All Chapters of THE CEO'S CONTRACT ENGAGEMENT : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
77 Chapters
Chapter Twenty One
He wasn’t the only one who felt the magnetic pull between them. “What are we going to do, Red?” he murmured. He saw her swallow nervously. She hadn’t misunderstood, but neither did she respond. “I want you so damn much I hurt. I’ve hurt for weeks. Every time I look at you, I get so many knots that I can’t function. I’ve thought of all the ways I can explain to you that our business relationship has nothing to do with the desire I feel for you. But the simple truth is I don’t give a damn. I want you in my bed, and I don’t care what has to be done to make that happen.” Her eyes went wide and frightened. He hated that. He didn’t want her to be afraid of him. “You feel it, too. Don’t deny me that much.” Damon said.  Slowly she nodded. Her fingers went to her forehead and she dug them into her hair. Still, he co
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Chapter Twenty Two
He needed air and he broke away only long enough to pull oxygen into his starving lungs. She gasped along with him, and then he started at the corner of her mouth and licked and kissed his way across to the other corner. Her small hands slid up his chest. It was like a heating element sliding over his skin. She left a blazing trail of fierce need in her wake. His entire body came alive, and all she’d done was touch him. Innocently. They wound up around his neck and then her fingertips just delved into the hair at his nape. He shuddered, and it was all he could do to retain his tight hold on his control. His body screamed at him to haul her over his shoulder and drag her caveman-style to the bedroom. He’d rip off her clothes and spend the night taking her over and over until they both succumbed to exhaustion.His mind yelled at him to be careful. To take it slow. Not to push her so far away that she nev
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Chapter Twenty Three
“Then there are the people, like me, who are allergic to physical activity.” Wendy said. He snorted and sent an appraising look over her body. She ignored him and continued on.“These are the people who watch sports. They’re tuned in to every game. The players. The teams. They run the gambit from the fanatic to the casual observer. They’re the people who will buy your sportswear not because they’re going to worry over the functionality. They don’t care. They want to look cool. They want to immerse themselves in the aura of the sports world. You’re a brand, a label. It’s a status symbol.”Her excitement mounted with every word. He was listening intently. She had him.“So you do dual marketing. You go after the die-hard fitness enthusiast with the sweaty workout commercials. The driven athlete who’s going to be the best and wearing your brand the entire time.” She said. Again she paused to
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Chapter Twenty Four
Damon cocked his head to the side. “Just how well do you know him?” he asked. Before she could reply, Damon's phone rang. She tuned into Damon's conversation when he said her name. He was obviously talking to his mom.“We’ll be there this afternoon. Four o’clock. Yes, I know. I won’t miss it. Dinner afterward. Wendy and I are having lunch together down by the marina. We’ll meet you back at the hotel in time for rehearsal. You have my word.”He hung up and let out a sigh as he tucked the phone back into his pocket.“The woman is convinced I’ll flake on the wedding. I wonder how on earth she got that idea?” he said. It was said so innocently that Wendy burst into laughter. Damon joined her and business was effectively put back out of the way once more.-------------------------The nice lunch by the harbor never happened. As Damon and Wendy were leaving th
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Chapter Twenty Five
Damon made a strangled noise and promptly took a long drink of his wine. Wendy kept a perfectly straight face as she took in the reactions of Damon's family.Martha looked wary. Debbie was smiling. Grace looked murderous. Sam had a strange look that could only be interpreted as a cross between regret and sadness, his father, Ben looked distracted, while Ross nodded approvingly. He reached over to slap his son on the back.“You’ve got yourself a winner here, son. I heartily approve. This one will keep you on your toes well into your old age. I like her.” he said. Greaaat, Wendy thought. She had the approval of her fake father-in-law to be. She looked over at Damon as guilt swamped her. She’d gotten carried away and hadn’t been able to resist the opportunity to needle Damon a bit. Though he deserved it, she still felt bad about carrying things so far.To her surprise, he was staring thoughtfully at her, his eyes
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Chapter Twenty Six
“Someone like Grace. You seemed pretty hung up on her.” Sam said. “I think it’s safe to say I’m not hung up on Grace.”“I can see why you’re attracted to her,” Sam said.“Who?” Damon demanded sharply.“Wendy.”Both men stared across the room to where Wendy danced with Ross.“She’s a beautiful woman. I bet she’s awesome in bed.” Sam said. Damon rounded furiously on Sam .“You shut the hell up. Don’t even breathe her name again. You got it?” he said. Sam smiled and backed away, holding his hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay, I get it. You’re awfully touchy about her. Funny, you weren’t that pissed when you found out about Grace.”Sam sauntered off and Damon turned away, angry that he’d let him goad him.“Damon, there you are.”He sighed when his mom latched on to his
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Chapter Twenty Seven
She raised her gaze to meet his. He was propped on his arms, his body still flush with hers and their noses were mere inches apart. His eyes were warm with desire, liquid with want, and her heart fluttered in response. His voice was so tender and understanding. He stared down at her like she was the only woman he’d ever made love to. A mixture of awe and wonder that humbled her.  “I was thinking we shouldn’t do this,” she admitted. “But? There’s definitely a but in that sentence.” he said.  He sounded so hopeful that she smiled and once again traced the lean lines of his face with a fingertip. “But I don’t care. I should care. I should be on my way back to New York. I should have never agreed to stay.” “But,” he murmured again, his voice husky and so very predatory. 
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Chapter Twenty Eight
He reached down and his fingers slid between them.“That. Oh my God, that.” She said. Her cry echoed sharply over the room. It was the single most exquisite pleasure and pain all in one she’d experienced in her life. The tension was so sharp, so unbearable and then finally she exploded.The room darkened around her. She blinked but everything was fuzzy. All she was aware of was Damon stroking into her and the wonderful melting sensation as she went liquid around him.He growled her name and then he gathered her in his arms, holding her so tight she couldn’t breathe. His hips jerked against her before finally he collapsed onto her, his chest heaving with exertion.Her hands relaxed on his shoulders and went from punishing grip to soothing caresses. His skin was damp, and all that could beheard were his harsh breaths against her neck.She held him as tight as he held her, determ
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Chapter Twenty Nine
He eased down, and she welcomed him into her arms. She pillowed his head on her chest, his mouth a breath away from her nipple. He kissed the plump swell of her breast but didn’t move. Their hearts thudded against each other and neither did anything to break the silence.What could be said? She knew she didn’t have words. She didn’t want to dissect the moment. Words would only ruin the euphoric aftermath of an experience she was at a loss to describe anyway.She ran her hand idly through his mussed hair. At his nape the crisp hairs were slightly damp with sweat. She inhaled, savoring the uniquely masculine smell of sex and sweat. It was intoxicating and erotic.“Does it make me a bastard that I’m already fantasizing about the part where you climb on top of me and have your wicked way?” he mumbled against her chest.She smiled. “As soon as I regain the feeling in my legs, I’ll see what I can do about that particular
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Chapter Thirty
As they waited behind the line of people going back inside, Damon leaned down and nuzzled her ear.“Let’s go have some fun at the reception,” he murmured. “You, me, a little dirty dancing…..”She laughed as the tightness left her chest. It was hard to remember all the reasons she shouldn’t become involved with this man when he charmed her to her toes.She tucked her hand willingly in his, and this time she curled her fingers around his as he led her into the hotel. No, logically she shouldn’t immerse herself in this charade. But then attraction was anything but logical. She had only a few more hours before she would be jolted back to reality. She planned to enjoy every single one of them.They danced. Slow, sensual songs and even the more upbeat tunes. Damon was astonishingly adept as he spun her around the room. Somehow she hadn’t seen him as the type to do more than a staid waltz or just a slow cuddle type dance i
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