All Chapters of Married To The Alpha Werewolf : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
81 Chapters
11 Not making it easy
"Jessie, I am sorry ok, I didn't mean to make you upset, but things with me and my ex didn't exactly end. They forced us to be apart after being told who my mate was. I knew little about you, just that you were once a vampire. Which I'm not too fond of, especially those from Kilfrost.'' "Not all vampires are bad, just as how not all wolves are good.'' "Je meeprise ces sangsues" Christian spat. Just when Jessie thought he was done, he continued speaking in French. "Ces sangsues cause trop de souffrance.'' Jessie waited until he calmed down before she resumed the conversation. ''What kind of suffering have they caused? The last time I checked, they are good people.'' Looking at her in shock, Christian cocked his head to the side. "I know French.'' "Oh, I honestly didn't think that you would.'' "You think I'm stupid?'' ''Kilfrost is the vilest of all the vampire Hordes. Other
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12 Curiosity does kill the vampire
After jogging for so long, getting sweat in her eyes and becoming out of breath, Jessie stopped to walk around and admire the flowers in the garden. Even though her eyes watered from her allergies, she still tried to sniff them.  Never have she seen such vibrant flowers before, some of which she did not recognise. Jessie ran a hand along every one of them. She loved flowers even though the feeling was not mutual; All because they put her in a sneezing fit. Jessie plucked one up before deciding to explore the expansive yard. Jessie walked around until she found herself at a large silver fence; only to remember what Christian said about it being electric. Wanting to know if it was true, she gathered a hand full of dirt then threw it at the fence. Sparks went up, causing her to back away, not wanting to get fried by that thing. Just one touch and that's it for her. Feeling as if she was being watched, Jessie turned around to see a lit
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13 Welcome to the village
Martha and Jessie sat on her sofa laughing and eating cake, as she told Jessie stories about the funniest things her grandchildren do. Jessie doesn't know how she can manage with them all. She had three children and sixteen grandchildren. All of which she takes care of daily, occurring to Martha. No one lifts a finger in her household unless it is her. "You are one great grandmother, I know they must love you.'' Their conversation took a sudden turn, with Martha mentioning Keera. "I'm just glad that the Alpha found his true mate, vampire or not. I can't stand that Keera, she is so self-absorbed and selfish. Good gods, not to mention how spoilt she is." Not being the one to gossip much, Jessie still couldn't resist asking, "Can you tell me all I need to know about this, Keera? There is something about her.'' Martha frowned at first, then gave a smile, "as much as I would love to tell you about that girl, our conversa
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14 Meet and greet
When Jessie woke, she was in bed with the covers all the way up to her chin. She didn't know how or when she got in bed, but all she knew now was that when she opened her eyes; the sun was streaming in and she could smell delicious food that made her mouth water. She turned in that direction to see chocolate flavoured Weetabix, bacon, eggs and biscuits, long with orange juice. "Breakfast?'' She questioned. "Yes,-" "AHHHHHH!!" Jessie screamed, not realising that Christian was in the room. ''Sorry.'' She held a hand over her heart, before speaking. ''Why breakfast?" "Well, you have been sleeping.'' ''Yeah, I figured that.'' "You have been sleeping for nineteen hours.'' "Wha-?'' She shrilled, not believing what he just said. ''Oh b*lls.'' Jessie sunk to the bed, she didn't feel hangover which she was grateful for. "You also threw up on me several times.'' Jessie looked back at him, "you're n
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15 Nothing to worry about
Not being able to tell how Christian was feeling, as he was hiding it very well. Jessie stopped in front of him, causing him to almost crash into her. There was one thing that plagued her mind, it was about what that man had said. ''Christian?'' "Yes, my love?'' "What that man had said-'' "Don't worry about it, he and the others are free to have their opinions, but don't worry, none can hurt you.'' He cut her off. "I'm not talking about that, but the attack. He said someone was attacked last night.'' "It is nothing to worry about." "Christian.'' Jessie began. "If I'm to be Luna and is to be involved in pack affairs or whatever, you should not keep me in the dark about these things.'' "Very well then. What happened last night is still a mystery to us. No one crossed the border yesterday, so there is no evidence pointing to a vampire. I'm guessing another wolf which is rare or self-inflicted. Which makes me wonder
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16 A heated moment
The next morning, Jessie could feel Christian shaking her awake. She opened her eyes to look up at him, then quickly closed them back as a pain burned behind her eyes. "My head hurts so bad.'' Jessie groaned. "That's because you knocked yourself out yesterday.'' ''Oh, yeah, I did, didn't I?'' Jessie said, opening her eyes again. Christian chuckled while holding out a steaming mug and a plate of fruits. "Good morning.'' "Good morning.'' She smiled at him. "Did you sleep well?'' He came to lie beside her, after placing the breakfast down. "Like a log, I guess that's what happens when you get knocked out. Why are you all dressed up?'' "We have a party to attend.'' "We?'' "Yes, so let's get you all dolled up and ready to meet some important people.'' "What is this party about?'' "Us, mostly you.'' "Me?'' "Yes, now let's go pick out an outfit.'' "Wait.'' Jessie
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17 Party
It happened where both Jessie and Christian had to change their outfits, again matching with each other.  With Christian wearing a red button-down shirt under a black suit. Jessie didn't have to search hard to find a dress; she had several dozen, which she loved, but Christian was being picky about the style. "How about this?" Jessie pulled out a long, flowing red dress that has a plunging neckline. "No, too simple." "This one then?" "No." "Why not?" "I just don't like it." Jessie felt like yelling at him for being so picky; she was the one wearing the dress after all, not him. Jessie dug around until she found the perfect dress, well to her, it was perfect. She didn't want Christian to reject it, so she went behind the screen to try it on. "Jessie, what are you hiding?" Christian made his way around the screen, then stopped. A smile formed on his face as he looked her up and down.
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18 Getting to know each other
"Are you sure that nothing is going on between you and Keera? Because she seems to never go away. It's like we are competing over you or as if she thinks you would leave me for her. I mean-'' "Keera and I have a history, that is in the past now. She has been more and more obsessed with me lately but I assure you, nothing is going on between us.'' Christian cut Jessie off. "Why doesn't she get it? Why does she always come around and try to make this hard for me? From the first day I saw her until now, she has done nothing but growl at me, pass little nasty remakers and-'' "Has she said anything to you?'' ''She called me a chav, said she would love to chew on my bones and wondered why you rejected her for someone like me.'' Christian leant his forehead on Jessie's, ''listen, I'll deal with her, just don't let her get into your head. She is only bitter because I had to do the right thing and marry you, my true mate. And honestly, I'm glad that it
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19 Infatuation often leads to nothing
While Christian engaged in a conversation with the group, Jessie couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, not from being excluded from the light chatter, but because for one she knew nothing about what they spoke about and because of the man who said his name was Jared. There was just something about him that made her felt bothered. Maybe it's because she felt drawn to him somehow. But there was just something that she couldn't explain. Everything about him was affecting her, his voice, his laugh, his very presence. Jessie zoned out for a minute, just thinking about Jared, forgetting that she was married to Christian, who was clearly a better-looking man, and a better soul, but her mind still went there. Almost fantasising about Jared and her, about the two of them in bed, or even on a table then and there. "So, I must ask. How is the Luna adjusting to this new life? Certainly it is far different from being a vampire or even a human.'' Jared turned to Jessie, pu
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20 A troubled mind
After telling Christian that he should mingle and not worry about her, Jessie soon grew bored with being around everyone. Jessie excused herself to the bathroom to clear her head and be as far away from Christian as possible with her thoughts.. After that experience with Jared, Jessie didn't know what to think anymore. 'Are my feelings for Jared real?' 'Are my feelings towards Christian real?' Jessie ran cold water over her sticky hands, watching as it flowed, getting lost in thought. Thoughts about her and Christian, with Jared playing in the back of her mind. Not knowing if she loved Christian because she was married to him or maybe if it's just that he was nice, but on the other hand, she felt compelled to be loyal to him. 'What if I don't love him as I thought I did?' 'But what of Jared? I hardly even know a thing about that man. When I can give every single detail about Christian, I can't do the same with Jared. All I know
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9 Protection Status