All Chapters of Chasing Broken Dreams: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
55 Chapters
Back To Haunt You
Tyler seems to be better. The news of our baby that is on the way has cleared his head in some way and he has escaped from the demon that has to hold him back in his mind.Or that is what I have thought.Last night was torture, not only for me but for him as well. The nightmares seem to have crept their way back into his soul. I did not but sleep one wink out of desperation to get him from where he went running off again.I thought he had escaped the place where he had gone, but yet he is back again. The man that I love has become but a shelf of who he is. He has forgotten all the good things that need to keep him here.As we sit for breakfast this morning, which he reluctantly had been forced to do, I can see that hollowness has returned to his mind.Tyler is gone from me again and I have, once again, no way in saving him from himself. I thought that the news of our baby would keep him back, get him away and save him from the monster that has take
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Please Don't Leave Me
It does not take me but a second and I drop the phone and race over to Tyler. I find him lying on the floor in the stables. As I look over at him, I see he is not moving. There is blood. There is so much blood. I cannot see where it is coming from. I call his name. There is no answer. I shake him. He does not respond. I try to find his pulse. I feel nothing. There is nothing. He is not responding.It comes faster than a crashing wave over my body, "Tyler!"The pain knocks my breath away, and I cannot breathe, "Tyler!" I shake him harder than I have ever shaken anyone in my life ever before."Tyler, Please wake up!" My words mean nothing. He is not moving.I beg, and I beg, and I plead, I say the words over and over, "Please, please, please, please wake up!"There is a deafening silence; the world has stopped. There is nothing but horror. My words are stuttering; I am totally lost; my world is shattered in pieces. Why is he not waking up? Why is he
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Looking For A Miracle
It has now been two days; there is absolutely no improvement with Tyler. I have been talking to him, hoping that it will bring him back, but that is not even working. I am beginning to lose hope; my heart is fearful that this is it; we have been stealing second chances all our lives, maybe they are up.Doctor Cane says I should have faith, but how can you have faith if the person you have faith in is not even here. There is no such thing as miracles either; they are just a pure coincidence that something has come together.Since the accident, I have not been home; I don't want to see that place, there are too many memories there, good memories, memories of a life spent together. One day these times spent in this hospital room will become a memory too.It reminds me of the place where we would have raised our child, where we vowed to spend our lives together, pledge our undying love, promised always to be there for each other, now even that lives in ruin.
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Searching For Answers
It has now been a week. They have moved him to another room; at least there is some sunshine and a couple of birds outside singing. There is still no improvement. I am struggling to see the future. They say that there comes a time that you need to make peace with what could the outcome of a situation; I am bordering on that line of peace and hope.It becomes dangerous when you give up on hope and faith; you are not only letting go of the situation but also of yourself. You stop waiting; then you stop caring, then you stop living. You become the shadow of the person you were before; a black hole swallows you in, and there you stay, not by accident but by choice.How can it be possible for someone to be gone for so long? Is he that lost that he can not find his way back?I am soon ripped from my thoughts as Doctor Cane enters the room, I have really been giving him a real hard time, but he does understand. He, too, feels frustrated, and his heart hurts just as bad
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What Sums Up A Man
It has now been a week, five days, and twenty hours. I have started caring less, not for Tyler but for myself. As every day passes, I hate myself more and more; why did I do this to him, why did I have to go run after another man and turn him into a complete monster. He was always there, no matter how small or how bad. He believed in me no matter what I did, no matter where I went. He loved me more than I would really ever know. Doctor Cane said I must meet him today to talk about Tyler's progress; there might just be some hope for this dire situation; maybe this time, I am the one that found a miracle. So, it is with great anticipation, but most fear that I am waiting for Doctor Cane in Tyler's hospital room. As I see him walking up to me, it is hard to read his face; I don't know where this will go. "Hi, Jenna." "Hi, Doctor Cane." "Please come sit down." "What's wrong? Is it Tyler?" I watch as he swallows real hard, a
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A Note To Say Goodbye
The time is going by faster than I have been counting. It is crawling to two weeks at a rather alarming pace and yet, there is no improvement in Tyler at all. I beg Doctor Cane every day just to give it one more chance. We have been stealing chances and I fear the day that they are going to run out. I am not ready to give up on Tyler. I know that he is in there, he just needs to find his way back home. Each night, as silly as it may seem, I burn a candle hoping that it will help him find the light and step back into our world. Yes, the rambling thoughts of a woman that has almost no strength in her left. Yet, I need to be strong for our baby. I cannot give up on living and I cannot give up on hope. But giving up is a question that we have been talking about a lot lately. The thing is, that day when I found Tyler on the floor, I found his gun only but inches away from his body. The blood was so much that I could not see if he was should or mere
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Fate Has Been Sealed
I cannot believe this is happening to me. Detective Fletcher is arresting me for what he believes is Tyler’s murder. Since when does a simple accident become murder. Yes, I can still not believe that he took his own life either. Nothing makes sense at the moment, and I know they want to lock me in a cell until it does. What Detective Fletcher fails to understand is that it is not going to happen. First of all, I am not leaving my husband alone while he is fighting for his life, and second, I am pregnant for. But even the most, is that I did not do it. I know the note does point in a different direction, but not even that direction is making sense. Why would Tyler want to take his own life when only, but before the accident, he was so excited that he was going to become a father. I understood that the demons in his head would not go away that easily, but to take your own life so suddenly, that is not Tyler. But, I think I need to take a moment and step back to
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Skeletons In The Closet
I think I can safely say that my secret is now out. Brooke has just burst through the interrogation room’s door and called for the interview to stop. I do not know who was more surprised by the move, Detective Fletcher or me. So if it is said that he is beyond furious, then that shall be a slight understatement. But, the best part is yet to come, “Are you charging her with anything, or can I take her home.” The next few seconds are the most agonizing that I shall ever experience in my life before. So it is in anticipation that I wait for Detective Fletcher to answer, “Yes, I am charging her with attempting murder.” I watch as Brooke’s face grows in shock while I can only but gasp. I, in a way, knew that he would not just not let me go like that. So now I am being charged with trying to Kill Tyler; my heart is shattered. I am being stuck in a cell for something that I did not do, and no, I cannot see him either. Why do I feel so helpless? When did I become so
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Not Who You Seem To Be
I have a very frustrated Brooke sitting across from me, demanding answers. Well, she will only get so much from Detective Fletcher, and then there will be the amount that I am going to allow her to get. I do wish that this is not something I had to discuss when Tyler is not here to hear what happened, but I am not discussing this until I have seen Tyler. So with her wanting to nearly murder me, we make our way back over to the hospital. This could have been avoided if they just did not mind their own place and let me look after my husband. But trust some want-to-be rooky detective that is looking for his next big promotion to start something that was never a problem. Yes, I want to know why and what really happened to Tyler, but I did not do anything to my husband. I would never hurt Tyler. But now I need to explain to his sister every same thing… But something that needs to be explained to me is why they are not allowing me to go into his room. As we
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Willing To Fight For It
Brooke has just heard the words that she has waited for to be spoken. To say that she is not slightly shocked would be a lie. So as she eagerly awaits for me to finish my story, I only but shake my head at her, “I want time alone with Tyler.” Much to her protest she finally gives in and leaves the room. Tyler looks so peaceful. He is going to be so devastated when he has to find out. He needs to understand that I had to keep it from him, I had to protect him. Even more, now that I know that Mark is out. I am writing this letter as a token of my love to him, as a keepsake for him to treasure, and as a reminder of my commitment to us and to our life together. "To my dear husband, I want you to know that I love you, ALL OF YOU, and I always will. I am committed to our marriage until death does us part. At times, in moments of deep frustration, I may have questioned otherwise, but that was my immature way of seeking love from you when I sh
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