All Chapters of Alpha Noah: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
47 Chapters
~Abella  I sit in front of the fire, staring at his wrist.  The scars are silvery, precise lines leading up to a point in the centre, the deepest crimson red lingering in a circle under his skin. When I look down at my mark, my flesh almost completely torn to shreds, I can’t imagine how it will eventually form this very specific mark. I can’t imagine even sharing a mark with Noah in the first place.  “
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~Abella I didn’t believe him.You can’t just have two mates. If it happens, it’s extremely rare to the point where people don’t come out to be honest with people about their mates, knowing curiosity would drive anyone to crazy lengths to find out how they could get a second mate themselves. In my life, as short as it has been, I’ve never known, or heard of anyone who has had a second mate. It simply...doesn’t happen. So as I stare into Noah’s earnest gaze, I’m stunned. I can’t believe it, and most importantly, I don’t want to believe it. I don’t want to accept the deception from both Cian and Noah. 
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¬Abella We met with the Gaze Reader the next day. It took me almost a whole night to convince Cian that I didn't want to use the Gaze Reader to separate the mate bond. I couldn't just make a decision overnight, when I've barely spoke to Noah, and Cian has been nothing but frantic. But his desperation has lead me to remain sitting here, right in front of a Gaze Reader. I demanded he leave the room, which thankfully, h
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~Abella The moment I see him, I know it's him. All the memories I lost from the moment I died flooded back to me. Not to mention the other night, where he came into my room and marked me with that demon mark. He is just as frightening, and not because of his impressive stature. The way he looks at me casts a shadow of fear within me, especially knowing he is the one who killed me. "What are you doing here?" Noah questions, putting himself between Stace and I. Whoever Stace is, immortal or not, doesn't seem at all bothered by an Alpha's demand. Instead, he's focused on my leg, which is outstretched in front of me, blood still pouring out through my jeans. "Get out of my way," Stace demands, brushing past Noah with ease. I ca
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¬Abella Three weeks later. I flip the page of my book, listening to the sweet singing voices of the birds around me. Things are lonely here, but in a good way. The day I left Thought’s estate, I collected enough of my things, and took a train to an unknown location. I’m somewhere far enough away for me to feel comfortable, giving me enough space to think. I’ve booked myself in an inn surrounded by a small, quaint town. I’ve spoken to very little people, ben under a fake name, and haven’t mentioned once where I’ve come from. I haven’t heard from Noah, Cian or Stace for these past few
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¬Abella I can still hardly believe I’m standing in Alpha Grayson’s home. It’s much nicer than I expected a Freedom Pack manor to be. Grayson has decorated it quite nicely, but the whitewashed walls and eclectic furnishings are the least of my concerns. He has brought me here to lay me upon a platter for Noah to come and collect. As much as I’m resentful, I should have known this wouldn’t last long.Clearly Noah has given me a head start. Now he’s caught up. “I’m Lexia,” someone says from behind me, making me jump. Turning on my heels, I see that standing beside Grayson, it’s a girl. Pretty, tall, blonde, she stares at me with nothing but kindness in her eyes. “It’s nice to meet you Abella, even if we don’t have much time to become acquainted.”“What’s going on?” I question. I know of Lexia, as Alpha Grayson’s mate. She is
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¬Abella At first, I don’t believe him. “There is no other realm Cian. I know you hate people like me, but that doesn’t mean you can taint my view of Noah,” I tell him firmly. The sound of another realm sounds vaguely familiar, which I likely heard from Stace. But I refuse to believe that anything other than the world I’ve known actually exists. Especially no other place where there are people like me. Cian looks frustrated, beginning a steady pace back in forth from where I sit. He looks like he is trying to figure out the best way to explain this to me, but I’ve already decided Cian is on a desperate sabotage missio
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¬Abella  I can’t help but be taken aback. Seriously? If he thinks I belong to anyone, has a lot to catch up on. However, I don’t speak on my thoughts, instead realising that this might be my only chance to get answers out of Stace about my future, and what he wants with me. So with a lasting glance at both Cian and Noah, I turn my attention to Stace letting the two settle into seats around us.  “You’re a King,” I say, tasting the word on my tongue. It’s not a term I’m used to. In the mortal world, and immortal world, there are Alpha’s, Luna’s and Pureblood Immortals. They are the leaders. “What does that mean?” “It means I
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¬Abella I see him sitting under a tree, back to me. As I approach, I can feel his strength, his power, and something else completely. I feel much better now, having recovered from my fainting spell. Yet I still feel light headed, at the thought of talking to him, of being near him. Noah doesn’t know I came out here, as I asked for time alone. I have no idea where Cian is, either. I have to face him. I have to be alone with him, make sense of my situation. But as I walk closer, knowing he has already sensed me, I feel fear drape over me. This man is more powerful than my comprehension, and yet I want to speak to him, to und
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¬Abella Stace and I arrived into the new realm around midday.Thankfully, when I approached Noah with the news, he was skeptical, but not opposed to the idea of me going with Stace. He wants me to become comfortable with my home place, and if that means exploring with a man who I still struggle to trust, then so be it. I just hope this other realm isn’t a dark, dangerous place with things I can’t even begin to fathom. Stace’s way of transporting us to this other realm, was slightly complicated. According to him, getting from here to there, is dependent on the amount of magic you possess. Those with a lot can travel freely, but t
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