All Chapters of Stranger Than Murder: Chapter 91 - Chapter 99
99 Chapters
Chapter 90: Chloe Exchanges Christmas Presents
Chloe got in her borrowed black Corolla wearing an off the shoulder sweater, jeans, her rabbit boots and her coat she had left out. Kyle put her luggage in the trunk, and she thanked him then headed to the airport to pick up Liam. She had told him what Brownstone said, and he agreed she shouldn't be alone. He was going to stay with her until they caught Marilyn. It was already dark when she got to the airport and pulled up to where Liam waited for her at his gate.   "So this is why the patrol couldn't find you?" Liam said getting in the Corolla.   "Patrol?" Chloe pulled away from the curb and headed to her house. "I told you I wasn't home. Brownstone wanted me to lay low."   "Yeah, you said you were at a friend's, so I sent Patrol to Katherine Chevy's place, and they couldn'
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Chapter 91: Chloe Goes Out Alone
Chloe was so sore when she got up on Sunday she almost called Kat to cancel yoga, but Liam had distracted her before she knew it, Kat was ringing her doorbell and Chloe was scrambling to get ready.  "I gotta head to the station for a bit. Will you be okay by yourself when you get home, Luv?" Liam asked Chloe at the door as she locked up.  "Hmm? Yeah, I'll just paint the master." He pulled her close and kissed her before she got in Kat's car.  "Hey there," Kat said. Chloe buckled herself in as she thought, Safety First. "How long have you and detective hottie been a thing?" "What?" Chloe said as Kat looked in the mir
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Chapter 92: Chloe is Taugh a Lesson
Chloe woke up to a mouth on hers, and she blinked into the dark with a start gasping into the mouth. She felt a hot body pressed against hers and realized she had no clothes on. She was still wearing her necklace, but her t-shirt and panties had been removed. She was getting dizzy and almost out of breath when she was released from the kiss. "You went to bed without me," Liam whispered in her ear. "And you were dressed." "I…" Liam was nibbling her earlobe, and she felt him hot between her legs. "I tried to wait up." "I want you," Liam said and was sucking on her breast teasing her nipple as he engulfed her. When he let go, he finished his sentence, "to feel what I feel." "Ah." She opened her legs to him as he
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Chapter 93: Chloe Wakes Up
Chloe woke up, she was in a family room of a split level house. She recognized it almost immediately as Veronica Moulton's. It was the house Veronica lived in with her mother, Gerri before they both got married and moved out. Gerri had gotten married and moved an hour out of town and left her house to Veronica. Later Veronica married Nicki and moved around the corner from Chloe.  Chloe had never thought to ask what had happened to the house and Veronica never mentioned it, but here it was exactly as she remembered it. The furniture was the same though a bit dingier and the carpeting, wall fixtures, everything was as it had been when Veronica lived here. It didn't make sense to Chloe. Surely they would have taken their things with them and whoever the new owners were wouldn't want pictures of Veronica and her mother on the walls. Chloe blinked and noticed
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Chapter 94: Chloe on New Year's Eve
Chloe woke up on a stretcher in front of Veronica and Gerri's old house. She blinked a few times then wrinkled her nose at the lingering burn of the smelling salts. As much as she disliked them she was getting used to them. She looked up to see an EMT looking back at her, and he flashed a light across her eyes.        "Are you okay?" He asked her.        "Yes, yes I'm fine Josh. My name is Chloe Harris I'm thirty, and I want to go home."   "Fine by me." He told her with a smile. "I want to make my wife’s new years eve party if I can."  
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Chapter 95: Chloe Prepares to Leave
Chloe woke up on New Years Day and got washed and dressed. She gathered up anything she forgot to pack before or had taken out of her luggage and then made breakfast for her and her house guest, soon to be house sitter, Kat. Kat came in and ate and then went off to get washed and dressed as well. It was five minutes to ten when Darren showed up with a briefcase. He explained all the paperwork as she signed for her transfer to the L.A. office. "We are still on holiday break until next week, and then it will take about a week to get your new office set up," Darren told her. "I will call you beforehand to confirm the particulars but expect to begin a week from next Monday." "Thank you, Darren," Chloe said, leading him to the door just as Kyle knocked on it. She introduced them then poi
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Chapter 96: Chloe is Distracted
** Author's Note: This isn't the end of Chloe's odd circumstances. She will return soon. Please make sure to add this novel to you collection so you are notified on the next series of events. Coming soon to a goodnovel near you (0.0) **   Chloe sat in the terminal waiting for her plane to board thinking or trying not to think of the past few weeks, or the past few months. She was pushing everything to the back of her mind hoping it wouldn’t surface anytime soon. She wanted to move on and move forward if at all possible. She was focusing on imagining her future when she heard someone clear their throat.   “Uh, excuse me do you mind?” She looked up and saw a tall, lanky man with short shaggy curly brown hair. He had brown beady, almost dead eyes and fuzz that resembled a sort of illusion of a beard gone wrong. He was wearing a red
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Chapter 97: Que Sera, Sera
Meredith had followed Brayden through the closet where the bedroom was. A large king sized bed sat in the middle of the room against the left wall facing a window to the right. There was a white sheer curtain that was on a round track that encircled the bed. The curtains were pulled back and framed the bed on either side.There was a small seating area past the bed but Meredith was more concerned with the bed in front of her. She sighed a sigh of relief and as she went around to the other side of the bed as she left Brayden’s side their hands drifted apart.Meredith sat on the bed then turned to Brayden and he nodded. She followed him back into the closet where he opened a bag and pulled out a smaller bag and handed to her and he guided her to the bathroom that was connected to the closet by a door in the middle of the closet on the same wall as the bedro
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Chapter 97: Jax and LAX
"Maybe we can help distract each other," Jackson suggested. "Mmm." She moaned as he kissed her again, closed the door without leaving and carried her to bed. Chloe thought at long last something good would come of all this turmoil she had been through. She was tired of all the craziness and just wanted to have a night where she didn’t have to think about her dead husband, or neighbors, or the neighbors brother stalking her and running her down. “Aaahh..” Jax had somehow already stripped Chloe down to her bra and panties and had been squeezing her breasts like two stress balls before he pinched her nipples hard.  “Can I?” Jax suddenly stopped and asked in a hoarse voice if he could take her bra off. Why now was he asking? He hadn’t asked about anything else.
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