All Chapters of The Heiress: Her Secret Mission: Chapter 21 - Chapter 29
29 Chapters
21 CONFESSIONS ∞≠∞   Hesitation. Steffy sensed Marie’s discomfort as they approached the only bar that stood in that small town. She knew Marie Joyce only agreed to this because she was so persistent and would not stop begging her to come. Well, Steffy did not take ‘no’ as an answer either, and Marie Joyce completely understood that side of her. She will just punish her if she did not concede. “Come on!” Steffy said as she lightly pushed her little friend inside. The party had already started and many people were already huddled inside. Most of them were already dancing and sweating as their bodies collided together underneath the glimmer of green and blue disco lights. “...too crowded,” mumbled Marie which Steffy did not able to comprehend. Marie leaned closer to her as they continued to move forward. “What did you say?" Upbeat music was already reverbera
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The Break-Up
21 THE BREAK-UP ∞≠∞   “What are you planning to do now, señorita?" Elizabeth's echoing voice startled her as she laid on her bed, facing the wall. The woman's shoes created a clicking sound against the tiled floor, reminding her of the cemented hallways of LNH. She felt Elizabeth's weight at the foot of her bed but she did not move from her position. She remained to lie to her side. "I'm planning to take a break from all these shitty things and just sleep here all day." "W—Well, that's not a good plan. Your father called. He told me that he's been preparing for your wedding. The Alphas have voted for a decision." Closing her eyes, she cursed under her breath and moved her head a little. "That's bullshit. They did not even ask for me!” “They said the task is taking too long. That's why you have to go now and finish your business. Otherwise—" "I know
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Patriarchal Shits
22 PATRIARCHAL SHITS ∞≠∞   Neon lights and naked ladies welcomed them as Tiffany and the Don walked together inside ‘Gracias bar’, a bar that they both own. Yuan and several of their bodyguards were following them, looking from side to side and eyeing the multitude of people inside. The del Viajes owned a couple of bars around Manila and this bar was the most expensive. Rich people and business tycoons often come to meet here to discuss business-related matters. And tonight was not different from such situations. "We are here to meet with the Murillo Clan," her father whispered to her. "Just try to behave and let me and Yuan, do the talking." "Why can't I talk?" she argued, eyeing Yuan disgustingly. “I might contribute better plans.” "You did not even succeed in your mission. What makes you think that you can contribute something? It just doesn't suit you, hija," calmly re
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Marie Was Kidnapped
23 MARIE WAS KIDNAPPED ∞≠∞       The fact that Tiffany was out there, completely naked and defenseless almost made Yuan’s head go insane. He had been wanting to see her looking like that and now, things had quite made everything easy for him. Without any second thoughts, he stripped his suit and left not a piece of clothing on. He plunged to the water; his muscles glittered with every stroke. Tiffany was standing before him, with the sea just a little bit above her waist. He swam near her and upon reaching her, hungrily consumed her mouth. It took a couple of seconds before he felt her pushing him away. A hard slap came flying to his face as Tiffany heaved long deep breaths. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” she angrily shouted at him. Yuan let out a snicker. “I should be asking you the same thing, señorita. Tell me, are you flirting with me?”
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Saving Marie
24 SAVING MARIE ∞≠∞   “Tell me, Yuan. How does an Alpha assassin kill an important target?" Yuan smiled at her mischievously. "Why do you want to know?" he asked as he moved towards her and wrapped her in his arms. Tiffany lightly pushed him away. "I just want to know how would the Don wants her daughter dead." "Are you sure you want to know that?" "Of course. Otherwise, I won't be asking you in the first place." Heaving a sigh, Yuan settled in the bed before them, looking at her as she slowly stripped her clothes. “Well, I'm going to kill you or Lucio Hernandez the same way I did to that fat principal." "Really?" she said as she straddled him on the bed. Her breasts were dancing before his very eyes. "Yes," he moaned as he sucked her left nipple. "Ah, except that I won't be castrated, right? But Lucio will." Yuan nod
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The Truth About The Heiress
25 THE TRUTH ABOUT THE HEIRESS ∞≠∞   “You cannot hide the truth from everyone, Arnulfo.” Drawing a heavy chuckle, the Don faced Elizabeth then replied, “Elizabeth, dear. You shouldn’t be spilling such poison inside my office. You barged in just to tell me some stupid musing?” He then walked towards her and rubbed a finger on her bare arms. “Tiffany will eventually find out, and when that happens, you’re a dead man! Haven’t you heard of what he did to your favorite? She fucking cut his balls and now he’s lying in the hospital bed, throwing a fit because he had just lost his only ticket for the position!" The Don laughed loudly as he patted his big stomach with his hands. “What a waste of time, Elizabeth! Get out, slut! I don’t want to hear anything from you!” Clenching her fist, Elizabeth slammed his hands on the table then looked him in the eye. “Our daughter is yo
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Reliving the Past
26 RELIVING THE PAST ∞≠∞       Tiffany could clearly see them now. She was nervously standing across the Dragons who were now firmly holding Marie Joyce as a captive. George was standing in front of her, giving the protection she needed in case one of them shoots her unexpectedly. But then she snickered when she saw Charlotte with the Dragons. She was wearing a cropped top and a mini skirt plus heavy make-up that almost made her look like a stressed copycat of Harley Quin.  “Steffy! Just run away, please!” said Marie Joyce pleadingly. “Stop being hysterical Marie Joyce, I will not leave you alone,” Steffy replied. Lucio stepped forward with his hands clapping slowly in the air. “So touching.” “Hello, Lucio.”  “I believe you have stolen something from me. So, I got something from you as well, Tiffa
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Miss T.
27 MISS T. ∞≠∞   The rain poured all afternoon. It had been a week since Lucio freed her from the shackles. Lucio and the rest of the Dragon Brotherhood members had become very nice to her. Except for Charlotte whom she still had a vendetta. Today was just an ordinary day for Tiffany. But it had also been an awakening to her. The video footage that the Alphas sent to the Dragons was given to her and she had been rewinding it over and over again. Clutching the hem of the cardigan she was wearing, she intently stared at the man who was talking at the podium. Behind him was a full graffiti of the Alpha symbol. She cannot believe her eyes when Yuan Lloyd Marquez was announced as the new Alpha Don. Just a few days ago, she sneaked through their mansion and tried to contact Elizabeth, but she failed. Instead, she overheard the guards talking about her. “The Don killed he
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The Demise
27A GAME OF CHESS∞≠∞    Tiffany heaved a deep breath as she dialed Mamita Dionee’s call number. The latter picked up on the third ring. “Mamita Dionee, I’m in trouble. I need you.” “How may I help you, my dear?” Mamita Dionee replied. “I’m going to burn down a brotherhood.” Silence flooded the line for a moment, then Mamita Dionee asked again. “Are you sure this is what you want, child?” “Yes, Mamita. I need to do this.” The help came in less than an hour and Tiffany has the resources to burn a whole city. Wearing a tight-fitted black overall suit, she expertly moved without being seen around the mansion that had been a witness of the life she had as a billionaire's daughter. The thought of burning it down gave a pang inside her chest for the memories of her beautiful mother still lingered around it. “I know you’re scared and sad, little Heiress. But there
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