All Chapters of You Are My Darling: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
95 Chapters
Your cycle
..........your second hand cycle would be stolen in the Lotus Empire?"I was shocked by this answer. But I said, "Why not? Please stop this car. I want to lock my cycle."George smirked and said, "Jenny Gomez, you are the only one who came here from the cycle. Even the gatekeepers have their own bikes."I clenched my fist. This man was showing off his wealth? Or humiliating me for not having a good car?I said, "Sir, please reverse the car. Till my cycle is not locked, I won't be in peace.""Give you keys.""What?""I said give your keys."I handed him my cycle keys. Our car stopped at the gate and he gave my keys to the gatekeepers. Then, our car started. I asked, "Why did you give my cycle keys to him?"His sexy yet strong voice came over, "Don't worry, your cycle would be parked at your house before we would reach your home. Understand?"What!I asked him, "Where are we going?"He was silent. Oh god!I asked again, "Sir, where are we going?
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I was speechless
.......... First of all, how did he know that I am sharing my flat with two - three girls. I clearly remembered that he said that it won't be appropriate to go in the night time. It means he knows that I am living in sharing.But how?Secondly, how does he know where I live? I never gave him my personal information. But yes, I have given my personal information to the company.But..... I never shared anyone that I am living in sharing.Was he so free to check my address and to check that with whom I live? But, why?But later, after thinking too much, I convinced myself that I have informed him that I live in sharing because I don't have time to waste as I need to sleep early so that I could wake up early to teach kids.I knocked on the door. After a few seconds, I saw Laura opening my door. She squeezed her smile and said, "Oh hello.........."She was shocked to see my beautiful designer dress. She looked me up to down and said, "Jenny, today was your birthday?"
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Boot licking
Next day.I reached my office and put my bags on my desk. My one bag was filled with my documents, but my other bag was filled with the dress, the jewelry and his credit card.I never used his credit card nor I even planned. I even wonder how much money this card has.I don't know anyone except Lionel Brown. I asked, "Hello Lionel, what should I do today?"He shrugged and said, "Jenny, boss said that you should continue your old work only."I was stunned. Even after being promoted, I would still work the old stuff? Okay fine! I have already finished my work, and now my only pending work is that pink file. I would finish it today. Then, I don't have to do any work for at least 3 days.Yippee!I was happy. But then, I decided to meet that 'show off' secretary. I have to know my work also. I don't want to depend on Lionel's words only.I smiled and went to her desk. I knocked, "Hello mam."She raised her head and looked at me with disgust. She said, "Hmm? Wha
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Remember that party?
..........d*ck! This sentence really disgusted Miss Jenny so much that she finally couldn't hold it anymore and slapped Miss Campbell three times. Instead of supporting Miss Gomez, most of the people supported Miss Bell because they all have seen you with Miss Gomez." George's gaze turned cold. He spoke in a thrilled voice, "Lionel! What's your views on this?" Lionel adjusted his glasses and spoke, "Sir, it's completely your and Miss Jenny's private matters whether you both like each other or not. Moreover, it's none of our business to check or even judge how Miss Jenny managed to come here." George was silent. Lionel understood and said, "Okay sir, I would make a list of those who were targeting Miss Jenny at this moment. These employees couldn't mind their own business but to peek at the other's. So, you should rest assured, I would fire them within a minute." FIRE? FIRE? FIRE? FIRE? FIRE?
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Will you be my....
I just bit my lips and didn't know what to say. He said seductively, "Miss Jenny Gomez, I hope you remember me now. So, I have signed this deal just because the person in charge is you. If the Lotus Group has sent someone else, I might not sign this so early."I was stunned! I didn't know what to say. This man signed a big deal just because of me. I made a huge profit to Lotus Group. I don't even know whether I should be proud of myself or cry in the corner.I smiled embarrassingly and said, "Thank You so much, sir." I don't even know what to say next.My heartbeat was fastened and I didn't have enough guts to match his eyes. I just wanted to leave. So, finally, I wrapped up everything and said, "Sir, thank you again. Now, it's nice to meet you."I just squeezed a fake smile and stretched my hands for the handshake. He also stretched his hands and handshake them. But, his handshake made me uncomfortable. I have smiled awkwardly and tried to struggle a little bit.Fina
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I am sorry!
I turned around and looked at him fiercely. He sat on the couch while folding his legs. He smiled cruelly and said, "What happened Jenny, are you embarrassed?" I looked at him resentfully and said, "Mr. Feige, you are a stingy man. I am not the type of woman that you are thinking. Please, leave me!" "How could I leave you? I should have to take your responsibility!" I was completely devastated. I shouted, "Sir, my self respect more important than my job. You are a filthy man and I don't want to stay here for a single second. I know how you rich guys loo an ordinary woman like me. But mark my words, I won't come to your bed at any cost. You don't need to fire me. I just resign right now." Even if I have to search for a new job, I would. But, I can't stay here for a little more. This man wanted my vagina! I never begged for any time. I never begged for the promotion. I never begged for the card and gifts. Since starting, it was him. I st
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Where are we going?
...... Did it turn out to be a prank? A prank to check my character?Huh!My all tears, all fear vanished on the spot. I looked at George Feige like I wasn't happy with that prank. I said, "Sir, do you think if someone does this with your sister, would you be okay?"George Feige smiled embarrassingly and spoke, "I am sorry Jenny. I was just... They filled my mind from your wrong character, I just needed a check!"I sighed! Now, I don't have to join any company. I just only asked, "Yes sir, you called me?"He said gently, "Jenny, today is one of my friend's birthdays. We have to go so, let's go to the mall. You have to change also."But today was the day when that man who took my first time called me. I have to meet him and clear him all the topic. What if I don't go and in anger, he would just blow everything to the media?No, no, no... I come from a neat background. I can't ruin my reputation.I smiled and said, "Sir, actually
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Wife? Girlfriend?
I stopped instantly and asked, "Where are we going?"He smiled and said, "Let's go!"But before I could say anything, he just walked off from the car and opened my car door. I have to go out.Every person holding cameras was clicking our pictures. He held my hands and started walking in front of everyone. Everyone were clicking pictures of us. I was pretty much sure that something wrong was going to happen.I was here to decline his proposal. Now, he was taking me to the abyss.After we entered the main lawn, I asked, "Where are we going?"He smiled, "You would see!"I walked with him awkwardly. I have no other choice. Suddenly, we reached a big door and I could see there were many people in the main hall. We walked together and instantly, everyone's gaze fell over us.Everyone started clapping and I was biting my lips in nervousness. Finally, he smiled at me and said, "Let's go!"I entered with him and could feel many envious gaze over me. After reaching
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Wait, I would leave you!
I shook off my hands and said, "Mr. Green, I am one hundred percent sure that I don't want to grab this opportunity, nor I would regret it later. We don't even know each other, how could I suddenly become your girlfriend?""So, if you really want to know me, let's start dating!""No sir, actually I have done with you. I can't date a person who would decide my future without my concern. Sir, I am not of your type. You deserve better."He bought me here. I just can't run by my own. I wanted the answer. I looked at him for the answer. He said, "Okay, you may leave now!"Just he said, I ran towards the changing room. I instantly changed myself and wore my comfortable clothes. I stuffed everything in the purse, even the heels and jewelries. After coming out, I hinted him that I have changed and he could take the things.Later, I decided to run away from behind. But before I could run, an middle aged woman, who was sitting on the chair called me.I was helple
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Do not disturb me now!
.......... "Job?" "At that time, I was working in the Public Relation Department. It was my last project and I went there. He personally came to handle the situation. He also made me relaxed after signing our company's work in the first meeting only." He wasn't satisfied with the answer. He continued staring at me for more. I spoke, "Sir, then he asked me whether I would come to meet him again.." He interrupted, "Is the word 'Stupid' is written over my face?" I was startled. He continued, "Do you think I am that much stupid to believe in you?" I replied, "No sir, that's the true story. In the first meeting only, he asked me to come over today." "So you accepted his proposal also!" I came here just to explain and clear all the questions regarding us. But, he didn't give me a si
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