All Chapters of Call of Destiny: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
169 Chapters
Chapter 30
 Mark’s POV— ( Past Life)I had to agree to let Dr Clearwater send a nurse who was also his assistant and was training under him, since I couldn’t leave Clara in the hospital! She would definitely cry for help and spill everything the first chance she gets! I have worked for months on this work and the man has already paid me half of the money to kidnap and deliver Clara to him!I had to tell a bunch of lies like every time I did when I kidnapped anyone but this time it felt true, at least a little! Truth in bits and pieces! I really wanted to keep her closer to me! I know I shouldn’t encourage my heart to feel anything for her. But I can’t help it. I tried. I tried hard and pulled away from her lips in the late morning, but truth be told, she has taken my breath away and whenever I think about her, my blood rushes through my veins as if wanting to reach her heart to connect with mine! I am smitten already and however much I t
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Chapter 31
 Clara’s POV— ( Past Life)‘Don’t even try to patronize me!’ ---- I snapped at my inner mind which repeatedly implied that I am being jealous! But I was not jealous at all! Mr No smile can do whatever he wishes with his life! He can get close and have sex with any woman he wants, why only Ms Betty! I was just irritated because Betty looked like a fake, overbearing bitch who wanted to spread legs for every man! Why else would she give those flirty looks and seductive smiles to a married man?‘Come on! You know he is actually not married to you!’ --- there she goes again!Ok, maybe he is actually not married, but she doesn’t know! To her, Mark is married to Venessa which is me and we are in deep love! Bloody home wrecker! She was tailing Mark, who is supposed to be my husband like a lost puppy and she was almost brushing her false padded mountains which were disproportionately larger than her slim body!
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Chapter 32
 Mark’s POV— ( Past Life)Did I hear it right? Did she just confess her love to me? Why? Is she crazy that she chose me, a man who kidnapped her and took her happy life away from her, to love? Or did she say that just for the sake of the show we are putting on for Ms Betty?What do I feel for her? I hate to admit that when I laid my eyes on her for the first time when she was sitting alone in the car and I knocked on the window, I was instantly attracted to her! And it has only been a few days but in these handful of days, I have seen her, touched her and smelled her so many times that I don’t know now, how will I survive without her! I know that my feelings won’t lead me anywhere and it is a matter of a few weeks and then I have to hand her over to the person for whom I have kidnapped her in the first place. But till such time there is no harm in living this fantasy!“I love you too Love!” I heard my
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Chapter 33
 Clara’s POV— ( Past Life)I know it is so foolish and naïve request! Who would beg her kidnapper to love her? It might even sound gross, but not a word of what I said was a lie! I had realised already three things. One, that he would never let me go. Two, that I have developed strong feelings for him, which even maybe love? Three that I will either get killed or kill myself when I am handed over to an unknown man, but whichever way it would be, I will land up dead by the end of the next few weeks! So, what does a person do when he or she knows that he or she is going to die very soon? They do what they couldn’t do yet desired to do!Should I care now for things like making love before marriage and every other thing a decent woman is supposed to remember? No! Because anyways, my life was short! So, I took a decision! I decided to not cry anymore or plan to escape and land up in greater misery! I decided to find happiness in whatever
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Chapter 34
 Clara’s POV— ( Past Life)When I was kidnapped a few days back, I was sure I won’t be able to laugh in a long while! When Mark told me that he will take me to someone and never let me go, I was sure that I will never laugh again and thought the reason and the recent turn of events were insane, yet, I not only smiled but I also laughed! I laughed loud like a child!Now it was time to have dinner and then start a new life with Mark though the life of our fake love story or fake relationship was too small! But how small? I had no idea!Mark soon returned with food in a single tray with a single plate, a few bowls and a single spoon and fork! Before he sat with the food, he lifted my head a little as much as was permitted by the doctor and placed two pillows below my head.And just as I assumed seeing the arrangement, he and I ate with the same spoon from the same plate! Of course, he fed me with his own hand and god he was so
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Chapter 35
 Clara’s POV— ( Past Life)It was pretty bad to be peeing in the bed pan that too in front of another person, but I don’t know why I felt a little less embarrassed because it was the nurse, Betty Bitch who had to help me with it and clean it.Within fifteen minutes after Mark left, Betty Bitch entered my room to help me with my before bed rituals. The moment my eyes fell on her, I could feel the bile in my throat! I was disgusted seeing her in a translucent night dress that covered almost nothing! She was clearly determined to get into my husband’s pants! Ok not my husband but to her Mark is my husband!“Now you are ready for bed. Anything else you want?” she asked smiling at me but I knew in my heart that even that smile was poison.“Just my husband.” I said loudly shying a bit more than necessary to make her jealous! And it worked!“What are you twelve?” she whisper yelled b
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Chapter 36
 Narrator’s POV— ( Past Life)That night Mark came out of the bathroom wearing only his shorts and wiping his hair with a table. Clara was staring at his bare body and as soon as their eyes met, she turned her gaze away from him shying like a new bride!What is she thinking? Is she considering the fake ritual as a real wedding? Is she so foolish that she is assuming this night to be their wedding night?It was the beginning of the short term of happiness he has agreed to give Clara before he hands her over to the man who has spent so much money for getting this priceless woman! In his head he has even calculated the gains that would come out of this! He would get to have the woman he desired even if it was for a few weeks and also she won’t be trying to escape or spill their secret assuming that Mark will fall in love with her and one day let her go! He was sure that Clara was trying hard to get him to release her!But Mark
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Chapter 37
 Clara’s POV— ( Past Life)Today I didn’t want to wake up to the voice of Sona! I expected to wake up in his warm and strong arms, but that didn’t happen!“Good Morning Madam! How are you feeling? How was your night?” Sona wished me as usual and I was lying looking around the room with a groggy and dizzy feeling as usual. I know well that I won’t be able to talk for at least fifteen twenty minutes and then as the day will proceed, gradually everything will sink in.“Here is your coffee! Let me help you to lean on the pillows.” Sona came and lifting my head she placed two pillows under by neck to support my body.“You have your coffee and I will get the nurse.” Sona said handing over the coffee mug to me and left.I yawned and stretched a bit. It has not even been two days and I was already feeling bored sitting on the bed. But I am feeling sad that Mark left me in the mo
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Chapter 38
 Clara’s POV— ( Past Life)A moment back I was planning so much as to how to seduce Mark and may be get him to treat me like his wife! I so much wanted to know that whatever Betty said was right or not, but as soon as Sona left leaving me alone with Mark, I remembered his look when he said ‘I warned you, but you didn’t listen!’ – in the afternoon before following Betty!I looked away as soon as his eyes met mine and gulped in fear! Will he give me a chance to explain or just kill me? Did he really fight with Betty Bitch for me?“Are you ready for bed?” he asked and I nodded. “Did Betty come and take care of her routines to prepare you for bed?”I nodded my head to either sides and said, “No”“Wait here. I will be back!” he said and left the room to call the bitch! I felt so helpless at that moment! I wish I could move or walk to the bathroom myself! I j
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Chapter 39
 Mark’s POV— ( Past Life)“I need to talk to you and it is urgent!” Betty demanded and by her tone, I knew that it cannot be good!I took a deep breath to calm by urge to rush to the bitch and throttle her!“I will talk to you tomorrow!” I said in a deep and loud voice.“But I am not sure that I will be able to..”I turned around and narrowed by eyes at her and she stopped talking immediately.“I.SAID.I.WILL.TALK.TO.YOU.TOMORROW!!” I said word to word through my gritted teeth and without letting her reply, I hurried upstairs to my bedroom.--“Are you ready for bed?” I asked her as usual and she remained quiet just like last three nights! I placed the bag with the things I got for her, switched off the light and ignoring the faint sound of her sobbing for the time being, I threw my t-shirt on the floor after removing it and walked in the bathro
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