All Chapters of Something So Sweet: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
41 Chapters
11: Coming Clean
             I barely made it to the parking lot when I heard Jack’s footsteps behind me. “Tierney,” he called. “Wait up.”            My feet wanted to keep moving, but every other part of me wanted an answer. Needed to know if all of this—the flirting, the fun, the chemistry—was part of a fa
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12: Hook, Line, & Smoocher
             “Tierney, that boy is here.” Dad’s voice boomed up the stairs the next morning. “You up?”            “Shit.” I bolted upright and shoved my hair out of my face, immediately blinded by the sun assaulting me through the window. It was still morning. Who showed up for a dat
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13: Desperately Seeking Dobler
 Our next stop was a couple towns over, at a diner in Cherry Lake. As we pulled into the parking lot, Jack said, “I figured you’d appreciate a meal without people staring or trying to overhear our conversation.”“You figured right.” I looked over at him, a smile taking over my face. He’d very slyly reached across the truck to hold my hand on the way here, and we had t
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14: Big Dream Adjacent
             Jack drove.            I rolled my window down and reached over, taking his hand. As we entered June Lake, I watched his hair ruffle in the breeze. We were nearing my parents’ street. Soon, I’d be getting into my car and driving back to Port Agnes. Back to reality.
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23: A Heart Thing
             “You sure you don’t want to go back in there?” I asked as we stepped out onto the sidewalk. I looped my arm through Jack’s and cast a surreptitious look at his profile. The muscles in his jaw worked overtime as he thumbed through his wallet for the valet ticket.            “I’m sure,&r
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24: Sugar Helps the Sorry’s Go Down
             The next morning, I got to the office about five minutes late—not bad, considering how long I spent staring at my phone, willing it to ring.            The regret of letting Jack leave last night was more intense than watching a slasher film before bed, even though you know it’ll give you nightmares.
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15: Will Edit for Food
             “Tierney, can I see you in my office?”            I looked up from a manuscript I’d been editing about the mating habits of army ants to find Ron’s head poking out of his office door. “Yeah, sure.” Tossing my red pen down, I stood and rounded my desk.
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16: Magic Potpie
  My phone rang about half a dozen times from Port Agnes to June Lake.“Do you have any allergies?” Jack asked the first time he called.
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17: Cupcakes & Trouser Snakes
             Many a suggestive comment and knowing smirk greeted me when I got to my parents’ house a while later. I refused to acknowledge my mother’s waggling brows and headed straight upstairs for a shower. An ice-cold shower.            Now, it was just after ten a.m. the next morning and the house was filled with clu
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18: Shot Through the Heart
 “Boy, am I glad to see you,” I said to Jack a couple hours later. He stood on the front porch, looking like a tall drink of something that could make this entire afternoon disappear. Between the Lola incident and dodging questions about when Jack and I were going to have babies, I was more than ready to be rescued.            Jack laughed and instantly my
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