All Chapters of The CEO who breaks me : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
40 Chapters
31 weird infatuation
Chapter 31    “Tessa, I think we should talk,” it was Aiden who stomped past me and walked towards the kitchen counter. He looked furious and I got a feeling it had something to do with a certain someone.    “Come in,” I whispered and walked back to where he sat. I continued with my cooking, flipping the fried potato like a chef. I was waiting for him to talk. My own issues with my husband makes me depressed and I wasn't sure if I can handle his problems.    “Cassandra is a fucking tease, Do you know he kissed her ex-boyfriend yesterday! I thought she was in love with me!” typical Cassandra. I know for a fact that she fell in love with Aiden in the short period and she was scared.    But I can either be wrong or be seeing things the wrong way?   “She loves you,” I said. “If she doesn't love you, she won't be happy with the pregnancy” it was the truth, I always
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32 Vulnerable
Chapter 32  The skies are coloured with blue and white with thick clouds gathering together forming a huge cloud and boom, the sun disappears and the rain starts pattering on the ground.  I was watching the whole thing, like it had something to do with me. I was proud of myself for accomplishing the task of cloud watching,not sure, if the other thinks that too.    Cassandra,Aiden,Callum and I were to head down the bar tonight, it was supposed to be a celebration for Cassandra’s pregnancy. Although I was excited for her, I can't deny the ugly feeling of longing. I was only twenty four and why the hell was I so eager to have a baby? Life can be such a bitch sometimes especially when I was in my period instead of being pregnant with my first baby.    For tonight, I chose my maroon tight dress with lace covering my back, and a bra wasn't needed. I paired it with my highest pair of stiletto heels that Callum bo
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33 Dream
Chapter 33    “You look beautiful Honey, I am so proud of you,” Cassandra’s mom wiped her tears with her hankies and watched as Cassandra tried on her wedding dress. I got choked up with my emotions while Cassandra rolled her eyes when she saw her mother and me.    “Guys, stop crying, I am not marrying an Alien,” Cassandra is four months pregnant now and most of the time, I restrain myself from throttling her neck.  She's the most annoying preggy woman I had ever encountered, and poor Aiden was the one who suffered the most since he was the one who put the baby in that demon.    “Honey, I can't believe you'll be a mom soon” Cassandra’s mom kept fanning her eyes in order to dry her tears. She looked ridiculous but a mom is emotionally caring and attentive most of the time.    “I am so excited,mom. But-” Cassandra hesitated, “Do you think I'll be okay? I am not exactly
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34 Wedding bells
Chapter 34I flung myself towards Calum when he opened the door, he chuckled at me and buried his face in my hair. I missed him so much that it hurt. His scent of citrus and manly scent eases me, I inhaled his scent earning a deep chuckled from my husband. “I missed you Cal,”  “Miss you more, babe”  We made dinner together, Callum would always find an excuse to touch me and I found myself loving the attention. He's gone for only three freaking days and I am acting like a starved animal, hungered for his touch and attention. Stupid hormones.  “I am so excited for the next few days,Callum. Do you think Aiden will bawl his heart out!?” I laughed and imagined my two best friends walking down the aisle, Kissing and saying their vows. They are damn too romantic and cute.  “I am more excited for tonight,” he wiggles his eyebrows, I s
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35 New family
Chapter 35   Four days after the marriage, I strolled down the city and hailed a cab, and asked the Uber driver to take me to North Street.  My hands are sweaty, I was a nervous rack with an incredible amount of sweet and Vitamin in my system. After the wedding night of my two best friends, I was house arrested for two days by my own husband. The reason : I was pregnant.    I was still in my dream. The word pregnant didn't cross my mind until the bittersweet night. The bitter part was when I had to endure the excruciating pain and the sweet part was the news the doctor dropped on us. As my wombs weren't as fertile as Cass and my body had some complications I was discharged after making sure I would be okay.    Callum cried like a baby and he went on a full speech on how I made him the happiest man in the world which is ironic since He made me happy and complete me like no one else does. 
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36 Ugly side
Chapter 36  There were no other words to explain as I skimmed over the page for the tenth time. And each time I was hoping whatever I was seeing is none other than my nightmare rather than a reality but it was still there when I opened my eyes.  And it shattered my hope and expectations.    Is Callum capable of doing such things?    My heart aches at the possibility of Callum doing such a horrible thing. I remembered him telling me about his anger issues and the things he did to his friend….. I shook my head out of my thoughts.  There's no way he can do this … right?    I stayed at home today,making up an excuse to clean the house instead of visiting Aunt Cass. As much as I enjoyed spending time with her, I can't comprehend the situation. I need answers and I am going to find one.    I walked up to his office where he spent most of his days a
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37 London
Chapter 37    Callum Pov    I ran after her feeling extremely lost and fear creeped up my soul. There was no way she could have known but then again Why would she run away. None of this makes sense, the visit, the interrogation and lastly Tess running away from me.     By the time I reached the elevator, she was gone but I couldn't let her walk away. No now, not ever.  I took the staircase running like a madman, my breath came out in gasp,another reminder that I was losing my shape.    I knew calling her was unnecessary but that doesn't stop me from calling her number. As expected, it was turned off.    Feeling defeated, I hopped in my car and entered the GPS, I knew there was one place she would go if she was trying to avoid me.  God! I hope I am right this time.    When I reached her childhood hom
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38 Stalking
Chapter 38  Three fucking weeks, that's how long I was waiting for Callum to call me,text me, or to come back so that I could demand a legit explanation with his stupidity.    Aunt Cassidy and I continued our afternoon baking, it was like our own small world with Sharon. However, Callum never texted me but called his mom to inform him about his well-being but NOT ME! His wife.    When it turned into a month, I was not having any of it. I booked the ticket for London and packed the luggage the night before my departure. Luckily, Alex told me the whereabouts of my husband which triggered me to carry out my lame decision.    Aunt Cassidy doesn't have any idea about my supposed trip to London and I was hoping it would be that way.    Six hours later,    I walked into the huge hotel, and talked with the beautiful receptionist. I had a hard time un
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39 Elsa
Chapter 39Go back to BOSTON!?I followed him by hailing a cab without any hesitation. I knew for a fact that he was leaving again to that place where he always disappeared for the past two days but this time I was clever enough to follow him. Like every typical angry wife who was mad at her obnoxious husband, I instructed the cab driver to tail Callum’s cab but he refused to, which infuriates me. “Why the hell would you say no? Please  follow that damn cab!Mate!” My anger is at bay with the way the bald head old man was shutting down my request. “I ain't your mate
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Epilogue Two years later, “Callum, Tyler needs to be fed!” Tessa screamed with her monstrous voice. I let go of Sharon's hair and tied the rubber at the end of the braid.    “Daddy, Tyler's walking towards us,” she said pointing her fingers towards my one year old son.  True to her words, I looked over and saw the little beast walking towards us,sucking his thumb, his shirt wet from his drool.    “Da-da hmp- hmmm-paaa” he laughed,Sharon ran towards him and pecked his cheeks.    “Mommy, bye-” she tucked her backpack and walked out of the door before I could ask her to kiss me. My daughter hardly stays at home because she is always playing with her best friend who just moved down a year ago.    “Now, Mommy did ask me to feed you” I coo the younger Anderson who just continued sucking his thumb.    I checked the milk and fed him,
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