All Chapters of To Love A Beast: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
31 Chapters
Prologue: Changing of the night.
He killed them all. It was never in his nature to take any prisoners. He thought nothing of it as he ran his blade across the necks of the young and old. Mercy was for humans and the things he killed were monsters.The smoke from the gun powder hung in the air heavily as Creed looked over the limp bloodied and battered bodies that lay on the floor. He counted them in his head noting that there was a family of six of these creatures. He stopped at five and then paused and looked to the end of the room."There's only five," he said and his brothers looked at the bodies on the floor and began counting in their heads as well. "The man he's," before Creed could get his sentence out a man materialized out of thin air and ran at him. The man's form glowed emitting a blue ominous light and his eyes were white and crazed.Creed's brothers all moved to help him but the peculiar glowing man paralyzed them with a simple glance, leaving them standing like statues. 
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Chapter 1
It was unusually quiet at the diner due to the relentless storm that raged on outside. Heavy rain pelted hard against the street making it hard to hear the sound of a car engine and the wind whistled pushing over the dirt bins, strewing the streets with filth.It was Saturday and as a college student, I told myself I had better things to do than to stay and clean the filthy health violation of a restaurant I worked in. I wouldn't eat a morsel from the diner it was as good as eating straight out of a bin. The owner's freshness policy on food was questionable.All my friends were gone on a trip to New Orleans. A trip I couldn't afford to go on. But I didn't moan I didn't cry I sucked it up and reminded myself that one day after a lot of work I'd be able to go on such trips with them.The bell on the door of the diner went off and a tall man dressed in a black raggedy trench coat walked in. There was something about the way the floor quivered with each step he took. T
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Chapter 2
There were too many things to look at as I walked down the winding hallways with Creed. The paintings, vases, and strange-looking artifacts all called for individual specific attention which I couldn't give because my thoughts occupied all of my attention. "Are you going to tell me why you brought me here or not?" I asked impatiently. "Why tell you," he started and stopped at a door, "when I can show you." He pushed open the door and gestured with his head for me to walk in first. It was obvious I didn't trust him so I peeked my head into the room first before walking in. "The room is safe," he told me and he sounded annoyed. I rolled my eyes. He had no right to be annoyed that I didn't trust him. I walked into the room and there was a square mahogany table in the center with eight chairs around it, a large monitor on one wall, maps on another, an ancient armory in the corner of the room displayed on glass shelves, and weapons hanging on the wall
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Chapter 3
Red glowing eyes and pointy teeth. Screams echoing through the dense forest and evil vampires cackling into the night.I woke up with a racing heart and in a cold sweat remembering everything. My hand went to the side of my neck and I felt a plaster over it. The sound of those fangs ripping through my flesh would forever be embedded in my memories.My eyes slowly adjusted to the light and I squinted as I looked around the room. I was in a bedroom. The walls were black and the interior of the room was grey and white.I sat up in the bed clutching my head. At least I wasn't locked in a cell in the dungeon again. A door from the side opened and Creed walked in with a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair wet. "Oh," I exclaimed and looked away. My voice sounded thick and terrible as if I'd been drinking the previous night."You're awake," Creed said and I heard his feet slap the floor as he walked over to me. He sat down on the bed in front of me. "How do y
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Chapter 4
In the kitchen I watched Creed sprinkle some cheese over a slice of bread. He was making grilled cheese sandwiches and something was fascinating about watching him go about the innocent task normally as if he didn't hunt supernatural creatures for a living."You staring," he said flipping a sandwich so that it could toast on the other side."I don't know it's hard to imagine a monster hunter making a grilled cheese for me."The corner of his mouth quirked in a subtle smile. "Don't get used to it princess. I'm only doing it because you were almost killed because of me." He plopped a plate with two sandwiches on it in front of me. "Bon appetite.""Thanks." I rolled my eyes. "Is it easy for you to walk around and act like you don't care about anything or anyone?" I asked and took a bite out of the sandwich.A hint of a dark smile played on his lips while amusement shone in his eyes. He folded his arms and leaned back on the counter behind him. "Who said it
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Chapter 5
"I can't believe you talked me into this," Creed groveled as I stumbled behind him, trying not to break my ankle in creative ways. The ground was covered in fallen leaves making it hard to see if any rocks were sticking out.The forest was beautiful during the day and it was almost hard to believe how scary it looked at night. The sun peeked through the gaps of the yellow and green tree branches, creating a beautiful cascade of yellow rays on the ground with the already fallen browning leaves and red berries.The forest was alive with color, flowers I've never seen before that looked like they were from another planet with their funky colors and patterns. Of course, Creed had to ruin it for me 'don't touch anything it will kill you,' I heard the line three times in less than ten minutes."So why did you decide to come out on the case with me?" He asked turning over his shoulder to glance at me.I shrugged. "I'm curious about your day job. What it's like l
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Chapter 6
Creed parked the Jeep back in the disclosed garage before covering it up with broken branches. We hiked back to the house just before the sun could set. "I'm going to talk to Dallas," he said once we entered the house.He stormed off in the direction of the boardroom. He looked severely disturbed, and I knew he was. Whatever happened between him and that wolf in the parking lot stumped him more than he lead me to believe.As I watched him disappear into the room I sighed not knowing what to do with myself. Where did someone like me fit in a house like this? A house filled with strange artifacts and a dungeon of creatures. I walked down the hallways slowly as I looked around at the portraits of men and women with silver hair much like Dallas's. One man, in particular, caught my eye. His hair was silver and his eyes were hard and a pale blue like Dallas's. His lips were in a nasty scowl as if he never smiled a day in his life.  The name on the plac on t
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Chapter 7
After dinner, everyone retired to their rooms and I went to Creed's. He went over to his drawers and pulled open the bottom one. "Here." He tossed me a candy bar and I stumbled to catch it. "You hide snacks in your room," I thought out loud as I examined the wrapper of the granola bar. "With Dallas's cooking, I have to otherwise I'd starve. There are pretzels in here too and bottled water. Help yourself."He then opened another drawer and took out a pair of grey sweatpants and a hoodie. "Here you can use these," he handed me the clothes. When pandora goes shopping tomorrow we can ask her to get you some stuff."I left the granola bar on the bedside table and took the clothes from him. I squealed when his underwear fell out and onto my foot. "Eew eww Ewww!" I shrieked and hopped on the spot."What's the matter?" He asked unfazed by my reaction."Why are you giving me your underwear!" I kicked it off my foot."If you not usi
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Chapter 8
Creed ran a hand through his hair as his eyes remained fixed on me. "Does my life mean nothing?" I asked and his brows furrowed."Of course your life means something, Eleanora. I tried to tell you that night and then you ran off. It must have slipped my mind," he said taking a step towards me."How could something like this slip your mind Creed and knowing I was going to die for you. You still pulled me into this mess.""I will never let anything harm you El. I promise I will protect you.""How can I trust you?" My voice strained. The dream from earlier this morning played over in my head again. He left me in the fire to burn maybe it was my subconscious warning me."Because you know you can." He gritted his teeth."Why did you even take me. Tell me why me!""Because something in me wanted you El," he yelled back. His eyes flashing from green to black as he clenched his fists. "It wanted you."I swallowed the lump forming in my
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Chapter 9
If the flap of a butterfly's wings in Tokyo could cause a tornado in Tennessee then it wouldn't be too far-fetched to say that a small kiss on the neck was an internal natural disaster causing my organs to liquefy and my overthinking to seize.I've never felt something quite like it before. There was something about Creed and I could feel it in my veins from the first moment we made eye contact.It was more than just attraction, there was something else keeping me here despite my heads natural reaction to run and never look back.I touched the back of my neck still staggered and swallowing hard. I tried to get my body's functions up and running again from its recent stupefying.I ran my fingers through my hair and rubbed my sweaty palms down the length of my dress as I moved to exit the room. It was just one kiss Eleanora it meant nothing, my brain told my spontaneous heart.
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