All Chapters of Mate to three, fated to one: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
84 Chapters
 Sharlynn's POVI came out of the cabin feeling flustered, especially because the pack members were staring and whispering when they saw me. Suddenly, their whispering seized and I turned around to find Kyle behind me. He was dressed in a tank top and Jean trousers while I was putting on his dark blue t-shirt and a short. I knew they already figured out what happened between Kyle and me but I couldn't understand why they were so judgemental about it. Don't they have sex? My phone rang and Kyle handed my phone over to me, while he headed straight to where Kimmel was waiting for him alongside Dean and Kayla. They had a weary expression on their faces as he approached them. " Hello?" I answered and I heard Darren's voice reply, " Hey babe, how're you?" He asked and I got angry, I looked at the strange number on my phone and wondered why he was using an unknown number for me. " What number is this?" I asked and he paused fo
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" where the hell are we going Kyle? At least tell us that!" Kimmel said when he saw Kyle heading into a tunnel in the middle of nowhere where he had led them.  "Where else? I'm taking you to where Sharlynn is or did you forget the mission?" He said back to Kimmel. The conversation they were having was only heard by the both of them, because Kyle didn't want to draw attention to himself.  " Stop!" He said, this time all of them heard him but an average person who wasn't a werewolf wouldn't have heard it.  " She's in there..." Kyle said and they winced when the perceived the smell of wolfsbane everywhere. The tunnel was dark so they couldn't see how the wolfsbane was placed but they knew for sure that it was there. " We can't get in there...even if we make it in there we'd be useless" Dean said and Kyle concurred.  " Would you please stop doing that Kayla?" Kyle said as he tried to control his irritation towards her stamping
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Ila dropped Kyle on the ground and faced the one who called her. She couldn't believe her eyes, she had assumed that he was dead since no one spoke of him and she never also came across him since she returned. She remembered seeing Aveera kill him with an arrow dipped in blood - the one item that could kill a vampire. How was he alive?" Ron... You're alive?" She said almost breathlessly.Ila remembered that it was she and Ron who found the scroll but when Aveera came she threatened to kill Ron if she didn't handover the scroll but would let both of them go if she gave it to her. Ila didn't trust Aveera but she handed the scroll to her either way. Aveera then said she would be keeping Ron just to make sure Ila doesn't try anything dubious like trying to stab her with a wooden arrow but just as she said that, the arrow Ila had secretly aimed at Aveera's back instead pierced Ron before Aveera killed Ila with that same arrow that had Ron's blood
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They all stared at the dead bodies of Ron and Ila that lay cold on the floor. They weren't sure that Ron or Ila was really dead so they stayed back to watch them for a while. The Ridge sons as well as Dean and Kayla were already healing since Ila was dead - her healing restricting magic had now failed. "Are they dead?" Nikk asked as he gently placed Tom on the floor. " Not yet." Darren said emotionlessly, almost immediately Ron's body burst into flames he didn't even bother to move Ila's body from Ron's burning body. " Now he's dead and you're welcome." Darren said as he stretched his body and flexed his arms." How are you even alive?" Kimmel asked as the wounds on his face healed. " You'll have to thank Kayla for bringing me back." Darren said as he placed both his hands on his waist and spoke with a sour expression on his face. Kimmel noticed that he was still emotionless - at least to a certain degree. " I'm
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It had been two days since Claudia and Reyna have been living separately from Sharlynn. Kyle said it was a pain because Sharlynn's health was still deteriorating and Reyna constantly following him everywhere was the worst thing to ever happen to him. Tom chuckled when he remembered how frustrated Kyle sounded on the phone when he talked about Reyna. She was really a handful and wouldn't give Kyle any breathing space. Claudia on the other hand followed him around too but hers was almost unnoticeable since she never bothered him - except from her occasionally judgmental stares she gave him after he feeds on humans. He leaned on the balcony and watched as Claudia caused the dead plants around his house grow because of the visitors who came to their residence after hearing of Ron's death.Tom and Nikk were not sad about his death but they also didn't feel happy about it. He remembered Nikk saying that all his life he spent trying to live by Ron's rules j
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When Kyle got home he had his bath immediately and sat down on his bed as he thought of the most gruesome means to kill Darren when Sharlynn inevitably dies. " What the fuck..." He suddenly said when a less gruesome and completely peaceful idea popped into his head after a while of thinking of things to terrible to speak of. What shocked him was the fact that it was possible that this peaceful plan would be more sensible an effective than his violent intentions. He quickly opened his closet and started getting dressed as fast as he could so that he could try his best to fix Sharlynn's condition before it is too late. He slammed his closet shut after dressing up and picked up his phone from his bed in a bid to get to Tom Saunders house quick. " The fuck Reyna!" He yelled when he saw Reyna standing in front of him with nothing more than a bra and underwear. " What? I was going to join you in the shower but I thought that might startl
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When they all got to the open field where Reyna transported them, Kyle immediately spotted Sharlynn, she was already coughing blood. " Lynn!" He said as he ran to where she was lying on the ground and knelt beside her. Her skin was so pale, her lips were chapped, her hair was now completely grey and her eyes were pitch black - still his love for her was so strong. He scoffed when he realized that he really does love her no matter how she looked or what she does. She mouthed the words, " I'm sorry" to him and a tear dropped from his eyes as he said to her. " No, don't worry, it'll be fine Reyna has a solution so just hang in there. Please! For me!" Sharlynn smiled and shook her head as she held his face in her hands. Kyle held her cold hands and watched as her face and every part of her skin became wrinkled like that of an old woman. " What is happening to her?" He asked Claudia who was watching Sharlynn with tears in her eyes.
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Darren's POVI heard about what happened with Sharlynn and frankly, it took a lot for me not to give in to my emotions. I knew that I had already become an enemy to the Ridges and Saunders but I hoped to gain their trust back. I needed them to see just how smart and calculative I have become since I was crypted and exposed to both the land of the dead and the living. That was why I called this meeting. I invited the Saunders and Ridges, telling them that I have the scroll and I would like to read the contents of the scroll to them. I also sent a private message to the Ridges that I am aware that they took the duplicate scroll I made but there are more things in the original scroll with me and there's something in it that they would find very useful. I was standing in our large basement, waiting for them to come but no one showed up. " I told you no one would come, not after what you did to Sharlynn." Meredith said and I smirked. 
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Did he just say he would bring Sharlynn back? Could he really do that? If he was able to bring back Ila then the answer to that question would be a big yes! Why didn't I think of making him bring her back sooner? Now, if he truly brings her back it'll be as though he is just being merciful or sympathetic to us. What an asshole, even I am not that selfish and conceited. " In fact, she will be here soon!" Darren declared and I looked at him, wondering why he was so desperate to make a show out of it. Surely I was eager and excited to finally meet Lynn but something about the way he was talking just pissed me off so much that my joy died. What if the so-called errand he sent her on makes her come back as his slave who would do his bidding? I sighed and started to leave Darren's stupid basement, tired of the whole bullshit. I wasn't going to get my hopes up, especially since Darren has become more cunning than ever. If he was really going to bring
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Kyle's POVSharlynn spent one week each at the Saunders and Toody's residence respectively. I heard that she had the worst time at the Toody's because of Darren - that was totally expected. I sighed as I looked at my food on the table that I had not yet eaten. I even stopped going to school since it won't be long before Veilah comes and ends me and my family. Our sins were many and I knew for a fact that we would not survive. I was anxious as I waited for Sharlynn to come to our house not because she would make me tell her my deepest secrets but because I didn't have much time to talk to her at all before Veilah comes. I jabbed at my meal with my fork and I could tell that my mom was dying to ask me what was wrong so I just took my food and went to my room. " Ugh! Kamal you're not a kid anymore that you'll be taking your food to your room because we all know you're not gonna eat it so just throw it away already!" She yelled after me and
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