All Chapters of The Forbidden Alpha: Chapter 291 - Chapter 300
340 Chapters
Still good
Adea Shane was right. We did have a good day. I hated to admit it but he was right. We were having a blast, at least, I knew I was. I don’t know why I was surprised when he lead me downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast. I knew this place better than the back of my hand. Everything was as I remembered and it made me miss Mavy. Unease filled my stomach as I realized hadn’t seen her at all yesterday. I needed to be on the lookout for her today. Would she come down for breakfast? Should I ask Shane? The staff seemed happy and I recognized them as women I had cleaned with before. As we took our seats, we were served waffles, scrambled eggs, and a huge brown of grapes, strawberries, and blackberries. I popped a few grapes into my mouth while Shane asked me to feed him strawberries. He wasn’t a baby but I didn’t deny him when he opened his mouth like a toddler. The big bad wolf likes to pretend to be an innocent puppy with me. There was no sign of Devin or Liam. It wasn’t odd for the Bet
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Evenly matched
Just as his head dipped and my lips were about to press to his. I turned away and pressed a kiss to his cheek A low growl rumbled in his chest and I didn’t bother hiding my smirk as my heels hit the concrete. I started to drop my arms from his neck when his thumb and index fingered gripped my chin and forced me back. He dipped his head lower and kissed me. He kissed me like he was thirsty and I was the only thing that could quench his thirst. He moaned as I gave him access and he deepened the kiss. When we separated I took a step back but he wouldn’t let me go. His hand intertwined with mine and my breath caught in my throat. “So?” He asked. “What?” “Are you still a good shot, Ady?” “Why don’t you wait and see who leaves here with their tail tucked between their legs?” I whispered. “Ooh,” Shane teased. He led me into the arcade. We started with a shooting game, before I could grab the red gun, Shane swiped it up. “This is my lucky color,” He said as he handed me the blue one. “
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Only beginning
By the time we were done playing, we realized we had missed lunch and it was dinner time. I wanted to ask him where we were going as we stepped outside but the fun of it wasn’t knowing. Orange and pink filled the sky, the sun was going to start its descent below the surface. My stomach growled and Shane lifted me onto the motorcycle. He was no gentleman and I flushed as his eyes dipped between my legs. I was well aware that I was on display but I wasn’t going to cower under his gaze. I hated the arrogant smirk that would tug at the corner of his lip. He took his time getting onto the bike and I wanted to yank on his nipple ring but I’m sure he’d like it. I wrapped my arms around him as he kicked up the kickstand. I held on tight while Shane drove us to our next destination. Five minutes later we arrived. It was nothing like Iron Pot. Today, we were eating at a pizzeria called ‘Home Plate Pub’. It wasn’t fancy but it had its own perks. The walls were made out of finished wood, the boo
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It was all too easy to fall into step behind Shane. Living this fantasy was becoming a second skin and I could feel myself slipping into it eagerly. This reality was more fun than it should be. Letting him do the things he did to me should have been harder. His firm grip on my hips was too warm, too comforting, too consuming.I held onto him tightly and I wondered if it was so that I wouldn’t fall or if it was because I wanted to hold onto him? My feet still hadn’t returned to the ground from what he’d done to me in the pizzeria. My heart twisted but also soared. I didn’t know whether I should be this happy or if I should be wracked with guilt.I didn’t let myself question, wonder, or spiral. I pushed the guilt aside and swallowed down my conscience. Tonight was not the night to wallow. I was going to be wild and reckless. Was this the place to let loose? No, probably not. Was this the best time? Absolutely not.Shane sat in front of me, his broad shoulders and firm back were all too
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I nodded. My mind raced as he reached for the door. Goosebumps broke out down my arms. Who could be in the dungeon? The only person I could think of was was Duke, the warrior from the wall. Shane had punished Pan while Duke remained untouched. He had said a surprise but I guess a day without killing would be too much to ask for. It’s not how I pictured how the night would end. A flashback of our past life flashes through my mind and I’m reminded of the beatings Shane had taken for me. Yes, he’d been dark and his love sometimes hurt but he’d never had a chance to be taught the right way. Sometimes you love the person and not the crimes they’ve committed. He did everything he could to protect me. I knew, I just knew that whoever was in there had done something bad and deserved the punishment they were getting. Whoever was on the other side of this door had not only offended Shane but had hurt me. If it was Duke, I couldn’t see him being sentenced to death. He didn’t do anything to me.
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Crap choices
We had a good day and I realized after a day with him that I had started to like him. The Shane I spent the day with and the Shane that I saw now… wasn’t the same. The Shane I was looking at was the Shane from before, from when I lived here at Half Moon. I feared this Shane. “Enough,” Shane breathed. With one command, Liam’s hand dropped to his side. The metal clanged against the floor as it dropped. The silence in the room was eery as I held my breath and waited for what was to come. Liam took a few steps back as the prisoner as he came into view. I forgot how to breathe as my gaze landed on the prisoner. He was familiar, all too familiar. His arms hung above his head, his hands were chained, and he slumped forward from the torso up. My chest tightened as my gaze traveled over his body. Bruises littered his body and I choked down the sob. He couldn’t heal if Liam kept hitting him. Wolves healed quickly but wouldn’t if the blows were consistent. It wouldn’t give him the chance to r
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I know how I felt today and I knew I had been unfaithful. I didn’t sleep with Shane but I had been unfaithful with my body and my heart. Even so, I still chose Ethan. I don’t know if he would still choose me but I would continue to choose him. I still loved Ethan but I would not let Shane see this, I couldn’t. I wouldn’t give him a reason to be suspicious of me. Ethan was broken physically and I don’t know where he was mentally but tonight, I’d have to break his heart. I was playing an angle, playing a role, playing Shane and I was too deep, too involved to turn back now. I had hoped to keep my mate out of this, away from here but that wasn’t going to happen and I needed to accept that. I couldn’t let myself be swayed by Ethan’s presence. I said this yesterday while I drove away from Desert Moon and I’m going to repeat it today. A brokenhearted Ethan is a very much alive Ethan. Was he going to hate me? Yes. Was I going to hurt him? Yes, I was going to hurt him but he would be alive.
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Shane didn’t move and for a moment, I thought he was unfazed by his attitude. That or he was really freaking pissed. Damn it, why was Ethan being so stubborn? This isn’t how you were supposed to act when you were at the mercy of someone as vicious and cruel as Shane. My mate had never been captured before and I worried for him. I’d never seen him so hurt, so weak.At Shane’s question, I hoped to hear that he wasn’t alone. I hoped that he would admit the others were nearby, just out of sight and that they were ready to fight to get him back. Shane lifted his knee and the bottom of his shoe connected with Ethan’s face. Ethan cursed and spat out a mouthful of blood onto the floor.Shane dropped his head ever so slightly and lifted his arms. His fingers slid through his hair. He straightened his back and dropped his head back as he stared at the ceiling. A habit I came to understand was Shane trying to calm himself because he was close to the edge.“Is that the best you’ve got? That was a
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My Mark
The path in front of me had blurred but I knew where I needed to go, I knew what I needed to do. It would hurt him, it would hurt me but I didn’t want him to be here for this. I never wanted him to see this. I closed my eyes to block Ethan out. I didn’t want to look at him, I didn’t want him to see my reaction to Shane, his hands on me, and I didn’t want him to see that I liked it. Goddess, I liked it. “What’s punishable by death, is killing warriors guarding their pack. Why are you here? I’m not doing anything she doesn’t want. Just look at her, can you tell me who she belongs to?” Shane asked. “She bears my mark. She’s mine,” Ethan spat as he fought to keep his head up. “Mm… let’s ask her, why don’t we? Ady, who do you belong to?” Shane asked. Shane’s fingers lifted my chin until my gaze locked with his. There’s anger, irritation, and a pinch of hope. He wants to believe I’ll pass this test, he wants to believe that I want him, he wants to believe that unlike the time at the Cres
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Look at me
“I chose him. I’m choosing him.”“We can work through this. We can figure it out. Can’t we baby? We can fix this.”“No, we can’t,” I almost choked on the words.“I don’t believe you! I don’t know where this is coming from. Just the other day, we were making love and talking about pups. You couldn’t, no, you can’t change. This doesn’t make sense,” his voice was hoarse. “Just… just give me a chance. Whatever you’ve done, whatever I’ve done, I can- we can fix it. Baby, please.”“How can I make this make any more sense? I don’t want to fix it. I don’t want to be with you. I made a decision, my decision. I don’t need to explain anything to you. You knew already, didn’t you? Isn’t that why you came here? Isn’t that why you didn’t link me when you came near the border? Isn’t that why you haven’t tried to talk to me all day?” I yelled.I took the anger from how I felt about him not reaching out to me and pushed it into my voice. Goddess, this was killing me. I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t
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