All Chapters of Your Hug Is My Heaven: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
46 Chapters
Chapter thirty
The rest of the week went by pretty smoothly and very uneventful for once. David wasn't around much during the week, he was so busy trying to get work done, going to work and getting all his stuff packed up so it could be moved it before the wedding. It was his last full week of work before the wedding and then he is on vacation for two weeks. I still have no idea what we are going for our honeymoon no one will tell me, I am not even sure David knows where we are going. All I know is after the wedding and our reception we are going to spend the first night in our own home, we will then leave from there. Tomorrow is our big day we have been waiting for. I just finished packing all of our clothes for our trip, all I got out of Dad  was to pack sunscreen, a swimsuit, bug spray, and a nice summer dress. Dad and the bridal party are in the process of moving our dressers and bed in to our house right now, then they should be starting on the rest of our belongings. We will only have a
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Chapter thirty one
I waited and waited for this moment to finally happen. Now it is my big day, the day I have been planning for months, the day I become Mrs. David Davis. In less than an hour I will be walking down the aisle in the backyard. I still haven't even gotten my dress on yet.  I was so close to calling this wedding off because of my anger towards David for not coming home last night. My father however talked me out of it, Nicky tried talking me out of it. It was Dad who really calmed me down and explained things.  He said that it has always been tradition that the night before the wedding the bride and groom were not allowed to see or talk to each other or it was bad luck. He said he spent the night before his wedding away from Mom also. I still didn't understand it all but maybe it's for the best.  David finally showed up to get ready, how I wanted so bad to just go see him. But I knew deep down I had the rest of my life to spend with him, and one night apart won't hurt anyt
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Chapter thirty two
The reception turned out very nicely. Things were going great, everyone seems to be having a great time, they were dancing, eating, everyone seemed relaxed. We went with BBQ ribs and chicken with different salads and dinner rolls much like a spread you find at a summer BBQ. It wasn't a large selection but it was perfect for the time of year. It was a very nice day out and I was so glad I cancelled the hall and Church. It was a perfect day for an outdoor wedding. All thanks to Dad for offering and talking me into having the wedding here. The night was still young. Now it is time for the dollar dance. From the looks of this line it will be quite a while to get through it. It was fun though everyone lined up to dance with us. I had bills shoved everywhere in my dress, down my bra. About an hour later finally the last one in line was up and dancing. It was Chris I watched her as she walked over carrying a Paul with her. I was nervous yet scared at the same time. When she approached me s
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Chapter thirty three
Dad forgot to give us the key before he left for home, good thing he doesn't live far. I hurried to catch up to him. As soon as I reached the front yard I saw him reaching for his door knob to enter.      "Dad," I yelled. He turned around to look. "I need the key."      "Sorry hun" he said "I forgot to wait right there I will run it over in just a second." he replied.      Within a few minutes I was at the back door with David telling me to hurry up as I fought with the key. As soon as we entered the kitchen from the back of the house David found the light switch. After the blinding of the light ended I was in shock it was so beautiful. The nice cherry hardwood floors with cupboards to match. A beautifully designed island with a sink and counter and stainless steel dishwasher sat perfectly in the center of the kitchen. Which then opened right up to a very nice dining room with
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Chapter thirty four
I was unaware of the time it was but to me it was still dark out and therefore it was still way too early for me. David on the other hand, not really sure what overcame him. I never expected him to be up and moving around so early. It felt like we just barely got to bed and now we were laying wide awake. Well not so much me being wide awake. But who can sleep with someone up moving around and staring at you. The time on the alarm clock confirmed it. It was definitely way to early to be awake and moving around. Here it was just turning six thirty in the morning. Only a couple hours ago we had crawled into bed and fell asleep.        Maybe David had finally sobered up. I heard him crawl back into bed next to me. On second thought I think he is sobered and finally realized we hadn't celebrated our first night as husband and wife together like planned. Well maybe the way it feels i think he is just sexually frustrated. That's what I can gath
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Chapter thirty five
"Babe do you have your things packed yet? We have to get headed out if we are going to catch our plane to the Bahamas." David asked for the twentieth time it seems. "Hurry up he yelled."      "I am hurrying. Its not easy packing for ten days in this little suitcase. I have so much clothes it won't fit."      "Babe you have got clothes in my suitcase also if you remember right."      "I know but its not enough and you didn't give me time to pack."      "You had plenty of time now let's go we need to be out the door like ten minutes ago. Your Dad is waiting for us. Don't make me send him up there."       "Fine I am coming" I said as I stuffed the last of my stuff I needed into the suitcase before sitting on it to get it zipped up.     Just as I made it to the bottom of the
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Chapter thirty six
"Babe, are you going to wake up? We just landed." David said softly.      "I am up" I said hurray finally we are here. Time to get my feet on the ground where they belong. This was the moment I have waited for to come all the way out here. Hopefully this trip is worth the plane ride. I guess only time will tell. David seems excited himself because just before I fell asleep he was looking at brochures of different activities that we could possibly get involved with. Which is fine by me because I didn't come all this way to sit in a hotel room for ten days.      As we got off the plane at Freeport and waited for our luggage David called us a taxi. Which I guess was not really necessary because taxis were already waiting out front.     "Radisson Grand Lucian" David told the driver once our luggage was put away in the trunk.      "Yes sir " he said a
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Chapter Thirty seven
 I was so worn out and tired from the long trip I slept like a baby all night long. Well minus the whole time our neighbors kept us up with all their extra activities last night. I was still passed out when David got our wakeup call at seven am. I finally awoke when he came out of the bathroom suite from taking a shower.      "You awake Babe " he asked.     "Yes Honey I am awake" I replied with a yawn.     "Good I am going to order breakfast then we can head out and start our day of fun." He replied excitedly.      "Hurray I can't wait, I am going to get in the shower while we wait for our breakfast" I replied as I crawled out of bed and set my feet upon the floor.      "Make sure you dress comfortably Babe and I would put on sneakers also you may need them" David said as he picked up the phone and started
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Chapter Thirty Eight
After our picnic at the Lucian National Park David and I decided to catch a taxi and head back to the resort. The taxi ride seemed so much longer than the first trip. I don't know why because I am equally excited to see the resort as I was to see the Lucian National Park. We didn't really get explore when we arrived last night, so I was curious to see what it had to offer as that's where we are staying.       "It's so beautiful here,"David said as we stepped out of the taxi and paid the driver. " What would you like to see first babe? " he asked.      "We should start with the beach, and then play a little golf. Maybe after that we can change into our swimwear and go to the pools. " I said.     "Sounds great Babe follow me." He replied as he took me by the hand and headed towards the beach. As we neared I saw so many umbrellas and people laying in the sun while a few kids ran
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Chapter Thirty Nine
"Babe, Babe we overslept, let's get going, our day will be short if we stay in bed any longer." I said as I shook David.          "I am up babe. What time is it?" he asked.       "Nine," I replied.        "We will be fine babe. Get up and get showered. I will go down and order breakfast and then after we eat we will head to the beach." He replied back. Today is all about what you want to do.      "Okay Babe." I replied as I crawled out of bed and headed to get my clothes. What to wear I thought as I went through my things. Finally I came across my pink and white two piece swimsuit. Now just to find something to wear over it I could have swore I packed my little yellow sun dress or something I could wear over my suit. At least I thought that I did. Where could I have put it? Oh yes I remember I put things in David's s
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