All Chapters of Medieval Princess: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
57 Chapters
Chapter 41
  In the capital city,  people of different provinces flocked there. Many entrepreneurs scattered  around the district, displaying their various products according to what would their respective provinces would produce. There were silk, jewels, rich foods, costly shoes and even animals being saled. Alminah's face was a delight to see when she kept on tossing herself around, looking so  lively while seeing for herself the vastness of the capital and its grandeur. Most of the consumers were of nobles type so having a prince tagging along would stand as a challenge since he could draw a crowd. So he was left inside the carriage while she had two lords following her behind. Lord Troi hastily looking here and there when he had lost sight of the little princess. “We have lost her.” Sten exclaimed in panic while trying to get in the middle of the crowd. 
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Chapter 42
  At the banquet hall where the royal family is… Woon carefully placed the buttered chicken on the tribe princess’ platter, cutting a portion for  her convenience. He was talking to her in low voice that only them heard. Two persons were eyeing them in secret, unsettled with the kind of happy atmosphere between the eldest prince and the tribe princess. The king might had felt the eerie silence, he spoke up facing the eldest prince. “The products ye brought from Hanyang were of good use to our empire.” The king  complemented. “Oh that was pleasant to hear, father.” Woon smiled to his princess. “Maybe I should have  search for more native products that wilt be of good use to the Teuton tribe too.” B
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Chapter 43
  In boredom while looking outside, the young prince never did join his company with their animated exchange of words. Rather he suited himself in listening to them. Strangely, his ears would perked up when the tribe princess would began to respond to the inquiries of the eldest prince. “I read tons of book when ye are away.” The tribe princess responded to Woon. “What kind of book do ye read? Might I lend you some of mine.” Sue joined in. “No particular kind, really. But I love the recent book that I am reading now.” She commented. “What is it?” Woon asked. Not one of them saw Jion’s slight tilting of his head towards the tribe princess and Alminah  throwing a silent stare to the young lad before both averted their eyes from each other. “Works of Tol
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Chapter 44
  Princess Alminah wiped her own tears as she saw Sue in a distance, sulking. She got off her  own horse and slowly strode towards her, quite relieved that Sue had not entered into the forest or finding her wilt be difficult. “Princess Sue-,” “Do not even dare to come near me!” Alminah stopped on her tracks and watched her sobbed silently. “I am truly sorry.” Alminah managed to say. Sue looked at her with an accusing glare. “Are ye perhaps happy that ye made those two  fight over thee?” The tribe princess was even perplexed why in heaven Sue said those words. “I would want them to mend their bond again. I want them to get along as much as you want, Princess.”  There was silence before Sue looked down realizing that
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Chapter 45
  “Did ye find them?” The young prince asked calmly although Woon knew he was as panic  stricken as him. They both rode their horses and quickly ran over the place they went in hope that they wilt find the two lost princesses. In distance they saw the white stallion of the tribe princess drinking water along the river  banks. Jion kicked shadow to race his brother towards the horse. “They are not here. Woon, they are not here!” Jion exclaimed as if losing it gradually. “We have to find them-, Sue!” Woon rode towards the princess who has her gown painted  with bloods either of her own or someone else. He did not know but he had to be there with her. Sue trembled again upon hearing another whimpering of horses on her back but she was  relieved that they belonged to the two princes. “Your
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Chapter 46
 There was slight disturbance in the younger prince’s study. It happened after King Suk  handed him one old journal that he strangely found at the royal family’s old chest. At the cover of the journal was the official sign of Jion. He scanned a little and got confused with the dates and the events of every particular dates written on the book. Somehow it did not match with what had been happening the past few months. What caught the king’s attention was the wedding of the tribe princess and the young prince many months ago. He asked the counsel of the eldest prince of what action they must do to the book.“I am certain that it was Jion’s handwritten. But, I do not know if the content was some sort  of fiction for the events that were written gone contrary to what really happened the past months.” Woon said in silence.“What are we to do, son?”However, Woon’s mi
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Chapter 47
    She gave a big unladylike yawn before looking at the vastness of the whole valley where they  pitched their tents for two days. She never knew that traveling upon cities to cities can be really tiring. “Where is father?” she asked the bulky trainer of all their wild beast. “On the large tent checking our newly acquired prizes from the city we went in last time.” “The pumas?” She fixed her long hair with shades of golden yellow and bright red. “Yeah. He could not tame them until now.” “How about you Dari? You are our trainer, am I right?” He snickered. “Yeah but those animals are the real deal of the word wild. Y
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Chapter 48
  “ I can’t  see  if there is any need for a celebration.” The king spoke in low tone while  continually reading the scrolls coming from different lands of the whole kingdom.  “The people wanted to see their King  after your journey from the distant lands.” “Good that the people are not cursing me for being gone for too long leaving the affairs here  in thine hands, Troi.” The lord just somberly smiled while slightly bowing his head for the comment of the king. “They really don’t mind at all since this guy wont even sleep just before he finishes the affairs  of the kingdom for a day.” Lord Sten butted in after courting a slight bow to the king. The young king behold his two great companions si
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Chapter 48 Part 2
It was a very weary practice and the chief tribe allowed them to breathe some air either just  to sit around the grassy valley or roamed around the capital to get familiar with the place just before they wilt have to perform the circus for the noble. Alminah and Shima shared the same interest in fine jewelries that the English women wore in some occasions so they sorted to be in the city to check some of the goodies.  “I wanted to practice rather that walked around in this noisy place.If it is not for our living, I’d rather me inside the tent and play swords. It is in my blood. I  could felt it  right in my flesh and bones.” Chaerin continued to blabber nonsense while following the two ladies around.  “Oh shut it, Chae. Ye are no fun.” Alminah managed to talk despite her animated choosing of  the jewelries. “Dari and Chae were like siblings who struggled to e
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Chapter 49
  Dari placed the last tent on the carriage as ordered by the Teuton chief since they were now  entering the capital tonight for the circus show as requested by the grand queen to welcome his son, the king from his travel overseas. It was late in the afternoon but the sun was not setting any soon so he was privilege to do the chores without the difficulty of having no light. As he finished checking the goods including the food and the caged animals which included the black pumas, he turned to get back to his own horse when the three ladies showed up, heavily panting. “What are ye-, Shima? Are ye hurt?” Dari ran to them and affirmed that she was wounded.  “What happened?” he exclaimed facing Chaerin this time. “Tis not my fault. We were just walking around, listening into crazy old tales and all of the  sudden, there are fighting and Shima got hurt. Minah was mad and got involved in the fight and she made the guy Capulet angry and w
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