Все главы Accidentally Yours: Глава 211 - Глава 220
Chapter 210
“We need to discuss the Bachelor and Bachelorette parties,” I declare, giving Aimee a pointed look, and she grins. “And let’s not forget the no nookie rule you two put on Cole and me weeks before our wedding. Oh, it’s payback time, bish.” Aimee and Josh both groan while I cackle with laughter. “However, Aimee, you were right, it made our wedding night incredibly special, and I think you should apply that rule to yourselves also,” I advise with a chuckle, and Josh throws me a dirty glare, shaking his head slowly. “It will be my greatest pleasure to keep you two apart as maid of honour.”“I hate you,” Josh complains, and I grin toothily back at him. Aimee goes to kiss him, and I throw a cushion at them just before their lips met, and they pull away, glowering at me.“Ah, ah, not on my watch.” I tut, and Cole laughs when Josh flips me off and goes to kiss Aimee again, but I throw another cushion at them, and he glowers at me.“Cole, control your woman.”“Wel
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Chapter 211
Later that night, Aimee, Josh, Cole, and I walked through winter wonderland together on our ‘date’. Alaia was at home with her two grandmothers, who were excited to be babysitting her. The weather was freezing as it usually is in December in London. It was so magical; everything was lit up beautifully, Christmas music playing as couples and families get together to soak up the enchantment of Christmas.“God, I love Christmas.” I sigh excitedly, looking around feeling like a kid again. I watch Cole as he looks around in amazement. “Don’t tell me you’ve never come to Winter wonderland?” I ask, astounded, and he shakes his head, looking at me.“Neither have I.” Josh pipes up, wrapping an arm around Aimee, who grins and nestles into him. Aimee and I look at one another and smile.“Well, Aimee, Jo, and I come religiously every year. It’s one of our favourite traditions. Be prepared to have your socks blown off, boys.” I tease. Cole laughs while lacing his fingers wit
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Chapter 212
“Shayla, get your sexy butt back here!” I shout, laughing as I chase her to the ice slides.“No!” She laughs, running up the steps. I catch up with her at the top and pull her back to me before kissing her lovingly.“Oi, move it, you two.” Aimee pants nudging past us as she and Josh slide down the ice slide together. “Woohoo!” Aimee exclaims as she slides down in Josh’s lap.“Come on,” I sit and pull Shayla into my lap before we go sliding down together and tumble over once we reach the bottom. I groan when Shayla lands on top of me, laughing hysterically.“My bum is frozen, but that is so worth it.” She giggles as I look up at her, grinning.“Oh baby, I’ve got a thousand different ways I would love to warm your bum up,” I croon and spank her shapely behind while she gasps and scrambles off me, her cheeks bright pink.“Cole, there are kids around.” She chuckles, slapping my hands away when I reach for her. “No groping on the first date.” She
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Chapter 213
“How did you…” Shayla whispers, gazing up at me questioningly, her eyes probing mine. I smile, holding her gaze, my fingers tangled in her hair. “You remembered?” I nod slowly, and she smiles, her green eyes glistening with tears. “Oh, Cole…” She whimpers, wrapping her arms around my neck, hugging me. I circle my arms around her waist, hold her tight against me, and bury my face into her neck. “I love you, love of my life.” She whispers, and I grin.“Come on,” I take her hand, and we walk out of the haunted house and meet up with Aimee and Josh, who already had a table and our drinks waiting for us. Shayla was currently on the phone with our mothers checking up on the baby for the fifth time. I miss Alaia terribly, but it must be even harder for Shayla as a mother to be away from her. Shayla comes back and sits beside me on the table with a sigh. “Alaia, okay?” I ask, and she nods, smiling, rubbing her hands together to warm them up.“Yeah, she’s fine. Mum just fed her
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Chapter 214
An hour later, we finally get back home. As fun as the date was, I was looking forward to some time alone with my girls. We got home just after ten ‘o clock, and having been out in the cold since six—we were freezing.“Hi kids, how was your date?” Sara asks, looking up from the book she was reading on the sofa.“It was great.” Shayla sighs, looking over at me with a smile while taking her jacket and scarf off. “Where’s Elaine?” She asks, looking around.“I’m right here.” My mother chirps, walking back with two glasses of wine in her hand and hands one to Shay’s mother. “So, what did you guys do?” She questions her honey-coloured orbs looking at us both excitedly.“I took Cole to winter wonderland.” Shayla beams, walking over to the bassinet to look at Alaia, who was fast asleep.“Oh? How lovely, did you like it, honey?” My mother asks, and I nod, taking my jacket off.“I really did. It was all very magical; you and Dad should go someday.” I
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Chapter 215
So, Cole and I had sex.Come to think of it, simply saying ‘we had sex’ doesn’t do it justice—no, we made love—for hours, tirelessly, to a point where we were both soaked in sweat, with our heart beating wildly against one another's chests. After almost seven months, I couldn’t keep it together anymore. I wanted him—and I wanted him bad.I woke up early the next morning, wrapped up in his burly arms. I can’t begin to explain how good it felt to wake up in his embrace again. Granted, we have many issues to work through still, but I think we are on the right path, and I’m praying and hoping that this was it for us. I’ve still got my guard up just in case, and just because we slept together doesn’t mean our problems are automatically fixed.We’ve got a long way to go before we get back to how we used to be. I hear Alaia cooing away happily in her crib, and I break away from Cole's hold and pull his shirt on before I pick up Alaia and walk back to the bed. “Shall we
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Chapter 216
Reluctantly, Cole had to leave us and go to the office to get some work done. It was almost Christmas, and the office would shut on the 23rd till the 2nd of January for the holiday season. While he was away at work, I was planning Christmas Day festivities. We decided we’d do it at our place with everyone we love, and on New Year's Eve, we would celebrate at a swanky Gala Cole’s parents throw every year.Alaia and I went out Christmas shopping hunting for the perfect gift for Cole, but what do you get someone who already has two of everything? It was so frustrating trying to find something special for him. “This is impossible.” I sigh, defeated as I push Alaia in her stroller, and Jo looks at me with a smile. I called her having a meltdown on the phone, and she came to help me find a gift for him.“Shay, he’s going to love whatever you get for him, babe.” Jo tries to persuade me, and I shake my head with a groan.“No, it has to be special. It’s our first officia
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Chapter 217
Later that evening, after dinner, Cole suggested watching a movie after putting Alaia down for the night. I honestly don’t know why we pretend like we’re going to watch these movies because ninety-nine percent of the time, the film is long forgotten, and we end up having some type of sex on the sofa or, at the very least, a heated make-out session. I won’t give in to him tonight, though. Just because we slept together doesn’t mean we’re back together or that I forgive him…completely“You pick the movie, and I’ll make the popcorn,” I call out as I heated the pan and dump a generous amount of sugar in before I add the popcorn kernels. I gasp when Cole suddenly wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck. My knees go weak instantly, and I moan, sinking into him. “Is this you behaving?” I ask breathily when he sucks my pulse point.“Mhm,” Cole groans, nipping at my ear gently. “I just can’t keep my hands off you.” I close my eyes and moan when his fingers tweak and p
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Chapter 218
I sigh deeply for the millionth time as I stare down into my glass, swirling the amber liquid of my scotch while my mind runs amuck. It’s been over three hours since I stormed out of the house. I wandered around aimlessly till I found a bar, and well, here I am, nursing my fourth glass of scotch. Was I being an idiot and irrationally jealous over absolutely nothing? I don’t think so.Why is she so fucking eager to see that dickhead anyway? How can she say they were just friends when I fucking saw them kissing? That was more than friends for sure. I’m not a fucking idiot. I see the way he looks at her, and I’m supposed to just be okay with them spending time together? No. Fuck that. We’re finally on the right track, things were good between us, and she goes and pulls this shit.Maybe she’s trying to sabotage us because deep down, she wants him and not me? They were seeing each other before she was forced into living with me. Perhaps pushing this wasn’t the way to go. Co
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Chapter 219
Shayla clears her throat and shakes her head a little before regarding me curiously again. She takes a step toward me, gazing up into my eyes. “Answer me.”I stare at her. “I will when you ask me a question worthy of an answer.” I retort gruffly, and her eyes narrow to slits. I can feel the tension thickening between us, that electric pull flares up deep inside me as we glower at one another. She’s feeling it too, I can tell. The way she’s breathing slow and shallow, the way her soft lips are parted, and that fierce look in her eyes— we’re going to either fuck hard or a very heated argument is about to erupt.“You want to play?” She hisses, stepping up to me, nodding her head. “Fine.”I smirk at her darkly and lick my lips. “Playing is what I do best, baby.” I drawl, staring into her eyes. I take her chin between my thumb and forefinger and tilt her head up till our lips are a breath apart. “But you already know that.”Shayla pulls her face away from mine
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