All Chapters of Dragon's Gem: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
33 Chapters
Chapter 21
“Grandma will you please talk to me.” Brent pleaded as he drove. Mama Chika made it very clear  they where heading home. He was nervous, she had never been this quiet before and it was really unsettling. Mama Chika was furious, she couldn’t believe what he had done specially to the poor girl. To boot she knew her lineage will fall for what he did. She couldn’t believe she didn’t see it before, though it had been many years since she saw one but today. Today for the first time she was scared.The small little cottage they lived in on the outskirts of town looked warm and welcoming. The dense forest behind it looked alive with wild creatures happily playing. The small smoke cloud coming from the chimney meant Brent’s mom was cooking supper. The paved driveway was clear of cars signaling no one but his mom was home. Mama Chika knew she would have to tell her sons about what happened but she was glad it wasn’t going to be right away. In reality she could get her daughter in l
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Chapter 22
Asrar managed to make it back before Rosalie stirred. He snuggled beside her as she laid her head on his chest and fell asleep once more. His smile was ear to ear as he kissed her head. He was so in love with her and it wasn’t the bond working. She was so different, so caring for everyone even though everyone has been so cruel to her. That was going to change. He would never let anything horrible come to her again. His mama raised him to protect women and respect them. Even the women he slept with he respected them and never did anything they weren’t happy doing.He tried to fall asleep and he knew it should be easy. His baby was right beside him but his mind kept wandering to the book Mama Chika gave him. He wanted to know his prophecy specially now that he has another that could be hurt bad in it. He made sure Rosalie was comfortable and pulled the box up to the counter outside. He didn’t want to wake her as he took the book out. It looked like any ordinary book except for s
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Chapter 23
Chapter 23Chris was the first one to move as he raced over and pushed open the door. His mind on over drive as he saw Rosalie looking towards the patio door. With out wasting any time he quickly ran to her. He wrapped her in his arms and pulled her away from the person. He had seen what Chris was doing and charged. Chris managed to get them back into the living space where he spun her into Avalon’s arms and stood protectively in front of them. Rosco on his right and Ryan on his left.“She is mine.” The person growled as he made his presence known in the doorway. His black hair was cut supper short and his muscles almost larger then Asrar. He was pale compare to even snow as his dark brown eyes locked onto Rosalie. She was his no matter what these insects could do.“Touch her and we rip you apart.” Ryan growled not afraid to show what he was. He knew he was no match alone against a man like this. He could tell his dragon was large, something
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Chapter 24
Rosalie gentle stirred as she moved her hands around. She was laying on a bed, in a perfect temperature room. Her eyelids showed there was no light on the other side so she slowly opened them. As she did however fear took over as she shot up hyperventilating. Asrar was at the desk in the room and had turned the moment he heard her breath hard. He got up and raced over to her when she met his eyes.“I’m not dead am I.” Rosalie finally managed to speak. Took Asrar a while to calm her enough she could snuggled her head to his chest. He chuckled to what she said.“No Angel. You are alive.” Asrar told her as he played with her hair. She smiled happily rubbing her cheek into his chest. Asrar purred in happiness. The feeling of her sent tingles through him. He could never get bored of this. Rosalie slowly shifted so she was completely snuggled up to him. He helped by wrapping his arms around her.“What happened?” She asked still confused. All she remembers is holding Aval
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Chapter 25
Chapter 25“Asrar.” Rosalie spoke gently as she sat up in bed. It had been a week of nothing had happened since the last attack. Asrar had them moved to her trailer a day ago. Rosalie was supper happy as she made room for him in the closet. Avalon was staying with Ryan but they would shift here soon. He just had to give his notice. Chris and Rosco had shifted back to there apartment. Said it was better this way, being as Ryan could shift. He was more effective against a dragon. Rosalie wanted them all close but the trailer was only so big. Asrar already had his head turning as to what could be done. He figured there was enough space for a third bedroom off the back of the mobile. He knew Chris could come up with the plans and if need be he would as Brandon’s brothers to build it. He was going to surprise Rosalie with the idea once he has talked to Chris and Rosco.“In the bathroom love.” Asrar spoke as he combed his hair. He had just gotten out of
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Chapter 26
“Asrar.” Rosalie giggled happily as he folded his wings and plummeted to the ground. At the last second he would open them and shoot strait up before doing loop de loo. Rosalie loved this as she held on tight. Her giggles filling his ears as he would do it out of the blue. Ryan would just chuckle as Avalon would stiffen. She was worried though she knew she didn’t have to be. Asrar would never let anything happen to her.Ryan gently nudged Avalon’s foot before he motioned his head towards the pair. Avalon looked over and instantly shook her head. Maybe if she didn’t have a baby in her womb starting to grow she would try it. Ryan was so happy when he realized what happened, she knew it would just kill him if anything happened to the two. She could never take that joy from him, so she decided she will be very careful. Ryan looked up at her and knew, due to the new thing growing in her she didn’t want to. He was proud to have her as a mate and even prouder she was thinking of the
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Chapter 27
Her body gently lay over his neck as he flew back to there home. He was worried she was going to fall asleep and fall off, as her worry was his spike was going to pierce through her stomach. She had to lay over it to lay down. With a sigh she lifted her body back up causing him to sigh. He was concerned they pushed her to much. Avalon was out cradled in Ryan’s claws as he flew close by. Asrar wished he had done that with Rosalie but she said she would be fine.Rosalie looked up at the stars and smiled. She couldn’t imaging how much better her life could get from here. She had the best man in the world loving her, the best of friends who where always at her side to keep her safe and family to which she had forgotten but he never forgot her. Then there where so many other people she had met because of those wonderful people. There was a small part of her afraid this was all going to come to an end. That this good luck was running out.Asrar growled when he felt her uneasin
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Chapter 28
Rosalie gripped Asrar’s hand lightly as she pressed her body into his side. She had never been to a huge mall like this before. Yes she went to a mall but this was huge. There where like two stories and so full of people. Took them a few hours to drive to it, not that she was complaining because she got to snuggle to him the whole way. This mall had the best wedding store in it according to Ryan whom had been doing plenty of searching.“I’m so excited.” Ryan squealed happily causing Avalon to laugh. Rosalie smiled as Asrar rolled his eyes.“Come on hun.” Avalon spoke grabbing Rosalie’s arm and leading her away from Asrar. She really didn’t want to leave him as her fear slowly started to rise. She gripped Avalon’s arm as they went to a lady who appeared to be waiting for them.“You must be our bride.” She spoke cheery. Avalon nodded as Rosalie let her go. She tried to stop the shaking but it wasn’t helping. Asrar wrapped his arms around her calming her instantly.
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Chapter 29
“Can I help?” Rosalie asked as she reached for some of the bags in the car. She was wide awake due to her nap and her supper had settled really well. Asrar was trying to unload the car as Ryan helped Avalon into the house. She was tired and cranky.“Absolutely love.” Asrar smiled leaning over and kissing her cheek. She grabbed a few and followed him in before coming back for more. They just put the bags on the living room floor so they could sort everything out.“Asrar.” Rosalie spoke up again this time a little worried. Asrar stopped in his tracks and looked at her. She had grabbed the last of the bags from the trunk and shut it. She walked over to him and stopped. “I know something dangerous is coming for me but I was wondering if we could take a walk?”“Oh Rosalie.” Asrar gently sighed in relief. He though that question was going a different way. He nodded happily as they placed the last of the bags in the living room. Asrar let Ryan know they would be back befo
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Chapter 30
Asrar ripped into the mobile home and ran to there bedroom. He flopped on her side of the bed praying there was enough of her there to calm him. He was ready to rip the town apart. The moment the words escaped Brandon’s mouth he knew they where here. All his planning to try and keep her safe going out the window. They got here before he could do anything. His heart felt like it was being ripped in two as his dragon side wanted blood. He wanted everyone to die because his angel was taken from him.The anger soon turned to tears as he cried into her pillow. His pain tearing him apart as he cried for his Angel. He didn’t know what to do, he felt so lost. He had no idea where they where and no scent to go on. He couldn’t find them. Avalon placed a hand on his back causing him to sit up quickly. She looked at him, tears in her own eyes. He knew she felt this was her fault. He cleared his tears as he held her close rubbing her back as she death gripped him.“This is all my fau
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