All Chapters of Cheated by the CEO: Chapter 91 - Chapter 98
98 Chapters
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Rudy prepared dinner for the two of them. He made an effort to go out to the supermarket and pick up some fresh lobster and salad items.He wanted to make this day rememberable for her.He had dropped off the girls at her mom's place, telling them how he wanted to spoil Jessica that evening. Her mother was delighted.He sautéed the lobster in garlic butter, placing them over a green salad. He added a mushroom sauce on the side and layed both plates on the table.Taking two glasses from the top cupboard he placed them on the table with a bottle of non alcoholic champagne in a bucket of ice.He wanted Jessica to be in her right senses.He gently placed the forks and knives next to each plate.On the centre of the table was a bunch of blood red roses.He lit scented candles on the table and dimmed the lights.He smiled at how romantic the room looked.Taking a single red rose, he broke the petals of them and made a trail from the front door to the place she will be seated.He took a few
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Rudy stood up, waiting for Jessica ro sign the papers."Please don't leave me. I am sorry.", Jessica wailed.The tears rolled down her cheeks, her eyes were now red and puffy.Rudy thought she was an ugly sight. Her lips hung and she rubbed her eyes continously trying to dry her tears.It was as if a dam had been broken.Rudy tapped his fingers in the table. "I am leaving Jessica. Just sign the papers and all this will never get out to anyone."Jessica stared at him. She never thought this day would come so soon. She always pictured leaving him for Mark. But in the last two years she had fallen in love again with him and forgotten her plans. She felt as if her heart was being ripped apart into tiny shreds. This was not what she wanted. She wanted to live happily ever after with her husband. "I want to be with you. I love you. ", Jessica cried loudly. She needed him to digest her feelings. "Cut the crap. I know you have been seeing Mark on a Tuesday and Friday. That is why you work
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I'm leaving
Jessica reached home in a huff. Rudy had taken all the belongings that he assumed was his. Even though she has paid for most of the items,she knew it wasn't worth fighting for since he had given her his word of not letting her bad behavior get out.After a few days Jessica realized this was her life now and she was incapable of managing on her own with the kids. She contacted the landlady to make arrangements to move out.Her mother had taken her in now.She decided to divulge everything to her mother who sat and comforted her.Jessica felt better. Her mother coaxed her to go after Mark. He needed to keep to his word and marry her.Jessica decided it was time to be Mrs Molt.As the days went by she frequented Mark's office,making him feel her presence.Mark began to feel suffocated by Cheryl and Jessica.He started to leave home on the weekend and return on Monday morning.His nights out was wild ones. He had surrounded himself with friends that were equally as unfaithful as he was.C
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Let's kill the B****!
Mark Molt had the cheek of walking out on his family after spending weeks on end in between Jessica and strip clubs. There was never a time that he was home. He was always on the go, looking for fresh meat. He felt nothing of the past now. All he felt was the wind in his sails, the freedom of not being tied down. It was as if a new man was born. He drove in an almost jolly mood to his mother's house.Stepping on her doorstep, he knocked lightly.Greeted by his elderly mom, he told her about the divorce.He told her about his affair with Jessica and the child that they had together.His mother stared at him horrified.She couldn't understand why a smart man like himself would throw away his meal ticket.Although she did not like what he had just told her, she was still his mother and would support his stupid decision.Mark continued going to the firm as usual. He took Jessica home to meet his mother.He loved that they both got along so easily unlike Cheryl and his mother.Jessica ha
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I wish she could just drop dead
"I wish she could just drop dead!", the words just popped out from Jessica's mouth.Mark and Jessica were on their way to court for the fourth time in three months.Jessica being the supportive fiancé, accompanied him on his visits to court, as he challenged the wicked witch of a wife.As Mark sat with Jessica, he looked at his wife from across the room. She looked like the most stunning goddess he had ever come across.Although he had left her to be with Jessica, his feelings for her was still embedded deep in his heart or so one would think.He sat and heard the allegations made against him, the claims that Cheryl made, the compensation she wanted to receive and the maintenance for the children, which he had not paid since the time he left.He felt guilty listening to all of what was said. The magistrate painted a picture of him in such a bad light that he started to hate himself.He couldn't believe that this was who he had become.He looked at the woman next to him. She was also a
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Prove it
The hustle and bustle of getting things ready for the party tomorrow, was overwhelming for Charlie. He sat on the couch sipping a beer after a long day of hard work, preparing. Mark had come to help. He sat across Charlie sipping an ice cold beer."Do you think she will come tomorrow?", Mark asked hopeful."I don't know, she seemed like she was eager to come,", Charlie shrugged.He didn't know what was going on in Cheryl's mind. She spent her time with Jasmine when she did come over.Jasmine rarely spoke about Cheryl and her problems. It was something that she just didn't want to get involved in. Although she listened, she would never give an input or talk about it to others.Jasmine kept herself busy in the kitchen. She baked mini cupcakes and pies for tomorrow's party.Her phone beeped and she looked at the message, Cheryl was popping in."Charlie", she called from the kitchen.Charlie the obedient husband excused himself and went into the kitchen.He understood when she showed him
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One last fling gone wrong
It was a late Sunday afternoon and Mark decided that he would prolong his fate any longer.He knew that the choices he made would affect all of their lives,but he knew that he needed to do what was best for everyone.He got his lazy behind of his red, soft and squishy, wooly couch and entered the shower.He had spent half the day just sitting and mopping around."Prove it", those words rung in his head over and over from yesterday's conversation with his wife.He laughed when he thought about her still being his wife. No matter what he did, he will still have her as a wife. She will still give in to him. She was flawed in that way.He exited the shower, his hair dripping into the carpet. He wiped it with the edge of the towel while he stood naked in his room. The curtains were open, giving Mrs Sugarplum a good view of his plums.He did not bother himself to cover up as he rakes his fingers through his hair.He wanted to give her a good view since it would probably be the last time she
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Cheated by the CEO
Mark grabbed his towel once his crazy neighbor untied him.Never in his life had he been so used.His a*** hurt so much he grabbed a back of peas from the freezer as soon as he reached home.He drew his curtains and sat on the bed.The ticking of the wooden clock on the wall had caught is attention.It was already five thirty, he had spent more than two hours being tortured.He picked up his phone and saw two missed calls.It was Jessica."It is a sign.", he thought.He called her."Hi", her cheery voice came through the receiver.For a woman who had been ignored for a few months, she sounded quite happy."Can we meet?", Mark asked. Jessica agreed. "Six thirty?", Mark suggested. "Perfect." Mark went back into the bath. This time he filled the tub with boiling hot water and some rough sea salt. Pulling on a pair of dark blue skinny leg jeans and a black polo neck shirt, Mark left his apartment in a hurry. He missed Jessica but he knew he wanted his old life back. He wanted Jessic
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