All Chapters of Behind The Gate of Lakeview : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
59 Chapters
                                    ~Jade~My stupid self was just too compassionate for my liking. Bacause Saheed was curious to know why Uthman and his Dad were so off with each other, Dad finally told us that since his mom died , his father had changed and he has never truly gotten over the death making him something sort of a horrible father to his kids. My subconscious started feeling sorry for him then. It was that stupid subconsciousness that made me open my mouth on Monday morning to greet him. We bumped into each other in front of our class and 'Good Morning' was out of my mouth before I could even think twice. Now, I'm mad. I swear. The guy in question just looked at me as if I've grown two heads before he mouthed good morning and walked away. My classmates were talking about Michelle's party when I entered."The party was crazily interestin
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 Uthman's POV        Pass         straight        dribble       go       go       go and             it's a Goal.            Wooosh, I shouted and in less than a second, I was lifted off the ground by my teammates. Wooosh, I said again, feeling excitement bubbling in my heart. That was my second goal for the match and that makes 3-0. We resumed the match and in less than 10 minutes, the referee blew the alarm and the match ended. We won again. I walked over to where I kept my phone and shirt admist loud murmurs from my teammates and the other players. I unlocked my phone and saw that the time was 7:15pm. Someone slapped me at the back and I looked back to see Muhammed, the guy
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 Jade's POV  When I think of the perfect marriage or the perfect love story, I think of my parents. How possible is it for couples to still look at each other with awe and love even after almost 24 years of marriage. I mean how many new couples these days even call themselves endearment like sweetheart, honey, Darling and Co. I can't keep gushing over my parent's love. I just can't wait to grow up and fall in love but love comes with a lot of responsibilities. Zee will shake her head at our parents and say  'See these old people acting all lovey dovey oo. May God save my innocent eyes oo.'  And I'll shake my head at her and laugh. It was love, what my parents shared and I believed it. But what birth the other? Is it love or is it Responsibility?  Zee attended the wedding Dad had prohibited her from attending. I knew this because she told me and she swore me to secrecy
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  A moment is always all it ever takes                                                           Yours Truly                             ~Jade's POV~On Saturday Morning, Zee cooked a new recipe she learned from an online course. She cooked Spag in a completely different way with green pepper, carrot and everything you could add together tomake pasta. We were the only one at home with mom. I met Zee at home when I got home from school on Friday. I don't even understand my sister anymore, she legit come home from school almost every weekend. Is she even learning like this?'Wow. This your delicacy is delicious oo. Very Very delicious.'
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Fourteen 2
To love is to split open                                                       Yours truly                                            ~Uthman~      'Why?'  I can list a thousand reasons why I want to become Medical Doctor. Heck! Even millions of reason  My dad owns the biggest hospital in our State, makes millions of Naira daily, sent me to one of the best and most expensive secondary school, set up a trustfund worth millions of Naira for me, (a lot of people will  be truly surprised to know how much I have in my trustfund), buys me everything
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                               ~Jade~ "You're just getting worked up over nothing, sis. It's normal. I don't see any biggie there." I stared at Zee, mouth ajar. We were both in my room. I was exasperated from what had happened at the party and Zee just had to say this when I told her what happened.  "Wow, really? Zee, It's normal? I get that most girls are okay with that but I'm not most girls, am I? And I even told him I was not interested but he persisted."  "You told him? I thought you said you pushed him." Oh God. Now, I was beyond exasperated and the fact that I couldn't raise my voice to my satisfaction because it was very late in the night was annoying me more.  "Yeah. I pushed him. Why? Because the fool said, can I do you the honor of kissing your li
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                       ~Jade's POV~ I was in my room contemplating about Hana's outburst. After we both left the cafeteria, we went to the field and sat down on the grass, our hands still intertwined. After a while, I'd asked her 'Okay, are you going to tell me what's wrong with you now?' She'd shook her head after a while. I was nearing experation. Seriously, I felt like shouting at the top of my voice. 'Really, Hana? You're not going to tell me? Well, suit yourself.' And I'd stood up, ready to leave when she grabbed my hands. I looked down to find her smiling. 'God! Jade, you're really going to leave me like this.' I laughed and sat down again. 'Well, you left me with no option.' She laughed and I joined in laughing too.
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                            ~Uthman~ "Do you think Jade and Hana fought?" I asked Daniel when we got home. We were both in my room, lying down on my bed. "Why do you care? It's not like you're interested in their stuff." I turned to look at him, his gaze was fixed on a picture on his phone. He was obviously going through someone's I*******m page. He put his phone away when he caught me looking. "Stop peeking, it's not like I'm watching porn." Aah God! How did I become close to this guy in the first place? "Hana is full of surprises sha. I never thought she could raise her voice at Jade." "Desperate times call for desperate measures." "Was she desperate and how would you know that?" I asked, propping my head up with one
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                               ~Jade~Exams are coming, Exams are coming, exams are coming, prepare well for your exams, read well for your exams, stop frolicking around, this is your last school exam before your mock exams, stop chasing boys around!!!Well, we were done with the exams and we did not die. Two weeks after Hana told me about her escapedee with Daniel, two weeks after Michelle's outburst at the cafeteria, two uneventful weeks, well, if I should count Hana and Dan's palava as eventful. I don't even understand the duo anymore. They kept circling around. Dan had called it off with Fola and Hana was yet to date him. Yet to date him because she obviously would do that soon. If not, why on earth will she allow him to kiss her on two different occasions?Now, we were in our class, some were playing ludo, some
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                          ~Jade's POV~ On days like this, I wish I had a more normal family. Don't get me wrong. I love my family. I love them so much but then, peoole say things like 'We don't know the value of what we have until we lose them or something like We are not grateful for the things we have because we see people that seems to have more things than we do. That's the phase I am right now, sitting at Hana's dinning table watching her parents eat together like they do every other day. Damn! I can count the number of time my whole family eats together on my two hands in a whole year. It was our cultural day in school, a day when all students dress in their traditional attire reflecting their cultures. We have Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, ibiobio, Igbira, Edo and then Hana, our Korean. I had slept over at her place because her make up artist will be the one to do my makeup. I wi
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