All Chapters of The Descendants : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
40 Chapters
The Queen 
Genteel gets up and straighten up herself. Checking out her dressing the silence is uncomfortable in the room and she looks up at Catherine who is crying silently with only tears running down her cheeks.“You are busy crying instead of getting me a suit of armour!”“Now you are talking of an armour? You pretty much know that you gave that gown you love to wear to your daughter!” Catherine wipes off her tears.“What am I going to wear? Besides I have a lot of armours just pick one from those, it is time I try something different!”Catherine is surprised after hearing these words and she decides to take this opportunity to let her try out the armour she made for her.Brings it out and displays it with a smile. Genteel is astonished by the silver and gold alignment on it.“What do you think?” Catherine is jocund because of the opportunity presented.“It is black, has silver and embedd
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Mukura's Journey
“Seems like the commotion is over! She pushed the demon out of the enchanted forest!” Wezhira walks over to Mukura.“Really? That is great news!” her gloomy nature relieves off her.“Yes, and that leaves you!”“What does that mean?”“In a short period of time, you have done well and have improved yourself. Exceptional for a human being! But now comes the real test.”“And what is this test?”“You will journey to a land hidden behind the waterfalls. Recently in that land there has been attacks by snake like creatures and I need you to go take a look!” he instructs her.“Is this the right time to bring up the fact that I am terrified of snakes? And also, I have no idea where that is!”“Let me create a map for you!” He walks towards the nearest tree.Gently he places his hand and gently slides it down the trunk, and a white sheet forms and false to the ground. He walks towards her looking at it. Hands it over to her.“Here is y
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Gurudza's Journey
Gurudza is standing by the Domboguru river looking up in the sky, contemplating on everything that has happened and he has learned about himself. Being a descendant of a god and having godly power in him. “Is being a demigod that bad?” Wezhira’s voice comes from behind.“No, but it just makes everything else a lie!”“I understand!” he walks closer to him changing his body form to any older man, “Your father used to come here when things got tough too, and he would scream shout and pour out his heart!”“Really?”“Yes, once a young girl from a certain village was killed in front of him and he was unable to save her and he lost his will and he came here and bathed in sadness for days, crying he neither drank nor ate anything.”“When my mother was alive, she told me a similar story, looking at father, I did not think that was truth!”Wezhira puts his hand on
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The Dark Forest (Dhoramu) Part one!
It is a gloomy place, saturnine, an inferno of fear. The eerie feeling is everywhere on every corner. A forest where the sunlight does not shine, but is lit by fire torches and a magic moon created by the witch, Garamba. The most powerful and evil dark magic user in the Dark Forest where they worship and follow the footsteps of Gwanhoya. After being defeated by the witches of the white forest, with the assistance of the late chief and the father of Mukura. The dark witches were driven back into their forest after attempting to resurrect Gwanhoya. With her last efforts, Garamba marks the body of Tofireyi, attaching Gwanhoya’s demonic spirit on him, later on leading to his death. Dhoramu, the place where all the pure are made impure, all the light is turned to darkness, where all hope is turned to despair and all dreams are turned to nightmares.  And their leader wears a pitch-black robe, with nets. Her eyes pitch black, light skinne
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The Red Beast Of Death
The journey is long and for days Gurudza has walked he has not seen a human or an animal on the road. Exhausted and alone bored by everything. Not cognizant on what lies ahead but cogitating on what awaits him on his destination. Appearing in his thoughts as frequently as these thoughts is Mukura. He sees a settlement ahead with modern houses and instantaneously he gathers the strength needed and runs to the small settlement jocund to see some human faces and speak to someone. Disappointed by the empty scene. Where could everyone have gone to? There is paper everywhere and some of the smells around are fresh, smoke everywhere and the silence is just too much. He continues getting deeper into the small town but still there is no sign of life. A big bang comes from the western side of the town and he runs in that direction. “What the hell is this?” he says looking at huge piles of bodies men, w
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The Corrupter
“I could have taken mom’s car but I do not have a driving license and hell no, Mukura, she would not have even considered giving it to me!” she says dragging herself close to the Mutirikwi river bank.She falls on the river sand and breathes heavily for a while looking high up in the sky. “It is about to get dark, better fill my bottle and keep moving!”She remains on the ground with her hands spread out wide breathing heavily still. Stretches her head looking at the water in the river and it seems so far yet so close and she contorts her face like a baby. She is exhausted from walking. And using her magic abilities to enhance herself and travel faster. “Please, God, lend me strength to take even a little sip of it!”She faints at the spot.Hours later at night wakes up and finds herself in sleeping and eyes lingering around her. She startles with haste rise from the ground. “It is alright, there is no need for you to fear
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The Reunion
Gurudza wakes up and sits up clearing his eyes. It is a new day and the young prince’s hand is not as painful as it was before Rudo took care of it.  “Wakey, wakey young man!” Rudo says standing at the door holding a tray with food, “You must be hungry Guru….” she searches in her mind for the name.“It is Gurudza!” he jumps in. “Yes, sorry I forgot!”“It is okay, I did not expect you to remember it anyway!”“Ouch! That is just cold.”“What is cold?”“Wow, are you for real?” she is shocked by his reply. “Sorry if I am being rude, it has just been a tough time ever since my father died.”“Ohh, my condolences, I am sorry I did not know!” she shows sympathy getting closer to him. “It is fine, I will be fine!”“Good then, what about your mother?” “My mother died when I was a little boy!” She remains silent for a while, the pain of being alone in the world is too much for
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The Sanctifier
For hours Mukura has been searching for corrupted people in the village but all of them seem to be clean. “It cannot be only Munashe corrupted!” she looks up in the sky, “Please, Wezhira help me!” she falls down to the ground, “I cannot let these people suffer but I do not know where I am supposed to start and what I am supposed to do!” “The fact that you want to help these people means you know what you are supposed to do and where to start well, why don’t you start with unleashing that power you are hiding!” the voice of Wezhira speaks directly into her ear and she feels her a hand touching her arm, “Do not fear rejection!”She gets up to look and sees no one, “Weird! But I guess you are right! I do not have to hide who I am if I am to succeed.” She sits down folding her legs, grab her thighs, “Let me do a clean sweep first!” she says to herself inhaling closing her eyes. S
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The Coming
Gwanhoya cast out of the dark forest returns back to her cave furious goes rampage inside the cave shaking everything. “She dares humiliate me like this!” she says shouting, “I am going to burn that forest!”“That would be unwise, demon!” a voice comes from behind her. She stops and tilts her head to see a shadow besides her, “And who are you!?” she asks. He walks out slowly, “The name is Mushakadzi, the demon who serves the Mighty demiurge, Mozaad!” he introduces himself.“So, basically, you are one of the puppets of these so-called gods!” she speaks impudently. “Watch your tongue!” Mushakadzi’s eyes turn red, infuriated by her insolence, “He is the true embodiment of Evil, pure darkness never been a human or an angel, the end of worlds!”“If he is so high and mighty and pure evil, then what do you want from me!”Mushakadzi spreads out his hand and projects an image of Mukura, “Her!”She laughs, “Her? Tru
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The Strange Boy  
Disappearing from Garamba’s presence, Gurudza materialises in a small village where people are in awe over a recent event whereby a strange boy appeared and saved a little girl from death and returning the curse of death to her parents who intended to use her as a sacrifice and asking information about the place hard with the people focused on the events. The story tingles his ears and mind with curiosity and begins his hunt for the two. On his search he feels the presence of an ominous power concentrated on a single place and he turns to the North where is coming from. “Are you okay, little girl?” he hears a boy’s voice asking but cannot see the person speaking. The dark power he is feeling is getting stronger as he approaches the voice of the boy.“What do you want, demigod?” the boy asks but still he cannot see him, “The power emanating from you is that of a god and you are not a full god but a halfling so, tell me what do you want demigo
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