All Chapters of The Hybrid's Mate: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
94 Chapters
Trevor “Hey.” “Hey yourself.” She says, turning to look up at me with a smile of welcome. It is taking me some time to get used to this warm greeting. For the last few years, I have been met with eye rolls and snubs. These days she greets me with hugs or kisses. Like right now, as she wraps her arms around my waist and pushes up on the tips of her toes to kiss my lips. I wrap my arms around her and hold her closer to me. In all of my wildest dreams about her did I ever imagine that she would be in my arms like this and it is my reality. Yet here we are. And I am so happy that I don't know how to contain it. “Did you get moved in?” Nat asks me and I nod before I kiss her lips once more. I am addicted to her. One kiss is just not enough. “I am in the room just down the hall from yours, so should you need anything, all you have to do is call for me,” I tell her. “Oh-” “Or not. I mean, you are the wolf. Why would you need me?” I ramble, after seeing the way that she said 'oh'. S
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Katie “I am not bitter. I am not bitter.” I listen to Trevor and Nat laugh together in the next room and I sigh. “Katherine Grace Vale, you are not bitter.” But as another girlish giggle hits my ears, my jaw clenches against my will. Fine. I am bitter. I can admit that to myself. I am jealous as hell. Nat found her mate in Trevor, who is such a great guy. One of only six single, age-appropriate guys in our pack that we are not related to. Then suddenly these girls appear in the woods and Zach finds his mate in Malia. My aunt and my cousin, who are both younger than me, even if just by a few months have found their mates before me. They weren't even looking for them. It just happened that they stumbled across them. Nat spent all her time in the opposite direction of Trevor when she should have been running toward him. They have found their mates. Their happily ever after. And I am so jealous that I can barely see straight. But I am happy for them, truly I am. I love them so much a
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Ollie The girl, Sienna, is sitting up in her bed. Her white hair is floating around her and her eyes are wide open, but there are no pupils. Her eyes are solid white and milky, which even a brave enough guy like me would find creepy as hell. “What the fuck?” I say aloud. Her head bends backward and her whole body shakes as she opens her mouth to emit the loudest, most ear-burstingly shrill scream known to man. I clap my hands over my ears and fall backward as the lights overhead flicker and then blow out. The glass from the fixture rains down onto the plush carpet and glowing sparks fly for a moment but they burn out before they hit the ground. “Woah!” I use the wall to push myself to my feet, looking at the girl once more. Her eyes are still glowing but her body is no longer shaking. I wonder what the hell is going on with her? Is she possessed? Is this like some Amityville Horror/ Poltergeist shit? Cause I don't play with no demons. No, thank you. “Hey!” I shout at her, tryi
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Bronwen “Oh, come here, sweetheart.” “Aw, mom!” He says, making a disgusted face at me, but that does not stop me from pulling him in for a hug anyway. I have missed my babies like crazy since they moved out of our home to move into the packhouse. Even though Ollie is still around all the time, he is busy working with his father, so I never really get to see him. And surprisingly Katie has not been back home since she left. I get that she is probably enjoying her independence and making new friends. Things like that. But it still sucks for me because I miss her so much. I do not think these children realize how you carry them for all those weeks and months inside of you, as close as you can get to another human being. Then you raise them for eighteen years, seeing them every day, seeing their faces, hearing their voices. I have not gotten to touch my baby in days upon days. Which is why I am holding on so tightly to Ollie, practically holding him hostage in my arms. “Mom..” He
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Dex “You should really move into the packhouse with us, man!” Trevor tells me as he hands me a can of soda. He invited me over for breakfast this morning, but when I showed up, I was told how things had gotten weird in the night. “I don't know, dude. Seems like too much excitement for me.” I tell him, causing him to grin back at me. He told me how everyone was forced to stay in the living room for a while because they kept hearing screams and Ollie thought it was a rogue attack. Instead, it was just a girl with freaky powers. Ollie and the aforementioned girl named Sienna, who is apparently a girl with a powerful set of lungs considering the damage she caused, are at Andras' house for the alpha meetings. The whole pack has been abuzz with talk of this alpha coming. Not Blaize. The older members know him, or rather of him, and they are okay with his alliance. It is the other alpha that is giving them pause. This alpha Byrne. He is an alpha of a pack, but to hear everyone talk,
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Katie I finally found my mate (I think) and I have to admit that I am low-key terrified of him. He just threw Noah across the room and then growled 'mine' at everyone. Luckily my uncle Jack, Grandpa, and Dad know what to do. My grandpa Jeremy tells everyone to leave the room. Noah first. For some reason, the man holding on to me watches him with a predatory look in his eyes. As everyone follows suit, leaving just my grandpa, uncle Jack and Dad, the man in front of me begins to relax. “Katie.” My dad says softly to me and I think that he is calling me over to him, so I try to get out of the man's arms to move towards him, but my mate holds me closer, as his body begins to shift to his wolf form. Hair begins to grow on his arms and his eyes deepen into an even more luminous shade of gold. They glow like fire. “Stop, Katie,” My dad commands and I freeze. “We have to stop talking to her.” Uncle Jack says and I panic. “No!” I tell them, but Dad holds up a hand to silence me. “I r
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Katie It is Friday night and I am sitting in the pack dining hall with my family, friends, and almost all of the pack. With everything going on and all the new alpha's rolling in, plus the attack on Nat and Trevor, the pack was getting restless with unease. Dad figured that they deserved some answers. Hence this dinner. They spent the week waiting for me to cool down because apparently, I was actually in heat. Like a dog. I was panting and whining.. it got weird. For four days I was locked in that room with a stranger, where we stayed naked and in bed together, but we didn't have sex. Even in the heat of it all, when I wanted him inside of me more than I wanted to breathe, I knew I would regret it later, so I asked him to wait and he respected that. He was content to hold my bare body to his. And to kiss me. A lot. We would kiss for hours until we got so fired up that we had to stop. We did a little bit of talking, but not much has been discovered about each other, which is why
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Nat I can not find Trevor anywhere. The dinner is almost over and people are trickling out, but I have not seen him in well over an hour. I have asked a couple of people, including his father if they have seen him. “I think the last time that I saw him, he was heading outside for some fresh air. But if I do see him, I will tell him to come find you, Natalie.” He says, giving my arm a platonic pat before he walks off to join the crowd. I head towards the exit, hoping that I will find him outside. And I do. But he is not alone. Grace is with him. When Trevor found out that she is a human too, the two of them really bonded over how left out they feel. They hang out all of the time and they spend most of the days together. In the last few days, I have hardly gotten to see him, because I was busy with Bron helping Katie, and then busy with Bron cooking all of this food. My sister needed me and I wanted to help her. I invited him to tag along with me, but he declined. I try not to
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Zach Something wakes me up from a sound sleep and I sit up quickly. I don't hear anything or see anything out of place so I am about to go back to bed when a huge clap of thunder roars and lightning flashes outside. It lights up my room just enough for me to make out the eyeballs peeking out at me from behind the footboard of my bed. She must have tried to wake me up and when I sat up so quickly, I scared her so she hid. I feel really bad about that. Opening my arms out wide, I ask her. “Is everything okay, Jezzie?” Shaking her head with her tiny lip quivering as tears threaten, she comes over and climbs up on the bed until she is in my lap. She pulls the blanket over her and snuggles into my chest. “It's scary tonight.” “Because of the storm?” I ask her, even though I already know the answer. I even know why. Her parents were attacked by rogues on a night like this and Sienna's father ushered them out through the storm. When a big clap of thunder had boomed, Malia dropped to the
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Katie I open my eyes and immediately yawn. How is it that I am more tired waking up than I was before I fell asleep? But then again I had only been out for maybe two hours. Since I couldn't sleep through the raging storm last night, the guys woke up with me and decided to pass the time. The conversation got super deep and I learned a lot about both of them while simultaneously oversharing about myself. It got weird at times but it was great learning about Blaize and Jaxon. I really feel like I know them now, so I am not quite so self-conscious around them. Although I am a little nervous about facing them this morning, after what we did last night. About two this morning, we had exhausted the conversation and a silence had fallen. In that silence, I had snuggled into Jaxon, who had been holding me against his side. His hands wrapped around my waist, just beneath my chest and with every inhale my breasts brushed his arm. So I, of course, slowed my breathing. I was far too aware
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