All Chapters of REDEEMING THE BAD BOY: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
49 Chapters
ZACK’S POV  I was able to bring the humanitarian self of mine out in the right time which was buried deep inside by the cold self of mine. I looked up to the sky and thanked my dad for still looking after me when the right time came.  “Let's do the right thing" I told myself and went back to Caroline who was in rest after the nurse had given her a sedation to get some rest from stress.  “The doctor’s looking for you" the nurse informed me and I we
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ZACK’S POV  By the evening Caroline was discharged after we both were given a good amount of counseling on how to stay together and deal with the situation, how to keep up our trust in each other and how we had to be each other’s support and all.  The doctor informed me that Caroline was lacking necessary nutrients and that her health needed to be taken good care which automatically hinted to the fact that she couldn’t be let to live alone in her apartment alone!! 
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ZACK’S POV  After a very long time of the day, a smile bloomed on my face and that too by giving me strength and a positive vibe. Love was never my cup of tea until Caroline came to my life and showed me all the qualities that I preferred in a girl and me being a man who had never fell in love, fell for her innocent mask face in a gist of time never even imagining that there was a terrific reality behind it. And the time and situation in which that cover was blown was so disastrous that I simply lost my faith in love.   All those love, compassion and respect I had for Caroline had vanished into
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ZACK’S POV  Back home, I brought Caroline’s stuffs and as soon as mom saw me, she came to me and took the bag and carried it to my room leaving me stupefied.  “Whoa, why are you taking it to my room?” I hurried behind her and questioned her move and she gave me a casual look.  “You both will live in your room, right? Where else should I keep it?” she asked me and I cringed remembering she not knowing anything about the breakup scene.
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ZACK’S POVGetting a new job had boosted my confidence and I was proud of myself to have taken half of my family’s responsibility. What more could have I done to make my dad feel proud of his son??“Congratulation buddy. So tomorrow onwards, lets rock after high school” Mike high fived me for my very first job ever and I hugged him, feeling too damn lucky.“Does Caroline know about this?” Mike suddenly asked me and I sighed. I could simply imagine how she would wreak havoc stating how embarrassing it was to have me working in a super market. But who knows what the new version of Caroline would think??“Nope. Don’t know what her brains would think like" I looked down hopelessly and he patted on my shoulders.“Maybe she has changed for good" he raised his shoulder in belief and that’s what I too wanted to think.“Mike, does anyone else know about her???” I skeptically asked him as he was the first person to know the rumors in the high-school.“Not yet I guess. But
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ZACK’S POV  Someone was dragging me from the sand to the shore and was struggling way too hard to just do that. Both me and Mike were knocked out and never realized that it was midnight at all.  Then came the attack which was more like a cold bucket challenge when that someone poured a whole bucket of sizzling cold iced water onto my head so savagely that I literally jumped in shock when my body froze like it was drowning in the Antarctic Ocean. That was so damn cold for a very cold night!!!&n
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ZACK’S POV  I was numb after hearing what she said and had no idea how to react to her. She got to know everything but how? Who told her that? And what was she going to do about that??  “Who told you?” I was worried to hell and she began to scoff contemptuously scaring me more. Dear lord, what was exactly happening in my life??  “You told everything to me yourself,
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ZACK’S POV  Both me and Noah were so outraged by each other that we had such an extreme loath which was enough to make us take each other’s life. Noah had his arms tightly clenched on my collars and he gave me a death stare and I gave him the same.  “How dare you forget you place daddy? Don’t think that I’ll be too loving on you by going easy" he hissed at me with all his loath and using all my strength, I caught his throat. 
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ZACK’S POV  The hug didn’t even last a minute as the second Lee saw Caroline in my arms, he began to bark his heart out at us.  “What’s wrong with you buddy?” Zoe bend down to calm him down.  Zoe’s one touch was all it took to make Lee shut up from the bark. We all were left blank seeing how with a single move Zoe was able to conquer Lee’s heart. It took me goddamn months to make him fall for me wh
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ZACK’S POV  {WEEK’S LATER}  High school was becoming really exhausting for me. In literal sense, I was going there because I was forced to go by the women in my life, especially Zoe. She had now became a vital being in my life and if it wasn’t for her motivation, I would had dropped out of this fucking high school long ago itself!!!!  The only thing I liked about the high school even after all this
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