All Chapters of CEO'S DILEMMA: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
69 Chapters
"I'm sorry Seven, but it's too late. Even if I wanted to be with you again, I can't""Why not?""There is something you need to know""What is that Luna?" He asks eagerly."I'm pregnant" I announce as I start taking of my clothes, caring less about his presence. It's not like he hasn't seen me naked before. I need to be ready before Asher comes to pick me up."What?" He roars."You heard me"  I say rolling my eyes as I walk into my bathroom."Is it mine?" He asks following me into the bathroom and I don't try to stop him."Eew!, No!""Goddammit Luna, you let another guy knock you out?" He asks furiously and I roll my eyes."It wasn't intentional but I don't regret it either" I say as turn on the heater so the water can get warm. I turn to face Seven and the expression on his face is priceless!. He isn't taking the news lightly."Luna this is all a joke right?, Please tell me you're just trying to get b
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"You want reasons?" I ask angrily " There's a whole list!""Let's get you out of here" Asher urges."Let her talk looser!" Seven screams but Asher just ignores him and leads me out of my bedroom with a protective arm wrapped around my waist while holding my bag with the free hand.Once we get outside, he helps me get into the car and straps on my seatbelt. He then walks over to the driver's seat. Once he's settled, he ignites the car engine and drives out of the premises. Seven can remain in there and argue with the bed and couches for all I care. What I need right now is some peace and I know that is exactly what I will get  at Asher's house."Are you alright?" Asher asks."I guess I am""You know I can stop him from seeing you right?"" I know Asher but it's fine ,really" .Asher is a badass lawyer, it will take him less that no time to file a restraining order against Seven, but I don't want that."Wifey you were
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"Just shut up and listen!" I scold angrily and she shuts up. "Is that how low you think of me?""What do you expect me to think?, You didn't show up at our lunch date, didn't take your calls and now you are back home looking all shabby and missing some clothes, tell me what do you expect me to think?""Anything but cheating Sophia, anything but that" I say calmly and she bows down her head in guilt as she plays with her fingers. "All of this has to do with a girl though" I confess and looks up at me abruptly."You mean you were with a girl all day?""Yeah""Can you please tell me what's going on?""Remember that high school reunion party you missed?""Yeah, I traveled to Paris for a photoshoot""We had a misunderstanding and took a break""Yeah we did""So I met this girl at the party and we shared a drink in my car, one thing led to the other and we ended up spending the night together""As in you two had
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"Ace what is this I'm hearing?" My mother asks furiously the moment I walk into the living room. I was awoken this morning by her phone call ordering me to come home immediately. Sophia must have exaggerated when telling her about Luna and the pregnancy. She is seated right between our mothers putting on the most pathetic expression and I find it extremely annoying.She is such a drama queen."Mum let me explain""Sophia already told us everything" Sophia's mother spits out angrily."That's her own side of the story, I've got mine""What cock and bull story do you want to feed us with?, how could you get some random girl pregnant?, do you have any idea how scandalous that is?, what if it reaches the press, the entire city and why not the country. It will be the talk of the town!" She laments furiously and I gently rub my forehead with my palm. Mum is always blowing things out of proportion."Mum i honestly do not care what the press or
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"Josh you can excuse us""Thank you Mr. Ace" He exists the office and I get up from my chair and walk closer to Seven with a smile plastered on my face. He isn't smiling though."What a pleasant surprise, you are welcome to Heritage Empire" I say extending my hand for a handshake not even expecting him to accept it but surprisingly, he does and we both shake hands. "Nice to meet you again after all these years""I can't say the same for you" He says with a frown and I just keep smiling."Still cool, please make yourself comfortable" I say gesturing him to take a seat on any of the sofas."That won't be necessary, this is going to be a brief talk""Alright then" I say as I make myself comfortable on the nearest sofa and carefully cross my right leg over the left. "So what brings you here?""The fact that you cheated on my cousin with my girlfriend. What exactly does that make you?""First, you have no idea how all this happened
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Once I get into Luna’s ward, I find her sleeping on the bed with Asher seated by her side. For some reason I’m relieved that she doesn’t have weird tubes connected to her body. I just pray she is alright.“Asher” I call and he looks up at me.“You’re here”“Yeah, what happened?” I ask panicking.“I found her lying unconscious in her bathroom when I went to check on her, she must have tripped”“Is she alright?... I mean, did she sustain any injuries?”“None, but I have requested for an ultrasound to be done we can know how the baby is doing”“Has it been done already?” I ask eager.“No, that’s why I called. You are the one who’s supposed to be here with her to carry out the ultrasound. It’s your baby after all” He explains and I go mute. I’m amazed. Asher is indeed a gentleman.&l
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CHAPTER SEVENTEEN “Hello babe” Sophia’s voice comes through, “Why did you cut me off?” “Something came up” “Whatever, I’m at your office right now and you are nowhere to be found, where are you?” “I’m with Luna at the hospital, she had an accident and was rushed here. I had come and see her” “Oh…okay, so how is she?” “She is alright, everything is cool” “Good then. That means you will soon be in your way back right?”“I’m not sure”“You are not sure?, Babe what about lunch?”“Sophia we didn’t plan on having lunch together today”“I know but I want us to have lunch together, I already made a reservation for us at our favorite restaurant&rdq
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SOPHIA’S POVI’m still trying to process the fact that Ace hung up on me. He has never done that before. I totally dislike the turn things seem to be taking these days and I despise that Luna of a girl. Of all the men in the world, she just had to get pregnant for my fiancé, of all the guys who were present at that reunion party, she just had to have sex with my fiancé and now she is carrying his child. The situation is so annoying that I don’t think I will refrain myself from choking her if I ever get to set eyes on her. I will choke her to death or better still hit her tummy so hard that she has a miscarriage.Yeah, think of me as evil, I don’t care. Maybe if you were in my shoes, you will understand what I am going through. Ace promised that nothing was going to change between us, that he only wanted to be there for his child but the way things are unfolding, that’s not what is going to happen. He is already getting too at
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LUNA’S POV“So when are you moving in with Kyle?” Ace asks as we walk to the door. We just arrived at my house and I feel very bloated. He made sure I finished my dinner and drank a good amount of water. I’m sure I have gained about five extra pounds today.“Anytime he returns from his business trip”“Are you sure you’ll be fine living all alone?”“Yes Ace, I will be just fine”“Alright then, but I still have one favor to ask”“And what could that be?”“Allow me to stay and tuck you in bed”“No Ace, I can’t accept that. I’m sorry”“Please Luna, I’m not going to spend the night, I just want to have you fall asleep in my arms. That’s all.” He pleads and I just shake my head.“Ace this wrong, you have ignored Sophia all day, don’t you think it’s time for you to go see her?”“Luna I know that okay, but I have my way of handling things. Leave Sophia to me. Please just let me spend some quality time with you”
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MRS. COLE’S POVI have never and till now, still not understood men. The slightest things completely draw their attention. Way back in high school I used to date a guy named Bernard Angelis who happens to be Luna’s father now. We used to be so much in love until Luna’s mother, Diana Ross showed up. I lost Angelis to Diana within the twinkle of an eye and till today they are still happily married.Angelis and I had gone quite a long way in our relationship but when Diana came, he forgot all what we had shared and decided to be with her. He dumped me for her and now their daughter is pregnant for my son. She is trying to snatch my son away from his fiancé, Sophia just the way her mother snatched her father from me.That is not going to happen on my watch. First, I love Sophia very much. I have watched that young woman metamorphose from a new born to a toddler, a teenager and now an adult. I know her flaws and perfections and I love her all
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