All Chapters of Musical Fairytale: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
40 Chapters
Chapter 1: First Day at Rochester Musical Academy
๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Emily's POV ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ My name is Emily Brown, I live in the country side with my parents and little brother, KevinWe own a cattle ranch and I've worked in the ranch my whole lifeI finished highschool when I was 18 but I didn't want to go to college. Well its not that I hate schooling or anything like that but I just love music and I've always wanted to go to a music schoolMy dad bought me a guitar when I was a kid and since then I've always love playing it, I love singing too, I always sing for Kevin, my parents and my friends and they say I have a nice voice and that's why I want to go to a music school so that I can learn more about music and harness my talentI turned 20 last week and my parents suprised me with an admission notice from Rochester Musical AcademyThey said they applied for me and sent a video of me playing the guitar to their website and they accepted meI was mad with joy when I saw the admission notice, I'll finally be going to a music
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Chapter 2: Rude Brat! Dummy!
๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Aiden's POV ๐ŸŽ™๏ธI rolled over in the bed and I slowly opened my eyes to see the timeIt's already past 8 in the morningThe door to my room opened and Jason came in "Come on Aiden, how can you still be in bed by this time, I told you the Chancellor wants to see us this morning" Jason said and I slowly stood up from the bed"We can still meet up with the time so can you stop nagging and get out of my room so I can get ready" "Be fast, Michael is ready too, you're the only one remaining" Jason said and went out of the room"Aisshh, I have a headache" I looked at myself in the mirror and my hair was messy and am still wearing the cloth from yesterdayI dipped my hand into the pocket and brought a rumpled chequeThat girl is really a dummy, how can she refuse a 100 thousand dollarsAm sure she must be one of my crazy fans that wants to get close to me at all costThis is the reason Michael, Jason and I decided not stay in the dorm, to a
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Chapter 3: Another Scandal
๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Aiden's POV ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ"Dummy!!" I said stunnedAnd then I scoffed"I was right, you are a crazy fan" "Am not!" She said She's obviously embarrassed "I see, then why are you laying on the floor blocking my pathway, do you really want to get noticed by me that much""I really didn't know you were one of the music fairies" she said and I scoffed"And to think I was so troubled by you, you really are a dummy" "Cut it out Aiden, there are reporters here and everyone is watching" Jason said quietly"No, I think she deserves to be embarrassed in front of everyone!" I said aloud"Aiden, come on, what are you doing?!" Michael whispered I took the dummy's arm and dragged her up "Hey, look at me dummy!" I said as she was looking away, avoiding my eyes"Why are you suddenly so silent now, aren't you going to call me a rude brat anymore?!" I said and she kept quiet still avoiding my eyes"Woah, has the cat suddenly got your tongue?
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Chapter 4: Crazy girlfriend, Payback
๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Aiden's POV ๐ŸŽ™๏ธI rolled over my bed frustrated about everything that happened todayWhy did Bryan come up with such an absurd idea How the hell am I going to ask that dummy to act along with me for the interview "It's big not a big deal Aiden, she knows you are a celebrity now so she'll do whatever you say" I said to myself My phone started ringing and I scoffed as I saw the callerIt's Naty, am in no mood for her bickering right nowI switched the phone off and dropped it by my bedside ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Naty's POV ๐ŸŽ™๏ธI angrily threw the phone on the bed and my friend who also happens to be my roommate, Nicole, looked at me with concern "He isn't picking your calls?" Nicole asked"Yes! He even switched his phone off!" "Calm down Naty, you know how Aiden has always been, he's just tired after all that happened, am sure he'll come around soon, just like always" Nicole said"You don't understand Nicole, he always makes me feel like t
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Chapter 5: Devil & Angel
๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Aiden's POV ๐ŸŽ™๏ธI stood dumbfounded as she walked out of meI must be dreaming right?Did she just talk to me like that even after knowing who I am? How am I going to get her to act along with me if she's being so stubborn"But how dare that dummy talk to me like that!" I scoffed I'll definitely make her pay but for now I need to calm down and get her to go with me to the interview"We'll see later dummy" I said aloud as I found my way to my class I walked to the class amidst staring and talks but am already used to itAm a celebrity after allThe teacher was already in class and everyone turned to look at me as I enteredThey started side talks while some girls winked at me and I scoffedI sat beside Michael and he looked at me "Why were you late?" He whispered"We'll talk about later" I replied"Silence please and let's continue our class" the teacher said and everyone kept quiet ***********We finishe
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Chapter 6: Interview
๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Aiden's POV ๐ŸŽ™๏ธWe reached the apartment in a few minutes and we got down from the carI stood in front of the door and Jason turned to look at me"Aren't you going in?" He asked"I need to say my prayers first" I said as I made a cross sign"Oh Lord please deliver your servant from his nagging girlfriend" I prayed and then took a deep breath"Let's go in" I said to Jason and he opened the door"Where the hell have you been!!" Naty yelled as soon as I walked inI looked at Michael, he looked like someone that's gonna die soon"You were with that blue-eyed girl right?! You shunned my calls for her!" Naty yelled again"Calm down Naty" I said calmly"Don't tell me to calm down!" She yelled "Why were you with her, did you miss her huh?!""Miss her?" I scoffed "you should know me well by now Naty, that girl is way below my class, I only met her to convince her to go with me to tomorrow's interview and act as my childho
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Chapter 7: New Student
๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Emily's POV ๐ŸŽ™๏ธWe drove back to the school in silence as different thoughts kept running through my mindThe music fairies dropped me in front of the girls dorm"We'll talk later" Jason said as I climbed down from the van and I smiledI walked slowly to the dormWill I really be featuring in their music video?Why's my life changing so fast?!It's hasn't been long since I came to this school and I got involved with the music fairies and I also went for a Live interview, and now I might be featured in a music videoI don't know how am supposed to feelShould I be happy?Or should I be sadI walked into my room and met Mia and Lucy togetherThey are hanging out now and they make a great pair of friends"Emmy, we watched the interview, what do they mean by you'll be in their music video?" Lucy asked as I sat down on the bed"I don't know Lucy, we never planned that, it just cropped up in the in the intervi
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Chapter 8: Accidental Kiss
๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Emily's POV ๐ŸŽ™๏ธBryan was done with the meeting and Jason offered to drop me off at the dormHe drove us in his car and it was such a lovely momentI couldn't stop staring at himAm I just crushing on this guy or am I in love him?You've got to control your emotions Emily, if anyone finds out of your little fantasy it will be so embarrassing"We are here" Jason said as he stopped in front of the dorm"Tha..... thanks" I stuttered as I was about leaving the car but Jason held my hand again and I frozeControl yourself Emily!"Thanks for helping us Emily and am sorry for the stress we'll be causing you" Jason said and I smiled nervously"" I managed to sayHe let go of my hand and I got out of the car and drove offI placed my hand on my chest and I sighedMy poor heart, you keep beating so fast whenever you are with himI went inside the dorm to my room and met Lucy sleep
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Chapter 9: #BullyAiden
๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Lucy's POV ๐ŸŽ™๏ธHe withdrew from the kiss and then collapse on my shoulderWhat just happened?!!I managed to get him on the chair in the room and I stood confused"What should I do?"I just got kissed by Michael!!What should I doShould I go back home or should I wait for him to wake up?But it seems he was drunkWill he remember when he wakes up?He has to remember, he can't just kiss me and forget about it!I brought my phone and I took a selfie of the both of usI need a prove in case he denies it later onI should probably go home, it will be embarrassing if anyone sees me hereI walked out of the room and found my way out of the building as I took a cab back to the school๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Emily's POV ๐ŸŽ™๏ธI ran out of the building to a nearby coffee shop and quickly bought a cup of coffeeAnd he didn't even give me the money to buy it, such a rude bratHe claims to be rich but can't afford li
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Chapter 10: Rude guys cry
๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Emily's POV ๐ŸŽ™๏ธI finished all my classes and and I still have more than an hour before the filming timeI went back to the dorm and started getting ready, I should be early today to avoid that rude brats tauntingThe door opened and Lucy came in"Hey Lucy, how was classes today?" I asked"Tiring" she said as she sat on her bed"I guess you won't be able to go with me today then" I said sadlySince Mia isn't done with her classes, I was hoping Lucy would come with me so that I won't feel alone"I'll come" she said standing"Really!""Yeah, lemme freshen up first" she said as she entered the bathroom**************Lucy and I got to the band's apartment and we knockedAnd Aiden opened the door"Ohh, it's the dummy, she's pretty early today and she brought a friend" Aiden said and I rolled my eyes
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