone, the moon started to make its presence known. Fair
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Chapter -86 "Utopia- The Town Of White Magic"
Author's P. O. VThe whole room is engulfed by darkness, not a single crack available to let light pass inside the room where a dark silhouette of a woman is sitting in an Indian position on the wooden floor, her eyes are closed and she is murmuring a spell in a whispering tone. With a flick of her fingers, candles which are placed around her in a white circle line, litten to life flames are flickering furiously trying to reach high.*Images start flashing in her mind as the golden aura covers her body. The first image fleshes through her mind was of a beautiful garden with blue roses and white lilies, which are the symbol of the white ancient spirit magic and can be found in only one place in the entire darkland. There are racks placed at the corner of the garden, near the wall which separates the open garden from the other parts of the castle; it contains Anc
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Chapter -87 "Pack's Picnic"
Amber P. O. VPlayful shouting of the children could be heard from the pack's back gardens. Today is the weekend which turns out to be a party day for the werewolves of Ombra. I smiled as I passed Freya Sugar and other ingredients she needed for making pancakes for the whole pack.Alex and I returned home pretty late last night and went to our room separately. We were exhausted by traveling all the way back to the capital from fairylands. Well not sure about Alex but my human body was in heaven as soon as I hit the bed.With the first light of sun I was woken up by the anonymous knocks on my room's door. Freya, Alex's mom, was waiting outside the door with the beautiful box containing a dress in her hands for today's event. She said it's a present and if I want to help her in return so I can assist her in her enormo
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Chapter -88 "Brave"
"Evan, shouldn't you give your momma one more chance? We can't punish her if she lets you have chocolate, right?" Hisbrows frowned a little, thinking about my words. He is so adorable and easily makes smiles on everyone's faces with his innocence.After giving it a thought he shook his head in agreement and shifted to peck at her momma with some hesitation not knowing how to ask it. Before he got the word out in his cute childish voice. A sound of the clearing of the throat made us all turn around and the environment went silent. Evan shyly hid his back back in my chest when I recognized the personality standing behind us. While everyone bowed their heads in respect to their Alpha. "We have a complaint reported to us, dear Alpha." Alex smiled at Evan which vanished as soon as it appeared before he held on to
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Chapter -89 "My Journey, My Decisions"
"I have a surprise for you. Be ready at sunset, we are heading somewhere out." With that he left, leaving me confused behind. What does he mean with surprise? Where are we going?It's frustrating! He got me all hot and excited and vanished. After helping others in wrapping up everything I left with some hours to get ready. And the major issue which every girl suffers is what to wear. I have no clue where we are going and if I should dress casually or classy. I tried to call Alex to ask for some kind of hint actually but he wasn't answering my calls which I found ridiculous. In both of us I'm the one who has a habit of ignoring calls, he always answers mine. Before an hour from sunset I ended up dressing in my all time favorite attire,  leather pants, royal blue crop top and ankle boots. I wear my ha
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Chapter -90 "Unexpected"
We all want to fulfill the wishes of our loved ones but it's not as easy a task as it sounds. Especially when we are aware of the danger it will bring to them but no matter how hard we try, the sadness on their face breaks our heart in a million pieces even though we know we are right in our place, still it hurts.I noticed her lost in her mind. From the sadness over her face it takes no genius to find out what she must be thinking while glancing at the happy families of pack members sitting together having a happy time of their life together.Even surrounded by so many people who admire her, love her and care for her, she is still finding herself alone. Don't get it wrong I'm not blaming her for not accepting my family and people as her own. It's not an easy task to do, even for myself, especially if I am aware that my family is somewhere out there. And not co
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