All Chapters of An Unwanted Marriage: A Billionaire's Revenge : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
146 Chapters
New relationship
"Hello, business partner." King's arrogance filled voice came in her ear, immediately making her frustration go up to another level.    "Don't call me that and why did you call me?" She asked in an irritation filled tone.    "Someone is frustrated, I see. What's the reason? Is it the relationship we are going to share from now on?" He asked and she could easily read out the tease in his tone.    "What new relationship? There's no relationship between us." She stated harshly while looking at the file's content in anger and reading it silently so that she doesn't sound stupid if they have a conversation regarding it now.    "We surely do share a relationship, Miss Sarah. At first we were business clients and now we have become business partners. Things between us are progressing very fast. Who knows what relation we share next? Hope it's not something our partners will mind." He sai
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The loophole
IN WATSON MANSION   "What did you find out, Mr Roy?" Helena asked eagerly as soon as Mr Roy, her personal lawyer, got seated in front of her.    "I found a lot of things, Miss Watson." The old man replied in a neutral tone while his facial expressions were similar to his tone.    "Good. Are they beneficial for me or not?" She asked the question one which everything depended on. The lawyer had a thoughtful look on his face. He seemed somewhat worried too which made Helena Watson anxious. "What is the matter, Mr Roy?" She asked with a frown.    "The matter is, what I have found in that file that you gave me is way too beneficial for you and that's doubtful." He said with the same thoughtful look. Helena didn't understand anything other than the fact that she is going to benefit from the file.    "I didn't understand, Mr Roy. Could you be more clear?" She asked w
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Welcoming the guest
AT SARAH'S APARTMENT   "Sarah, I think they are here already. Can you please invite them in? I will join you guys soon." Elijah shouted from inside the kitchen.    He was busy cooking for the guests. It's the first time someone is coming to their house. No one visited them in the almost three months of their marriage. Not even her parents. So, they both are really excited to invite their first guest.    "I got them. Take your time. No need to hurry." Sarah shouted back before running toward the door to open it.    It's currently eight in the evening. She came back from the office one and half hours ago. She wanted to come back sooner and help him in preparing everything but she got caught up with back to back meetings. She has informed him long ago about Mary and Jonah joining them. He just said a simple line.    "Don't worry, dear. I will handle everything."&
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The uninvited guests
"So, what's going on between you two? Are you dating?" Sarah asked directly to the point, not giving them any chance to escape.    Both of their eyes widened at the direct attack and they started to stammer.    "Wh... What... Me... And... Huh... Dating... You..." Mary was fumbling with her words and was praying for some miracle to happen which will save her from the embarrassment she is going to face now. It seems like her prayer was heard and the bell rang at the right moment. She let out a sigh of relief but at the next moment she was confused like everyone else in the room.    "Did you invite someone else too, Sarah?" Mary asked.    "Were we expecting someone else too, Sarah?" Elijah asked at the same time as Mary. Sarah looked at them in confusion and then looked at the time.    "No, I didn't invite anyone else nor am I expecting anyone. I don't know
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Laughing together with Natasha
"Can you guys please stop it?!" Elijah stood up from his place at last, unable to bear the cat fights anymore.    Following his lead, Jonah and Nick stood up too and all three of them went forward to separate their individual partners from each other.    Nick and Jonah went first and tried to pull Natasha and Mary away from each other by their shoulders but their one simple glare made them take two steps back.    "You guys are useless." Elijah said with a small roll of his eyes and shook his head at them.    "Yeah? Why don't you show us how it's done, Mr expert?" Nick taunted with his arm folded and Jonah looked at Elijah the same way.    "Yeah, show us how it's done. Sarah has the worst temper among three of them, I am sure you are going to get it worse-..." Jonah couldn't complete his sentence as Elijah's next action made him gulp it all down as he watc
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The relationship between Natasha and Sarah
"It's about what?!"    "Samantha and Mr King?!"    "What's it about Mr King?!"    "Have you lost it or what?!"    Apart from Natasha and Nick, everyone else had a comment to make. No one blames them though. The sentence which Natasha just uttered was like the most logicless thing ever in the whole world.    Damn! Samantha and Mr King? Those two names don't even sit well with each other.    The room was soon filled with more questions, similar to the previous ones. Natasha was already expecting this kind of reaction so she was prepared for it and waited for them to calm down and one of them to take the lead of asking the question. She was expecting it to be Sarah but surprisingly enough it was the last person she was expecting.    "What do you mean by Miss Samantha and Mr King? Even uttering the names tog
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Oh no, cousin!
"You want to set Mr King up with Samantha?! Is that what you are saying?!" Sarah asked in shock.    "Yes." Natasha calmly nodded at her. Everyone in the room was too shocked to react or say anything.    After apologising to Sarah, Natasha at last let out the reason why she was here without invitation. It's basically to use Sarah's contact with Mr King and set him up with Samantha.    That sounds as crazy as the possibility of it's happening in actually. There is absolutely no chance for Samantha and Mr King to end up together.    According to Natasha, Samantha is really heartbroken after what happened with her because of Steven and from the past few days she is doing a lot of research on Mr King. Natasha also said that it was Samantha who said to her that she is being intrigued by Mr King but at the same time she is in depression with the things in her life. So, Natasha thought it
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Natasha and Nick
"The view is really beautiful from here." Natasha said while not looking at Sarah who was standing behind her for the last five minutes, without making any sound.     Sarah looked at the front without replying to her at that moment. The view was actually beautiful. They were standing on the open balcony of Sarah's apartment. It was on the top floor. So, she had the loveliest place among all. The busy New York city looks like glitter, shining with different lights. And watching it all from there makes it like having all the freedom in the world.    "It's indeed beautiful. That's why I bought this apartment and live here instead of buying some lavish house. This view soothes me from whatever I go throughout the day." Sarah spoke after a few seconds of silence.    Natasha turned around to look at her with a different look on her face which she has never given her ever. It was a positive and welcoming loo
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Love you, even if I hate you
FEW DAYS LATER   "Wake up, sleepyhead." Elijah sat down on the bed and lovingly called Sarah who has been sleeping till now and it's nine in the morning.    Even though it's Sunday and she is very tired from the hard work she has been doing from the past few weeks. She is handling all three of the business single handedly.    And all her hard work is paying off, she is in almost every magazine and she is there almost every single day. She is currently the talk of the town. Sometimes because of her successful projects and sometimes it's because of some rumors about him and her. Mr King is connected too sometimes.   Sarah suddenly made a movement and slowly opened her eyes. His appearance was the first thing she saw early in the morning and a smile immediately came up on her face.    "Oh my heart! Why are you looking so handsome this early in the morning?" Sarah excl
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Lost, either her or me
"Thanks for the breakfast, Elijah! It was delicious as always." Sarah said with a smile after she wiped her face with the cloth.    Elijah smiled at her. He took her hand which was on the table and gave it a kiss.    "Thank you, princess. I love cooking for you." He said lovingly and casually but it wasn't that normal for Sarah. His words put her into the deep pit of thoughts.   She remembered someone who calls her princess every now and then which she absolutely despises. Mr King, he calls her that. She feels her blood boil whenever she hears him call her that. No matter how many times she tells him not to call her, he just doesn't listen!    Yet why did she remember him when her husband called her that? Why did she feel something when Elijah called her that which was so familiar of how she feels whenever he calls her that. She liked it when Elijah called her that. So, if the feelings
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