All Chapters of Homeground Advantage - By KC MMUOE: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
374 Chapters
Chapter 60
Chapter 60Ellie  All of my life , I have never and by never I mean never ever hurt anyone physically except for when I needed to protect myself in self defence .  I really didn’t mean to throw my stainless steel water bottle at my boyfriend , that bottle hit his face and I wasn’t expecting anyone , why didn’t he call out when he was on his way to the bedroom . I looked at him and he tried to open his eyes but closed them and then fell on the floor . He had a bleeding nose and a bruised face , he was breathing but I was so scared that I might have done something unforgivable.  I tried to get him to come around but he wasn’t responding , I started crying because it was an accident , I was taking out my frustration in a healthy way and I wasn’t expecting what happened to happen . I tried to get him to come around , but he wasn’t opening his eyes for ten minuets .&nb
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Chapter 61
Chapter 61  Max  Ellie always told me that your body rings up what you put it through; and one day when you least expect it gives a receipt of everything you did to it when you thought it wasn’t going to tell you that you needed to pay up. I have been taking care of myself and I have been keeping fit . The impact of the bottle aggravated an old facial injury I had . I could hear Ellie trying to wake me up but I couldn’t will my eyes to open . I even heard her cry which broke my heart just a little bit because she blamed herself .  Ellie wasn’t the violent type and the only people that I had dated who were on the other side of loopy, were my exes . None of them compared to my girlfriend , soon to be fiancé, most of them thrived on drama . They all wanted the spotlight and that included being photographed with me . My relationship with Amy was purely for the sake of getting prescription painkillers from her and
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Chapter 62
Chapter 62 Ellie I don’t like eves dropping , but where the truth is concerned its always fair game . It is no secret that ; Paul wants me . He has wanted me from day one when we did Business communication in college. He was always the party animal, who apparently had so much pride that he didn’t even care who stood in his way as long as he got what he wanted at any cost . The one thing about Paul is that he loves having a good party and he has a high libido. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the one who invited Max to go to that sex party Matteo Massa hosted . Max needs to be convinced by people he respects to do something out of character , like what he did with Amy . Since Daniel was always around me and he was always a hero and friend ; Paul had a difficult time trying to get me alone . Apart from the fact that he eventually got to kiss me at the Italian Market four weeks ago when we started being friends again and this time he made hi
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Chapter 63
Chapter 63 Max “ Maxwell  you know I really want us to be friends . ““ You know one of these days  Ellie is going to see your true colours.”“ She is not  going to I am squeaky clean”“ No you are up to something Paul . Mia cannot keep a secret to save her life and she loves showing off .  If I find out that , you were behind last nights’ incident ... ”“ What makes you think I was , and your girlfriend called me for help today.”“ After you  bought her the gifts . ““I  didn’t know that Mia had a thing for you , now I do… Maybe I will capitalise , I  want what is yours . ““ You can’t have it Paul , and  no amount of money can buy  love , that includes Ellie ."“ I kissed her did she tell you that?”“ No she hasn’t &
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Chapter 64
Chapter 64 Ellie The hardest part about any traumatic experience is ; accepting that something awful has happened to you .  You can only be thankful for what you have and count your blessings . I'm no stranger to trauma , but after every trauma or horrific experience something's got to give and you have to find it within you to pick up the pieces one by one and try and assemble the jigsaw puzzle pieces of your life together .  Blake has been through a lot and I know him better than his brother does , and apart from the fact that he had called Max when he was in trouble and not me , meant that he was in serious  deep trouble. I for one didn't know that Paul was related to the Massa's and that; his little brother Taylor was responsible for knocking out Cleo when she went to the bachelorette party at  a club she was forbidden to go to because it was somehow connected to the Luca's. I recommend Blake
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Chapter 65
Chapter 65Max I have never seen my brother drunk and high before , least of all I have never seen him angry and when he woke up screaming he was angry . I hadn’t told anyone about Ellie and Daniel and that was  because I wanted our private business to  be our private business . I knew that Ellie slept with Daniel on numerous accounts , but it was purely physical .  Where  Dexter is concerned , I knew for a fact that he didn’t deserve her and that he was using her to  get ahead  in terms of work and business .  He didn’t love her and he only wanted to bring her down . I knew that Ellie would be above me in terms of work and I worked hard with Aaron for the past three months to make sure  that I got the job . Blake was in a drunken state and he was saying mean things to Ellie . I would have slapped him silly if he talked to me the way he  was talking to Ellie. I didn’t like i
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Chapter 66
Chapter 66 Ellie This has been the weirdest morning ever . To be honest it's been an eventful morning first I  accidentally hurt my boyfriend this morning thinking that I I might have killed him I called the last person he thought I would turn to for help , and it didn't go down well with him . He doesn't like Paul and I didn't get why he didn't like him or want him around until now . I as m not going out with Paul and  if I was I would expect him to come clean about his extra activities .   Paul said I should call him if I needed anything  . The more I  think about it and what just happened , I am reluctant . My loyalty has always been to my day ones and not  people who have  come into my life while I was living it . I wasn't cool back then to Paul and now he wants to give me the world and put a ring on my finger .  His goal is to marry me so that he can rub it in  Daniel's face that he wa
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Chapter 67
 Chapter 67 Max    I have always had the fear of everything going wrong all at once and having no control. I never thought that day would come ; but it looks like today was such a day . I am going to say it again because it is hard to believe what’s happening. A lot can happen in three months and a lot has happened . I acted out of character when I slept with Amy . I kind of forgot that my brother was in charge of the security system at that party .   I only told Ellie half of the truth . In my defence I had sex with Amy pretending she was Ellie . I can't get over her. There is no getting over Ellie I used protection on and I was clinical because I walked out on a sleeping Amy the next morning and I only saw her if I needed a prescription for strong painkillers . I didn’t think that Ellie would take me back , but she took me back with open arms and accepte
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Chapter 68
Chapter 68EllieBlake has always been loyal and he would never do what he just did unless he thought he was being watched or his cover was going to be blown . For him to  get the position he has at Stone , wasn't a mistake . It was planned and it was a plan that was being executed clinically . I knew that Paul liked me and he wasn't aware that the meeting at the Italian food Market was planned and it didn't happen by accident .Paul has always had a type and it worked in my favour that we went to college together . Dexter is easily influenced and he doesn't act unless there is something in it for him . The accident that resulted in me losing my baby wasn't an act of evil by Dexter , somebody was pulling strings and Paul had a history of dubious dealings. We couldn't pin anything on him .Blake knew how to be undercover investigator and he had been working with Daniel to find out who was responsible for controlling Dexter . He is a good lawyer; but i
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Chapter 69
Chapter 69 Max  Ellie has always been the one . I knew it when I left her years ago that I was making a huge mistake  and I was going to regret it later.  We already lost one child I don't want us to lose another one. She's been through a lot already , with her losing her memory and Killian almost killing her and ; Killian is a very beautiful name . It means ; he who is kind  of someone with a kind soul .  When Ellie told Blake that he can stay over and he can use the guest room , I was happy she wasn't pushing me away and she was willing to give us one more try .  Ellie never missed anything where my feelings were concerned ; in the past she could tell that ; I was disappointed or bummed out about losing a game . I was always an open book with her and she could read me with ease , she even knew my deepest secrets ,and I wanted  to be the kind of man she saw and not the kind of man I th
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