All Chapters of The Inflammable Secret: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
121 Chapters
Pink Launch
-ANASTASIA-This is the first time I am attending a rich party, one hosted by my husband himself. “Anastasia, James will take you and Helena to the party.” Maria told me when I came down to go. She gasped when she saw me making me blush. “Aww you look beautiful, Mr. Dominic will be shocked.”“I don’t think so but thank you Maria.” Smiling she nodded and went inside asking me to wait for a minute. The bag with the baby essentials were already in the car and even Helena was strapped to the car seat, I am excited to see her. I was told by the stylists that came today that Helena will be wearing something that matches my outfit.I don’t know why Nathan thinks a baby needs a stylist and even I didn’t but then I saw the work they had done to make me feel beautiful, I don’t think I will complain. Maria came out of her room with a gift in her hand.She held it out for me. “Is that
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Surprising turn of Events
-ANASTASIA-“Yeah. What were you saying again?” I asked him with a fake smile. I had to know if Dave is here tonight but I can’t ask Nathan upfront.The guy chuckled and said, “Didn’t say anything important. Would you like to dance?” is Nathan’s friend hitting on me? Anyway I am bored and sitting here fidgeting whether Dave is here or not isn’t going to get me anywhere.“Sure.” I gave Marco my hand and he led us to where all the other couples were dancing. He kept his hand on my waist making me giggle. “I guess I have to keep mine now.” I placed mine on his shoulder and we swayed to the music.“So…. How come my friend never spoken about you?” see, times like these I am clueless on what to tell the other person especially when Nathan keeps telling different versions to everyone.“I don’t know, actually I didn’t know you eithe
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Valentine's Day
-ANASTASIA-‘Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell.’ Joan Crawford stated that some time ago. Joan probably has had the experience of warming and burning to comment like that. I believe that if you love someone any day of the year is perfect for expressing it, why do you have to allot a specific day for it. But then again this day gives many of us, shy ones the chance to let the person we have a crush on to know how we feel. I haven’t felt like that ever in my life. Celebrity crushes are one thing but real life is different.To be honest my love life is boring and I haven’t found my one yet. Love happens on its own which excites me in not knowing when and where it is going to happen. Am I going to find it next door? Or maybe in my roommate? My best friend? Time will only tell and I will let you guys know when I do fall in love. Until then Happy Valenti
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Diaper Change
-ANASTASIA-Now remember when I said I shrieked louder than Helena I did forget to mention that it all happened in my head because I have to be cool. I don’t care what he does in his spare time. Who am I kidding?Oh shit! I am still gaping at them. And them at me. “Anastasia, it is not what you think.” Nathan said pushing Lara the model off his lips. I can deal with him later but it is this bimbo I have to get rid of.“Whoever you are I don’t care. Just get the f-u-c-k out.” I can’t curse in front of the baby. She looked at me confused and then saw the baby in the stroller.She pulled the sleeves of her dress up and came near Helena, “Aww. Baby boo your son is handsome.” Son? I glanced at her and then at Nathan with a look that said, ‘Really?’ he came near to us and pulled her up.“Helena is a girl. Lara leave before I call the security.” He said in his a
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Oh Revenge!
-ANASTASIA-It has become a routine for me to take Helena with me to work in the mornings and sometimes Nathan takes the responsibility for the afternoon. I sauntered into the café near Nathan’s office to the girl taking the order. This place is far from where I work but I love the coffee here even it makes me take the longer distance.I read the nametag of the girl, Fiona. “Good morning.”She reciprocated my smile with hers... “What would you like to have?”“An espresso and blueberry muffin.” I couldn’t order anything for Helena since I didn’t know if Nathan would approve of me giving her milk from a café, he is very particular about the milk we give her. “Oh could I get some hot water for my baby’s milk?” She nodded and typed in the bill.I paid her and took a seat tugging Helena’s stroller to the front of me. She is asleep but when she wa
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Hot Anger
-ANASTASIA-The smell of dinner made me smile. I don’t think I have cooked this hard for anyone until now and that too just so that he isn’t mad at me. James had dropped Helena off an hour ago and she has already had her bath and milk after which she is soundly asleep.James said that Nathan will be home a little after eight which should be any minute now. Did I just mention this huge damn house a home? A little gasp left my mouth… yeah I can see why I would call this a home? The very comfy living room is my go to place and I like taking care of this place. Cleaning and doing the dishes doesn’t bother me.I have Helena to keep me company and Nathan... well he is... he is Nathan Dominic. Arrogant ever silent hot dominating man. Yes that is exactly how I describe him. Word to word. The bell rung twice before I reached it after removing my apron and placing it on the kitchen counter.I should better start speaking be
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Opening Up
-ANASTASIA-“Thank you.” I took a sip from the wine and smiled. “Now what?” I certainly don’t think Helena is going to wake up again and in no way am I falling asleep here. He sipped the wine silently, he is not sleepy as well. “Want to play a game?”“Game?” He asked with a smirk. Nathan went over and switched off the light while I lit the lamp.“Do I have to define what a game is to you?” I mocked making him scoff. He sat back beside me and placed the bottle of wine on the center of the bed along with the glasses. He signaled with his hand to go on so I continued. “We could play truth or dare or else we can play 20 questions. I don’t know any other midnight games that are boring enough to make you sleepy again.”“Let’s do the questions one.” He suggested. A small grin came onto my face, this is our chance of knowing more about each other
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Sick Day
-ANASTASIA-Nathan helped me into bed and covered me with a blanket. “Thank you.” I whispered. He removed the beanie from my head followed by my jacket. Soft cries came from the other room and Nathan paused. “You should check on her. I won’t be able to go near her until this is over.” He nodded and went out.I hope this cold goes soon so that I can hold Helena again. Her cries didn’t stop yet making me wonder where did Nathan go, answering my question he entered and held out his palm which had two pills in them.“Take them you will feel better.” I took it from him and drank some water along with it. He went out as soon as I finished the glass of water. Her cries turned into soft whimpers until I couldn’t hear them anymore.Tired from last night I closed my eyes while pulling the blanket closer to me to get some warmth as I fell asleep. Clutching my hair in my hands I woke up and looked
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-ANASTASIA-“So when are you coming here exactly?” I asked Adam as I tested the milk on my wrist. Not too hot, the perfect temperature. “See I am learning only your father fails to see that.” I whispered to a gazing Helena.“Tomorrow morning.” oops I almost forgot about him.I helped Helena with the bottle and then spoke. “Great you can stay here. Nathan won’t mind.” I hung up before he could object and then searched my contacts for Natalie’s number. It is time to confirm all that I have found out.“Hey Natalie, this is Anastasia. Your brother’s wife.” Starting with a light joke always helped me. She laughed and asked me about Helena and my health which surprisingly Nathan talked to her about.His change of demeanor is seriously starting to bother me and I haven’t yet decided whether it is good bother or bad. “Is something wrong?”
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Brother's Brawl
-ANASTASIA-I poured the rest of the tea into the extra cup and waited another five minutes before going upstairs. There wasn’t any yelling and neither of them came down so whatever it was they were talking to each other.The door to Nathan’s room was slightly ajar I looked through to see Natalie sitting on the bed crying and Adam standing over her. “I am sorry. I shouldn’t have given up on you because of my past. I love you baby more than you can imagine.”“You gave up Adam.” She said with a sigh. Okay maybe it is not the right time for me to intervene and they can have their tea later. I went back into the living room and sipped my tea along with playing with Helena who eagerly tried get some of the tea.“Some more time and I will you give this but for the time being you have to be satisfied with only one ingredient ‘milk’. Can you sat milk?” I asked tickling her but all
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