All Chapters of The Billionaire's Hunt: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
40 Chapters
Chapter 21
            Charles would be lying if he said he wasn’t hoping for this. He was. However, he didn’t think she would fall this easily into his arms once he had her isolated. She still cared for him. She had to. Jessica wasn’t the type of woman who just threw her panties at a man who showed interest in her.            Her wet, soft canyon curved and squeezed his rod in all the right places like it had years ago. “Oh, Jessica,” he moaned against the slope of her neck.            “Charles,” she squealed.            He kept thrusting.  He had planned to take her to his bedroom and to take his time making love to her, but when she started pulling at his shirt like a woman possessed, it sent him into ove
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Chapter 22
            Jessica got to the school twenty-two minutes late. Debbie didn’t seem to notice because she was chatting with three girls. Apparently, their parents were late picking them up, too.            Xavier blew the horn as Jessica lowered the back window of the limo. She waved to let Debbie know it was her.            Her daughter’s eyebrows rose as the three girls she was talking to looked Jessica’s way with smiles. One girl nodded her head up and down and said something to Debbie.            Xavier put the car in park and got out.Debbie shyly smiled and waved at Jessica. She said her goodbyes to her friends and started walking to the limo. When Debbie got closer, Xavier opened the door for her to get in.
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Chapter 22
            Jessica got to the school twenty-two minutes late. Debbie didn’t seem to notice because she was chatting with three girls. Apparently, their parents were late picking them up, too.            Xavier blew the horn as Jessica lowered the back window of the limo. She waved to let Debbie know it was her.            Her daughter’s eyebrows rose as the three girls she was talking to looked Jessica’s way with smiles. One girl nodded her head up and down and said something to Debbie.            Xavier put the car in park and got out.Debbie shyly smiled and waved at Jessica. She said her goodbyes to her friends and started walking to the limo. When Debbie got closer, Xavier opened the door for her to get in.
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Chapter 23
            It was Monday afternoon, and Calvin was heading back to his office. He had just concluded a meeting with all the VPs. He had to admit, Charles was doing a decent job so far. He was in negotiations with a Canadian clothing company who was looking for American investors. When the time was right, they also wanted to go public. Charles was trying to talk the Canadian executives into using Michelson Investments to pair them with investors and take them to the next level. The company was worth forty million dollars. However, if Charles was successful, it would be a hundred-million-dollar deal.            “Not bad for your first month,” Calvin had said to his cousin as they left the meeting.            Charles had smirked and gotten off on the nineteenth floor without saying a wo
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Chapter 24
            Jessica had fixed spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner. It was one of Debbie’s favorite dishes, but she barely touched it. She had said she wasn’t hungry because she had a big lunch. She had asked if Jessica could pack some of it to take to school tomorrow for lunch.            While Jessica was cleaning the kitchen, the doorbell rang. As she walked to the door, her visitor started banging on it. “Jessica, I know you’re in there,” Charles said.            He had called three times since their afternoon romp, and Jessica hadn’t answered her cell. She had no idea how he got her number. She cracked the door open. “Charles, keep your voice down. My daughter is upstairs doing the rest of her homework.”       
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Chapter 25
            Charles and Jessica were getting dressed as the limo started to slowly move. Jessica pulled a comb out of her purse. She combed her hair as Charles buttoned his shirt.            “Jessica, I want us to start seeing each other,” he stated. “We belong together.”            She wanted to. She wanted to turn back the clock, but now was not the time. Debbie was so young. Jessica was afraid she wouldn’t understand why she made the decisions she had made. Her and Drake’s plan was to tell Debbie the truth about her paternity when she graduated college. However, if she went to graduate school, they would wait until she completed that. Debbie barely knew Charles, and to introduce him into her life now could be detrimental to her development. Her daughter was practical
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Chapter 26
            Two weeks later . . .             Jessica was in her home studio working on the paintings Eric James had commissioned for his restaurants. Debbie was at school. Charles was at work. The last two weeks with Charles had been a dream. Of course, they were discrete when they went out to dinner because they didn’t want rumors of a romance to appear in the society pages. Jessica didn’t want Debbie to find out her mother was dating a man in the newspapers, and she surely didn’t want one of the kids at her school asking her about it.            Charles had sent his limousine for her for a romantic dinner at his townhouse for Valentine’s Day. He had given her a ruby necklace and then carried her upstairs to his lavish bedroom. They had made love all night.
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Chapter 27
            Calvin ordered a sandwich from the café on the second floor and worked through lunch. The stock prices were volatile today, and he didn’t want to take his eye off the screen until the market closed.            His office door opened. It was his mother. She closed the door behind her as she greeted him.            “Hey, Mom,” he said and looked back at the computer screen. “What are you doing here?”            “I was in town and thought I’d stop in. I went by Charles’s office, but his secretary said he was in a meeting and wasn’t due back for another hour. He’s doing a great job, isn’t he?” she said with a know-it-all tone.    
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Chapter 28
            One week later . . .             Jessica lay naked on her back giggling as Charles ate a small vine of grapes covering her nether region. She had gotten a full bikini wax three days before. When Charles saw it, he had gotten the idea of having a snack down there. Charles’s bedroom was plush. He had a round bed with white sheets that were softer than a baby’s bottom. The comforter was fluffy and purple. There was a mirror over the bed. The walls were lilac. A feminine color for a man, but Charles’s decorator had told him it was a color that would make him feel calm at night. The bedroom furniture was large, solid wood that was painted white. He had an adjoining bathroom that had a Jacuzzi tub, dual sinks, and a large, walk-in shower with raining shower heads that sprayed their entire bodies. The towels had his last i
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Chapter 29
            Charles had just gotten out of the shower. He toweled off and walked to his bedroom. He lowered his naked form between the sheets of his bed. He could still smell Jessica’s honey and spice perfume on the linen. He wished she was there to lie beside him. He reminded himself to be patient. She would come around soon.            Charles picked up his phone to check the stock prices. He had three missed calls. Two were from Calvin and one was from Mason. He pressed the button for his voicemail            “Today, one ten p.m.,” the automated voice said.            “Charles, it’s Calvin. We’ve had an emergency at the Madison location. Six mad men busted through the doors and started shooting everything
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