All Chapters of Have you seen me?: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
66 Chapters
16 / 11 / 2021 (Part 2)
  ___________________________________________________________________________ Trauma bonding Trauma bonding is a psychological response to abuse. It occurs when the abused person forms an unhealthy bond with the person who abuses them. ___________________________________________________________________________ 16  /  11  /  2021  Caution!! Trigger warning!!!! I close my eyes , trying to stop all of those painful memories from crashing back. I feel as if I am re-living the day again – God knows I re-lived it over and over and over again until I just buried it deep down inside the deepest corner of my brain. I can not handle it , that day keeps torturing me – it keeps tearing me apart. As if on que , Monday March 23 blares through my headphones. She cried because the pain was unbearable &
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17 / 11 / 2021
  ___________________________________________________________________________ Painful memories Painful Memories are any thoughts about the past that cause anxiety, sadness, or other unpleasant emotions. Examples include thinking about a past disappointment, argument, or loss of loved one. Painful memories may be caused by traumatic experiences such as a serious accident, repeated abuse, or a natural disaster. ___________________________________________________________________________ 17  /  11  /  2021 I wake up from a deep sleep – my muscle throughout my body aches and cramps from sleeping in an uncomfortable position the entire night …well , almost the entire night. From what I see – actually not see  - I notice that it is still early hours of the day. The stars still shine brightly , and the sun is still no where to be seen. I stretch like a cat after napping f
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18 / 11 / 2021
  ___________________________________________________________________________ Grateful [ greyt-fuhl ] Adjective   1. warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received; thankful:I am grateful to you for your help. 1. expressing or actuated by gratitude:a grateful letter. 1. pleasing to the mind or senses; agreeable; welcome:a grateful breeze;The peace and calm of the hill country is a grateful relief. ___________________________________________________________________________   18  /  11  /  2021 Have you ever complained about your life but then saw a person who has it way way worse than you walk by? Have you ever complained about how a part of your body hurt or how you dislike a part of your body so much, but then
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19 / 11 / 2021
___________________________________________________________________________ Lucid dreaming Lucid dreaming is a fascinating phenomenon in which a person is aware that they are asleep and dreaming. Those who are more adept at lucid dreaming are able to control the action and content of their dreams to varying degrees. ___________________________________________________________________________ 19  /  11  /  2021 I can not help my roll my eyes as I realize where I have found my self to be. I hear and feel my self sigh a sigh full of irritation and annoyance. The place I am in is blurry yet clear at the same time – I am able to see yet also not able to see , if that makes any sense. My surroundings has this white blurry filter that m
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19 / 11 / 2021 (Part 2)
  ___________________________________________________________________________ Enough is enough  idiom Definition of enough is enough —used to say that one wants something to stop because one can no longer accept or deal with it ___________________________________________________________________________ 19  /  11  /  2021 – Part 2 It is funny how we never see our wrong , un less we look at ourselves from an outsiders point of view. I look at the way I behave while trying to get his attention , and I honestly can not believe this is what other people have to watch when Captain and  I are at the gym. I feel embarrassed for my self as I watch the way I constantly hang around him, some times skipping certain exercises to be next to him. What really makes me annoyed at my self is that
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21 / 11 / 2021
  ___________________________________________________________________________  Overcome You can also be overcome with emotions, or overwhelmed by your feelings. Many people feel so overcome with sadness at a movie — or happiness at a wedding — that they regret not bringing a pile of tissues with them. The verb overcome also means to win or surpass. If you are going to win the marathon, you are going to have to overcome the five runners still ahead of you. ___________________________________________________________________________ 21  /  11  /  2021 Through out the entire day , I find my self joyful and filled with happiness. I have been happy before – I am generally a bubbly person. However , the kind of happiness I feel now is one of triumph. It is like the feeling you get as a ch
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22 / 11 / 2021
  ___________________________________________________________________________  (Be) careful what you wish for  idiom Definition of (be) careful what you wish for —used to tell people to think before they say that they want something and to suggest that they may not actually want it. “You think having twins would be fun? Be careful what you wish for, you may just get it” ___________________________________________________________________________ 22  /  11  /  2021 I watch as the various colour vehicles zoom pass by me – there was some thing soothing about the way there always seemed to have people who were busier than my family , it gave me a please of mind that we were normal. Does it make sense? I truly do not know. I always had a habit of looking out the window on
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23 / 11 / 2021
  ___________________________________________________________________________ Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold Meaning Definition: It is better to deliver retribution for an injustice after time has passed, and it can be done dispassionately. ___________________________________________________________________________ 23  /  11  /  2021 Revenge has never been one of my best suits , or some thing I have ever been good at. I guess growing up , I never felt the need to act out in revenge – as I knew that God would take care of it. My heart had been too pure , too naïve …and too stupid to show people that I mean business and that I am more than what they thought I was. My mum tells every one that I am humble , and I will show my colours at my own pace – it was one of the comforting things she had said that made me relax. I knew I had some one who was patient enough t
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23 / 11 / 2021 (Part 2)
  ___________________________________________________________________ Revenge is sweet Said when you feel satisfaction from harming someone who has harmed you Synonym – vengeance ___________________________________________________________________________ 23  /  11  /  2021 – Part 2 I watch as he walks around – smiling and greeting every one. My eyes seem locked on to him , I can not move it away. Our memories keep replaying in my head. If I think deeply , I can still feel his hands on my body and his skin against my own. If I really think deeply , I can feel the way he made me feel during those car sessions. Though I used to love that feeling , all it makes me want to feel is disgust. After feeling the touch of Captain – after feeling the tension and emotions he makes me feel , I can no longer enjoy the touch of any other man. I shake my head a
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24 / 11 / 2021
__________________________________________________________________________   Invisible /ɪnˈvɪzɪb(ə)l/   adjective 1. unable to be seen "this invisible gas is present to some extent in every home" ___________________________________________________________________________    24  /  11  /  2021 Underwear…Pants…Shirts…Socks… I pack each item in my suit case , one by one. I am not very happy that I will be leaving my home and staying some place else for a while. Due to my grand father’s health , the family is coming together to stay for while in one single home – which only has 2 bedrooms. This means we are to crash on the floor , or any available place. Although , I do not like the idea of leaving my home and staying in a nother place – I agreed to it because of my grand father’s health.
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