All Chapters of THE CEO'S PAWN: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
139 Chapters
Last night didn't happen.Yeah, the part where Ryder had walked in on Bree pleasuring herself to a fantasy of him in her room and on her own fucking bed, had.And the part where he'd kissed her so fiercely, like he couldn't wait to rip what was remaining of her clothes off her body, had too.But she'd opened her mouth and had asked questions, questions he hadn't been ready to answer.And that had been it.She'd watched him go cold in seconds and the man she'd seen burn hot to have her was gone in an instant.He'd kissed her good night instead and had left her room and it had been worse than not getting a taste of him at all.It hurt more to have had a taste of his hunger and the pleasure he could deliver.It pissed her all night, that again he'd managed to come out on top.She'd tossed and turned all night, brewing in her anger and frustration and now she was enduring the consequences of that.First off, she'd wok
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Closing time took so long to come around, probably because Bree spent so much time looking forward to it, and him.Her enormous bouquet of roses still sat heavy on her table, occupying a lot of space and reminding her of the man that had sent it.His brief note that had come with it had managed to lift her lips in a smile.It was so much like him of she thought about it, neat, concise, but yet, still beautiful.She wondered what had put him up to it though.Ryder wasn't the kind of man to gift flowers, or apologize, to anyone.Or maybe she didn't know him well enough after all.Which ever one it was, it didn't matter, because she was excited as fuck at the idea of going out to dinner with him.It worried her though that he could pick one of those uptown fancy and insanely overpriced restaurants, judging from his taste, and she had nothing
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For all the forbidden excitement coursing through her, Bree took her time in the bath.And she was taking her time now too, getting ready.It was her plan to look really beautiful, and sweep Ryder off his feet.As if that was possible.For someone as rich as he was, he must have had the prettiest of women in his circles and he could still easily land anyone of his choice.And his good looks was an added bonus to the whole package.Like her bad boy had requested, she'd worn his gifts, all of it, and damn did she look beautiful in them.It surprised her though how he'd figured out her size for everyone of the things he'd gotten her.And thanks to him, the dilemma of picking what to wear while trying not to look over dressed or under dressed had been taken out of her hands.With the way she was feeling right now, she could easily kiss him thank you.She stood before the full length mirror adorning one wall in the roo
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Ryder had spent the whole day out, and now he was just about the dinner he'd asked Bree to. The idea hadn't been completely innocent but he'd let them enjoy every moment of it before he let himself be engulfed by his plans. It wasn't Jeffery of Nathan this time, it was another mini devil, the one that owed him the most. Brandon Park. The next name on his list, he'd gotten news that he was in town for some business, a business Ryder had his suspicions of. His source had given him the run down of ever crucial detail on this one and in the end he'd realised that this is a one in a lifetime opportunity to cripple the bastard. He could close his eyes for a second and remember him as he'd been back then. Ugly, a hairline that had somehow receded to the middle of his head and the most abusive of the lot. He'd made him do the dirtiest things that had made him hate himself for years on end until he'd started considering death.
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Bree hadn't expected it to be this beautiful and it didn't help that she could easily combust from all the attention Ryder was paying her.Again the table had tipped and he was being his own kind of sweet to her and she was revelling in it while it lasts.It was a feeling she could easily get heady with and that didn't spell right.She really should lay all this down to Nemy and hear someone else's view on this, on them.He seemed to love the way she looked wearing all the things he'd taken the pain to get her.He should though, it must have cost him an arm and a leg.No that it'd matter to someone with a wallet as far as his own.Though it was the effort that mattered to her the most, not the price.If only he knew that.His smoky gray eyes were hooded and she could read a level of hunger in them that matched the one she was feeling inside her. If it was up to her, they'd have skipped dinner for a more inte
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Brandon had no plans of spending all evening in this restaurant.No, he had plans and this one, a brief business meeting, was just a decoy to cover up the real reason for his presence back here.Through out the previous week, his phone had been ringing off the hook and he'd come home more times than he'd like to a voicemail from Jeffery Mathew asking him to return.Apparently, Paul's bastard hadn't died off like his father had promised them years ago, no, the little thing had ran away and was back now more powerful than was good for their comfort.A little fun then and now he has to deal with the little shit before it comes back bitting them in the ass.He had doubts he'd be able to recognise the boy even if he burst in through that entrance wearing the Jean and unbuttoned flannel shirts and glasses he'd favored back then.That was why he'd paid a little fortune to the best private investigators he could find to do the digging and hand him e
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Bree was beginning to feel like they weren't here because Ryder wanted to eat and chit chat with her all night.And to the best of her knowledge, it had everything to do with the new man down stairs.His interest in her presence in the room with him had evaporated just like the fairy godmother's magic on Cinderella and it was like she went back to her rags.What she didn't understand though was why he'd felt the need to bring her into this and going out of his way to get her prettyto serenade her, really?Suddenly she didn't want to be here and there was that buried hurricane of anger and spite rising inside her.What does he take her for? A dummy who can't tell when she's being used?If that's the answer then he's definitely in for a surprise.She's not the type of girl that looses her senses at the sight of expensive gifts.It made her feel dirty entertaining the thought.She glanced at him again, wa
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The door to the restaurant opened one more time and with the new entrance, Ryder was happy he did know the owner of this place. It made it easier to go about his business without raising brows or suspicions. That's the reason he'd chosen here, that and the fact that Bree loves the place but have unfortunately never been here. Jonas did look a little out of place in the black and white uniform he was trying to get comfortable in, but he'd do for the job he needed him for. He just needs to be quick, precise and they'd be done and he'd be out of here in a blink. Again he was forgetting he had company, the course of his plans does get too much sometimes and he tends to loose focus on what really matters at the moment. Like Bree, sitting so close to him yet having to deal with him being so far away. If only he realised he was doing it now and that Bree was really feeling the impact of it. She didn't deserve it and he should
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If only she'd seen this night going the way it just did, Bree wouldn't have taken the pain to doll up and actually come here. She'd have said 'fuck Ryder all the way to hell and back'. He's made it a point in the time that she's know him, to always hurt her, especially when she's fucked up by raising her own damned hopes up about him. She drove the heel of her palms under her eyes, catching that had welled up in her eyes. God, she was ruining her own make up, her hours of hard work. All because of him, all for him. She could do with getting the hell out of this place, except her only ride back was the guy that had brought her here in the first place. All her fault for not making plans and not getting those apps she'd been hearing about that offers rides in exchange for pays. She could really use one of those right now. Well, blame that on the car she'd gotten for a lease while she worked to get the money to buy
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Ryder knew there was no form of recognition of who he was to Brandon and that was exactly what he needed.It didn't excite him to know that he'd been forgotten so quickly but it served his purpose.It was no surprise to him the old thing still went around forcing himself on people, but not this time, no, not on his watch.He'd seen all shades of red when he'd made it down only to find fucking Park getting all handsy with a disturbed Bree.She'd been uncomfortable with his attention but the swine hadn't cares! What's one more to his long list of assault, ehh?It had taken all his will and control not to tear him limb from limb, right there.Bree looked relieved at his arrival, because he'd come when he did and rescued the damsel in distress, but he doubted the effect of that would last enough to get his ass back into her good graces.Her small voice at his side, begging him to let go and get them away from here pulled him back from doi
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