All Chapters of My Once Upon A Time: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
53 Chapters
Chapter Thirty One
My heart was still tight in my chest and I could feel the tears as they were drying on my face, but I couldn't think about that dream now. I had to think of Dimitri and what has happened. "What happened, Dimitri?" He stood and pulled me up to my feet. "All in due time, love. You aren't safe here right now. We need to go." Figuring now wasn't the time to start asking the barrade of questions that are pounding through my head. Besides it was then that I noticed that we weren't alone. Dimitri stood at the entrance of the knoll and I seen others behind him. Their wings making slight fluttering movements and their eyes searching the sky like they were waiting for it to fall down on them. The looks on all their faces fueled the fire of concern I had. Dimitri, clinging to my hand he lead me outside and I was completely taken aback by the sight in front of me. The sky was a dark smokey gray as opposed to the bright colors it was just earlier and that wasn't the worst part. The town off in
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Chapter Thirty Two
I think my expectations where a little too high when I expected the bath to wash away the stress. If anything while I was in there I stressed more. My mind is a muddled mess and to be completely honest I'm scared. This day started off magical. A fairy tale come true. But in no time things changed so drastically and became dangerous. I should be able to handle my own. I needed to be able to help these faeries. This is all because of my father and his minions. They want me and because I don't now how to defend myself and have no clue as to what is completely expected of me I am failing. And let me tell you I hate to fail. Makes me feel weak and I hate that.But my minds a mess and my body is in knots. What can I do? Needing answers and needing Dimitri...I slowly made my way across the dark room to the bed covered in blue velvet bedding. I curl up into a ball and for the first time I truly let it all out. I cry until I can't cry anymore. Drained dry. Despite the ache in my body and m
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Chapter Thirty Three
We stayed there for the longest time talking and he settled my nerves by reassuring me about this new ability and about what may be to come. There wasn't much else we could do at this point but wait. Plan. And educate. Because lets face it, there's a lot I still need to learn. My wings for example. Obviously there is a lot I don't know, but thats okay. Dimitri said I won't be alone in this and he will remain by my side every step of the way. Which is comforting. "So my love, first order of business is you learning to 'pop' out your wings. Think you feel up to that today?" There wasn't a doubt in my mind. "Yes! I need to learn as soon as possible. So let's go!" Jumping up from the bed and ready to go. Dimitri chuckles. "Is my little princess eager to fly?" "Umm, no. I'm scared of flying. But I'm more scared of dying and I need to do this to protect myself and everyone that matters." Standing up and walking towards me with a serious look on his face. "Brenna, I understand your fe
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Chapter Thirty Four
Still basking in our afterglow there was a knock at the door. Dimitri swiftly placed a kiss on the crown of my head and jumped out of bed. Pulling his pants up just before he opened the door. Where there stood Theo and the man from yesterday named Braxton. "What's going on?" Dimitri asked. I can see the tension that suddenly took place in this back. We both know this can't be good. Braxton stepped forward and answered. "There has been a development and we need you to come with us to the throne room to discuss our procedings." "Of course." Dimitri replied. Turning back to me he said. "Are you okay with me leaving you, love?" Nope. Nope, I was not. But I guess I really don't have a choice. Seems like I don't have much of a choice about anything anymore, honestly. "Yeah. Go ahead." I answer, but for some reason it hurt to even say it. Pulling the covers up over me to hide the fear I begin to feel. At that very moment a memory hits me. Back in Jersey not incredibly long after I
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Chapter Thirty Five
Taking Dimitris hand he walks me to the door and proceeds to take me to the courtyard we arrived in earlier."What are we doing? I thought we were going to discuss some things?""We are. Right after we get your wings to 'pop' out?""Ummm, I'm sorry, but I assumed our discussion would have to come first due to the fact that my life kida depends on it. Right?"Pulling me into his arms looking down at me with those beautiful amber eyes. "It does, but once this decision is made then I can only assume one of two things. One, the fairies back off for the time being while they switch their plans up. Or two, they get increasingly angier and come at us full force. That being said before anything is done....and darling we will deal with that. We need to ensure you can atleast pull on your magic and fly. This is crucial if and when another attack occurs."Made sense. I can only assume that if any tie is broken with Viktor, and father loses at ensuring his thr
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Chapter Thirty Two
Allowing myself to sink into the hot bath and hope it washes away the feeling I have deep in the pit of my stomach. Somewhere deep down inside I knew that my dream was real. I was seeing it without being there and I don't know how I just know that it was real. And if it wasn' was disturbing. I'm going to have to somehow reach out to Rhonda just to be safe and to ease my mind. Lathering up and rinsing quickly I decided that I needed to get to someone and find out if there is a way to contact the outside world. As I was wrapping up into an emerald green towel that was set off to the side for me. Dimitri opens the door to the bathroom. "Looks like I missed it." he said as he walked over to me with that familiar glint in his eyes. He walked like a lion on the prowl and I was the prey. I could be shy. I could feel vulnerable. But all I felt was empowerment. This man made me feel things for someone that I never really felt I would be able to feel. He may have knew me my whole li
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Chapter Thirty Six
Couple bruises and lots of sweat later we decided to stop for the day. I have not only managed to produce my wings, but also tucking them away and reproducing them again. Then the biggest truimph of all is I accomplished getting off the ground. Now, granted it was only maybe three feet. But it's better than nothing at all. Small victories. Lifting me up into his arms. Dimitri flew us to our room and drew me a bath. My muscles were incredibly sore. Muscles I didn't even know I had until today. I'm not only the physically exhausted, but the mentally as well. It's been another long day, but atleast I actually feel like I have accomplished something. A big something at that. "Get cleaned up, love and I'll be right back with some food for us." At that my stomach rumbled and we both laughed. "Good idea." I said as I started to undress. Clearing his thoat he slowly started to back up out of the room. I took notice and decided to play. "Oh, is this bothering you?" As I let my dress drop
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Chapter Thirty Seven
It wasn't long until I found myself in a room surrounded by old relics and artifacts. All varying in all different colors, shapes and sizes. There were many sculpures of the moon in each one of its phases. Each detailed so beautifully. There was even ones made of flowers and some were made of different color gems. They were a sight to behold. Along the white stone walls there were crowns. Each varying in style and each in their own display case with an interior light shining down on them making even the smallest of gems sparkle. There was an altar of sorts at the further end of the room. It was covered in a white silk fabric with green and white ivy vines wrapping around its four legs and acting as garland at its flat surface. There were soft white lights above the altar resembling hanging christmas lights. On each side of the table there were unlit candles. In the middle sat a ornate silver goblet and in front of that was a dagger of shorts with a handle encrusted with diamonds an
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Chapter Thirty Eight
The old faerys green eyes were almost neon now. Intensly bright and her whole body looked to be vibrating. I looked over at Dimitri and he was already looking at me. He squeezed my hand and mouthed. "It's okay."Nodding I hesitantly looked back forward. The vibrating in the old faerys tiny form seemed to be dissipating. Her eyes still bright green, but she seemed to be more focused at looking at Dimitri and I now instead of just staring ahead."Listen closely. What is done here today cannot be undone. Only death will part you once this ceremony is complete. Do you understand?"More looking at me, so I answered. "Yes. Ma'am. I understand.""Good. Now give me your hand, child."Hesitant, I reached my hand out and placed it in hers. Covering it with her other hand she closed her eyes and silently spoke so noones ears could hear. Then without notice and with movement I never seen. She had the dagger in her hand and she sliced through my palm. I quickly pulled away shocked and in pain. Di
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Chapter Thirty Nine
Clashing of swords and slashing of flesh. Winged fae everywhere either fighting or trying to escape. It was terrifying to see first hand what violence my father has been handing out all these years. Anger started brewing deep inside me. Something needed to be done. This had to stop. "We need to get you out of here." Dimitri said. Yelling over the bombardment occuring around us. "No way! There is no way I am leaving right now. This is my fault and the least I can do is try to help." Theo suddenly appeared in front of us making me scream and punch out my hand to his face in reaction. I made impact, but he didn't even looked fazed by it. Even though my knuckles were now throbbing. "Don't you EVER pop up again in front of me and scaring me like that, Ogre!! If I had a knife you would have been dead." "You can't hurt me princess." Was all he said. "Theo, how did this happen?" Dimitri asked. "The sky started to crackle and shift and we all knew that was a sign of the bonding. What ha
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