All Chapters of The Last Cinderella: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
54 Chapters
Chapter 11: Captive
Tonight is the night.I am here at my bunk staring at myself through this oval-shaped mirror, thinking about whether I should go out there or just stay right here inside the bus. It's not like I really need to go out there, right? I sighed, placing the mirror on the futon. I'm still not over the fact that these boys are wary of me. But then, it'd be a surprise if they aren't. I mean, they don't know anything about me at all, plus I'm a fan. Having a fan with you inside of your tour bus, it is normal for them to feel that way. I understand but.. it still depresses me. "Lorien!" I straightened my back when I heard my name being called by somebody. Letting out an air from my mouth, I immediately hopped out of my bunk then dusted off my clothes as well as brushing my hair with my fingers. I cleared my throat. "Yes?" A man with blonde hair and sparkly blue eyes greeted m
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Chapter 12: I Like Rainbows; I Like You
Rubbing my arms up and down, I waited for Milo while seated beside this glass wall. I could see the bus from a distance and the boys seem to be having a little party over there. Once Milo has paid for Harry's food, we got outside the store and walked our way back to the bus. It is quite cold but since I'm wearing long sleeves, it doesn't bother me so much. "How was the show?" I finally decided to break the ice. I wanted to start a conversation since we got out of the bus but I didn't know what to talk about and how I should start it. "Insane," he replied and followed by a soft laugh. "We honestly have the best fans ever!" He screamed throwing his hands up in the air.I chuckled, "That's great, and I can see that you guys enjoyed the show very much." I said as I started to feel drops of liquid right on my shoulder."We did!" He sighs, "We love our fans so much
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Chapter 13: A Secret
It is currently 3:42 PM and we are heading to the venue for sound check. Milo and the others are at the front lounge, probably discussing what they are going to play tonight while I am just here at the back, seated on the couch, hugging my knees, and staring down to my phone. You know, the usual."Oh hey Lorien," I hear somebody calling for me and I almost jumped up. Looking over my shoulder though, there stood the Japanese man - Rin Alexander Hudson."Oh my God, it was only you Rin.. you startled me!" I exclaim, placing my phone beside me. He shrugs and then chuckles, "I'm sorry."The drummer of the band then takes a sit beside me. A second after, he slouched. "So, have you guys decided what to play tonight?" I ask.Rin pulls out his phone from his back pocket then unlocks it, "Uh-huh, the brothers settled with the same setlist as last night.""I see," I answered. "Where are they then?" I add
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Chapter 14: Opening Hearts Up
As we are walking our way to the coffee store, I am just looking down on my feet, watching them race against each other, taking steps forward. I just can't look at him right now, nor can I talk to him. Aren't I so weird? For sure Milo over here thinks so, since I am not trying to start a conversation. Rin has made me realize these feelings are far from a simple crush, and now I could not look Milo in the eye. He must be thinking that I am acting a little bit strange, but my heart is pounding hard and loud against my chest, am afraid to get caught in the spot. Especially not now, I really don't want him to know. I still am not ready for it. "Hey..""Yes?"Oh, good going, Lorien. You've just embarrassed yourself in front of your crush. Now Milo knows that something is on your mind. "Woah, why so tense? Calm down." The blue eyed man lets out a gentle laugh while
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Chapter 15: Weird
I woke up in a really horrible way. I rolled over to my side and bump my head to this hard wall. I was having a very good dream, too, only to get it interrupted by my clumsy little self turning to my side and banging the wall. What a great way to start the day! Right?Moving on, I slipped out of my bunk, scratching my head. Oh I just hope it didn't leave any bruise or bump! It will not look good, plus Harry is going to make fun of me once he sees me with it. That kid does not know when to leave things alone, things never go unnoticed - even the smallest - if we are talking about Harry Ellis here. Anyway, right after I had finished doing my morning routine,I contemplated to go outside. It is not that I have done something wrong or anything, waking up and seeing these men first thing in the morning, is still very new to me. As you all know, I grew up in a household with only women around - just me and my mother. So it is only natural for me to feel awkward around men, right? Mo
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Chapter 16: Adrenaline Rush
Milo and I got back to the bus; and I could not stop myself from staring at the band aid on his bruised arm. He got hurt because of me, and it is very terrible of me to feel so happy about it, but here I am. And all that was left for me to do was leap in joy, celebrate because my celebrity crush got hurt from saving me. That just means that he cares about me, right? He would not have jumped off the swing he was on if he does not have a single care about me, right? What am I thinking, I am the worst type of human being these brothers have met. I am very sorry, Milo.Back in the tour bus, we did not find anyone up yet. Well, it is an off day after all, those men would love to sleep in all day and just do nothing. I am betting Harry is blasting off "The Lazy Song" in his earphones right now, if not, then Tybalt. Anyway, Milo put his coffee inside the fridge, because why not, right? Save your coffee for later! Sitting down on the cushion of the couch, he picks up his guitar and s
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Chapter 17: Two Worlds
"I need to talk to you... now."  His large hand, encircling around my wrist tightly. My heart rate increasing the more that I look into his eyes, so then I turned away and pull my hand back, keeping it behind me before putting away the hair from my face.  "Okay, okay.. what do you want to talk about?" "Follow me." Tybalt walks to the door of the bus, having me behind him. Everybody else is gone, I wonder where they all went. My eyes are searching for the obvious - Milo. He is not at the back nor front, even at the driver's seat - I think we stopped over the gasoline station - then I hear chuckles from the man walking ahead of me.  "They're all in there-" he pointed to the convenience store in front of us, "-- buying dinner."  My mouth then turned
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Chapter 18: Clueless
The show is about to end and they are currently performing the song that I had chosen: "Beauty but a Beast". The middle brother jumps around the stage, earning screams from the fans as he did not mind holding the fans' hands and looking into their eyes. Tybalt honestly scares me; while he treats me like nobody - I think I have only seen him smile at me once and no more after that - he remains the same towards their fans. But who am I to demand, right? After all, I am someone that is crushing on his brother, of course he'd hate me. I could damage his brother's career and he wouldn't want that. I understand.But what I truly have noticed that Milo is not in his best mood. Usually, he pushes himself into that crowd along with his acoustic guitar, even sometimes letting one fan play the instrument for them. Tonight though, he seems not like himself. If this is about 'that', then I do not want to know. You see, I nearly brushed off his confession as a joke, however, I could not ev
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Chapter 19: One Thing
"Do you like him?"The time is 12:43 AM, yet I am still wide awake. I cannot help but feel so irritated, I have no idea what made that blonde guy think that I like Tybalt. But then I remember that I am partly at fault as well, my feelings for him are being kept in the dark; there is no chance that I will tell him I am in love with him. Tybalt and I are acting friendly these days, and that could have been the reason why he ended up with that conclusion. However, it is ridiculous. Especially since his brother does not like the thought of me liking Milo!"Ugh," I roll over my stomach, groaning with closed eyes but I am very far from falling asleep. There is no helping it, maybe drinking something warm could help me. So I did that, jumping off of my bunk and walk into the kitchen and dining area. There is nobody around, well what was I expecting? It is way past midnight, of course they're all asleep. As I open the fridge, I've found some chocolate with Harry's name written
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Chapter 20: Hot Cocoa
The wind is cold - more than it is supposed to be - as I begin rubbing my arms up and down. Looking to the man that is walking ahead of me, a shiver crawled up to my spine - Tybalt is more of a blizzard than winter. He has already probably heard of Milo and I dating, of course it would be that fast, we are all at the same bus. It would definitely be weird if the news hasn't reached him yet. "Tyba-""Didn't we talk about this?"My eyes remained on the ground, I knew he is going to say this. He is the only one that is so against with the feelings I have for his brother, all for a reason that I do not know of. Tybalt does not even want to tell me. But it was too late, there is just nothing he can do to make this crush go away. "Haven't we come to an agreement that your feelings will remain in the dark? Lorien, what is going on?"My head shakes side by sid
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