All Chapters of The look in your eyes : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
86 Chapters
Chapter 11
I feel light touch, I open my eyes, and to my surprise, I see my hands, I start to panic, What's going on? I see someone approaching me, a man with rich grey hair, he stops in front of me and snaps his fingers, my eyes widen "Father?", he smiles at me, my eyes gather tears and I hug him "Oh father, I was so scared, I thought I lost you" tears freely flow down my face, I use my hand to wipe the tears, I wear a bright smile " I can see your face, isn't that great! I don't know what's happening" He touches my face and kisses me on my forehead, suddenly everything becomes blurry "What's this?, why can't I see you anymore?" I stretch my hands "Father!, father!" I cried out "Father!...." I gasp sitting up straight "Where am I?" I hear a plate drop "She's awake!" I hear a girl scream out. I can't tell where I am, there's this odd smell, like dough. I try getting on my feet but I instantly fall to the ground, I noticed my hand was connected to a drip. "Careful" I hear a familiar voice say,
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Chapter 12
I gasp waking up to an awkward smell of flour. I let out a disappointed sigh with the realization that everything that had happened to me wasn't a dream. I blame myself, I was the one who decided to marry Jesse, I'm the one who decided not to do anything when I found out about his adultery, I was the one who let Benita stay with us, I caused Jack to die, he saved me, I wish he didn't. Memories came back to me while I was asleep, I recall everything that happened. I hear a knock on the door "come in" I said in my weak tone I sense little footsteps "Sorry if I disturbed you" is that girl's voice again "It's fine, what brings you here Uhm?". " Lisa, Lisa Benjamin-Kim". She has the same last name as Luther. "I came here to ask if you wanted breakfast" "I'm not hungry, thank you". " Why?" She asked in her high pitched voice "I don't feel like it, but thank you". I hear her sigh "Are you, Luther's daughter?". She replies instantly "Yup" "Oh, then I guess your mum is-*. "My mum
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Chapter 13
I could not stop thinking about what Luthurs mother told me, I hold my tummy, it's sad I didn't at least get to see my baby's face "Hey" Luther said out of the blue catching me by surprise "Jeez, you fucking scared me" He puts his finger on my lips "Shss...language, there's a little girl in the house" I scoff pushing his finger away "She a teenager" I try standing up, Luthur assist me "thanks" "I got you something" He hands me a cane "I know it's nothing fancy like your staff, at least it would help you" I smile at him "Thank you Luther " he takes my hand "Let me give you a tour of the house, so you'd get used to the place" I nod excitedly JESSE'S POV "And lastly sir, you'd need to hold another meeting with members of the board," My secretary said showing me my busy schedule on his tablet "Okay Ben that would be all, Just make sure you send me those files I asked for" "Okay sir" I watch him leave, my wife walks in I wear a smile "You are still here?
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Chapter 14
I hear a finger snap, I gasp as I immediately get off the bed, with my shaky legs I walk slowly to where the sound was coming from, and I hear it again. I whisper "Father?". I don't get a response " Father!" I exclaimed, I hear the snapping again. Suddenly I see a man holding a baby, I don't see his face, it was like looking at a shadow, I gulp, the baby stretches his tiny hands like he was calling for me, I try to hold him, but then the man takes the baby and starts running. "No please come back!" I cry out, I hear the baby cry "Bring him back please!". I suddenly open my eyes to nothingness, that's when I realise, what I had was a dream. " Good morning, did you sleep well?" I hear Luther's mother's voice. "Yes, I did".I try sitting up " That's good to hear, Luther ask to check up on you, he's worried that the news of yesterday affected you, you know, the speech your ex-husband made". I sigh "It did, but I'm over it". I feel her hand on mine "It must hurt, you don't have to
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Chapter 15
"What's the meaning of this Lisa!" Luther yells, his mum tries to calm him down "Calm down, that's not how you handle things!" "Stay out of it mother!" I could tell Luthers mum was instantly dumb founded, but could you blame him?, with how hard his working and paying for her ballet tuition "Lisa,if you don't give me a good reason why you've been skipping lessons, I swear I am going to bury you alive". She doesn't say anything " Lisa!" He yells catching everyone by surprise, damn that gave me quite a shock She starts crying "I'm sorry" she runs away "Damn it!" Luther kicks something I touch his shoulder "Let me talk to her". He grunts and walks away I let out a sigh. I looked for her all over, I didnt find her in the bed rooms, I enter the pizzeria, I call for her, but she doesn't answer. I enter the kitchen, I hear sobs, I walk towards the counter " There you are". I said with a bright smile "How did you find me?". She was sited on the floor, I join her. " Well, I'm rea
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Chapter 16
VIOLET'S POV I had a nightmare, but what's funny about this nightmare is it's actually my reality. "Hi honey" I wear a smile, oh how much I would give to see the look on his pathetic face. I hear a sound, it seems like he has fallen down "Sir are you okay?". I hear his secretary cry out "I'm fine, just please give us some privacy". " O-okay sir". I hear the door slam I scoff "I guess you aren't happy to see me". " What kind of Joke is this?". He said with so much range in his voice, I hold myself together. I just smile "What do you mean?, surprise that I'm not dead?, to be honest, I'm as surprise as you are, one minute I'm in heaven and two year later I'm back to this hell ". I laugh " don't worry honey, I promise I won't cause you any trouble, I just wanted to meet my husband, I've missed him so much". I notice he doesn't say anything, I take a seat "Hope you don't mind, my legs are tired". " You died, I buried you, you are fucking dead!". I hear him hit something "It s
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Chapter 17
LUTHER'S POV I drag lana to my bedroom and shut the door "Did you really have to be like that to her?" I asked with a strict tone. She rolls her eyes "Like what?, I was just being nice". I imitate her voice " Oh you poor thing". "I dont sound like that". She folds her arms and sits on my bed " You shouldn't have done that". She crosses her leg showing off her sexy light skinned laps, she had on bum short with a big white Tshirt. Lana is mixed, and she's very beautiful, she has beautiful brown eyes, black curly hair that brings out her tone, and her very pink lips. She's very curvy, has the perfect size boobs and a big butt, Theres no straight man that wouldn't find her attractive. "Alright I'll behave, wouldn't want to get my boo upset". I sigh " I told you to stop calling me that". She smiles "come on.... anyway, I don't know how to tell you this but...I still have some college debt left". My eyes widen " What do you mean?". She doesn't say anything, she wears an innocent l
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Chapter 18
JESSES POV I lay on the bed, I feel Benitas hand on my chest, she's trying to be seductive "I'm not in the mood". I said with a strict tone. She starts kissing me all over making moaning noises, I angrily sit up " I said I'm not in the mood". "Don't tell me Violet's matter is what's causing your bad mood?". I glare at her "Seem's like you dont know how serious this is, we are going to lose everything, and you-you are going to -". She starts laughing "Tell me, are you angry because you fear you'll lose everything or the fact Violet is still alive? are you now regretting your remarriage to me?". I clench my fist "I am thirsty". I get off the bed " You get some sleep first". I leave the bedroom. I go downstairs, I take a bottle of Vodka, I pour it into a glass, I drink it in one gulp". I throw the glass to the floor, it breaks and scatters on the ground. I feel like I'm losing it, I take the bottle and start drinking from there. I stop, I try to catch my breath, and I close my ey
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Chapter 19
LUTHER'S POV "Is this some kind of game to you?". The lawyer asked annoyed " How dare you try to lie to a lawyer!". "If that's the case, why did you set up a meeting?". He calms down " Because part of me wants to believe what you said on the phone is true". I smile "Well sir, I can guarantee you that I'm not telling a lie". I turn to the door "Violet, you can come in now". She walks in with her cane, she wore a black dress with red details, dark shades, and a black fascinator with red feathers on her hair I help her with a seat, she removes her shade " long time no see?". The lawyer almost falling to the ground, starts to stammer "Vi-violet?". She smiles " It's been a while huh". "You aren't dead". He starts to cry " Thank God, thank God". "You must have been worried, my father always talked about you, and how loyal you were". He closes his eyes "May his soul rest in perfect peace" he opens them "I'm so happy, where have you been for the past two years? everyone believes yo
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Chapter 20
Not forgiving is like drinking rat poison and then waiting for the rat to die. —Anne Lamott I never believed in revenge, I never wanted to believe in it, all my life I've been the good modest humble daughter my father raised me to be, and where did all that lead me? homeless with no family. I'm ready to drink that poison, even if it does kill me, I must make sure Jesse and Benita pay for what they did to me and my father, and of course my unborn child. "What!" Luther's mum exclaimed, "are you both crazy?". We were all sited at the dining table I shake my head "No, is true, Luther and I will be leaving soon, I was able to get back my assets, so I have a house and everything now". She sighs "I get that, but what I don't get is why Luther's leaving with you". I don't say anything, I hear Luther clear his throat " Well mum, I don't know how to say this but, Violet and I are in a serious relationship". Everywhere becomes so quiet that I heard a cricket Luther's mum suddenly starts la
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