บททั้งหมดของ Gifted Shadows: บทที่ 21 - บทที่ 30
21 - Some Color
So the racial makeup of Stanford wasn't exactly heavy with black students. I want to say it's mostly white with the next largest percentage being Asian and then maybe Latino. I didn't really see a whole lot of black kids, but apparently Fletch knew quite a few. We took a cab to a house party. My guard was immediately up, remembering to be cautious about my drinks. I felt like I could trust Fletch, but again, I really didn't know him. Hell, I didn’t even know his last name. We got out of the cab and he took my hand in his. It was pretty much twice the size of mine, but it was so warm. He led me into the house, saying hi to several people on the way to find the bar."What’ll you have sweetie?" That southern accent...damn hot. 
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22 - I’ll Just Say It
Over the next two weeks I saw as much as much of Fletch as I possibly could. He was proving to be quite a distraction though, even Chris noticed that I seemed to be daydreaming. We had just finished a long distance learning class with Noora, my pal from Qatar. She had made some progress on a problem and everyone was pretty excited. "Penny for your thoughts," Chris said looking at me. "Is it a boy?" I scoffed, "you know I'm not going to tell you anything because you're going to run right back and tell my dad!""Come on! Give me a little more confidence than that. You can tell me! I mean you’ve been here what nearly a year now, it was bound to happen." 
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23 - Stop Overthinking It
When I saw Fletch later that night, I told him about my conversation with Chris. He laughed and said, "why are you so nervous about me meeting them?" I said "I don't know it's not like they're my real parents ... but in a way they are. I mean I had a boyfriend in high school but everyone already knew him and nobody poked around and asked questions really." He came from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, and nuzzled his face in my neck, making me melt. "Well really, meeting Chris and Mary is going to be a walk in the park compared to my real family. So yeah, I guess I don't know why I'm nervous about it." He laughed and said, "well I'm going to put off having you meet my family foreve
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24 - Are You Going To Tell Her?
"I still feel like we should have brought something," I said as we pulled up to Chris's house. “Well you wanted to bring wine but neither of us can buy it so…” he said stating the obvious. “I know but it just seems like if you go to someone's house for dinner you're supposed to bring something.” I gaped at the house, well it was a mansion really. We got out of the cab and walked toward the door and it immediately flew open. Mary stood in the doorway just beaming, “we're so happy you could make it!“ As if I had much of a choice, I thought to myself. She practically jumped on Fletch, giving him a hug. He
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25 - Just Breathe
Tuesday was finally here and I was a nervous wreck. I was dressed in my most “adult” looking outfit, which Fletch said looked like a job interview suit so I was feeling pretty good. I had already emailed some of my latest work to the professor. I didn’t even notice I was shaking until Chris snatched my hand and held it in his. “Calm down Rae, he’s just a person like anyone else,” he said with a smile. “Yeah yeah sure, easy for you to say,” I whispered. The call started up and the Swedish translator was going on and on, I had no idea what they were saying. Suddenly, there he was, Dr. Karlsson, looking like Einstein. He basically was Einstein to me, and to so many. 
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26 - I Knew You’d Love It
The next couple of weeks were just kind of a blur --- summer semester and my Fletcher. Dad was already trying to arrange Christmas break, as Erik was going to get leave and he would have us both home at the same time. Dad was also adamant I bring Fletch home with me, and I wasn’t sure I was ready for that. I never got any resolution with Dr. Karlsson, he had not been in touch with us at all. I felt robotic, just going through the motions but not actually enjoying life. The monotony of things came to a halt one late Thursday afternoon when I got back from class to find Fletch in my room with two suitcases. I noticed that one of them was mine. “Are you leaving me,” I said with a raised eyebrow. Fletch laughed, “we’re bo
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27 - Where The Hell Did You Come From
The weekend away was exactly what we both needed. I was sometimes so caught up in the grown-up business of school, of thinking already about my career, about how Fletch and I would manage if his NFL dreams came true. I forgot that we are both still horny college kids and we have to work out our urges. It was by far and away, the best weekend of my life. We walked on the beach, hand-in-hand and played in the water. We tried to build a sandcastle, but it was a big fail. We had a couple of really incredible meals when we could get out of the room long enough to eat. We basically humped like rabbits the entire weekend and it was unbelievable. I was absolutely addicted to him. I was addicted to the high I had with him, and the confidence he gave me. I have always had body issues and hated my size. But a
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28 - What Truly Matters The Most
Chris got permission from some of my teachers to allow me to miss class here and there. I felt that I needed to give Dr. Karlsson my undivided attention while I had this opportunity. Fletch was incredibly happy for me but disappointed I was so occupied. When Noora met him, she was so obviously drooling. She immediately asked to come to one of his practices and I did find time to take her to one. The university had some kind of government contract for various things which had someone from the CIA and the NSA visiting on and off for the past couple of weeks. Noora and I tackled everything they gave us and blew through it like it was nothing. I felt more alive than I ever had, I felt like I had a bigger purpose. Dr. Karlsson loved his extravagant dinners and he kept insisting we go with him. I can onl
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29 - Swagger
Fletcher went to see his mom later that evening. He was upset that the first time we met didn’t go so well. Fletch had spoken with his dad and they had already booked her a return flight for the next morning. They both felt nothing good would come of her staying any length of time and Fletch was embarrassed about how she acted, and knew she wouldn’t apologize.His dad talked to me a bit on the phone and it went infinitely better than with Bree. His dad seemed quite nice, and funny, I could tell Fletch got his swagger and romantic side from his dad. I went to meet up with Noora since she was leaving in a couple days. Dr. Karlsson, however, was staying through the end of the semester since apparently a “younger” science professor in her late 60’s caught his eye. As it tur
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30 - A True Test of Your Deodorant
I had booked a flight home to Pennsylvania for Fletch and I the second week of December. Football season was not over, but apparently for Stanford it was -- I still didn’t fully understand it all and frankly, I zoned out most of the time he was talking about football. Much the same as what I did bored Fletch to death. As dad would say, “some days are a true test of your deodorant.” Well, that’s how I felt about bringing Fletch home. I was convinced he would probably leave me after this, and I was legit scared. We settled in our seats on the plane and I turned to Fletch and said, “you know we're going to have to get you a good coat as soon as we land, you're going to freeze your nuts off.” He laughed and said, “yeah I've never needed a winter coat before actually, I d
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