All Chapters of Marooned With A Billionaire : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
58 Chapters
Chapter 31. A pinch of reality.
Leonardo's POV. Uncertainly I had stood outside her room wondering if I had been right and if I should knock. Soon the lights of her room had flicked on. Since no more screams had followed I had not knocked, knowing she would not appreciate it. Today morning her reddish eyes had hinted she had been crying. Was it because of the emotions she felt at the sudden appearance of the mother she had believed to be dead? Somehow I felt that was not the only reason. It had taken all my resolve not to ask he4 details in the morning and leave with Martha. Zavi had quietly implored with her eyes her concern and urge about her mother but nothing beyond. Of course Martha would be taken care of. I had already got my assistant to fix an appointment with her counselor for later in the day. I would be accompanying her. However what about Zavi? I would need to figure out some way to know her problem and also make it all right for
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Chapter 32. On Duty?
Saira's POV. My phone buzzed on my way down. Leonardo's name flashed on the screen making me frown. In my attempt to calm my nerves I breathed in hard. Today is my first day of work and my nerves seem to be all knotted together. Taking in a lungful of air I answered the phone. "Mr. Norcross." I hope I sound professional enough. "I will be reporting for my duty on time - Sir." I am supposed to call him Sir, right? Obviously I do. He is my boss now. I should have asked him about it I realised. "Good Morning Zavi. I am picking you up." "No!" I
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Chapter 33. Defending her
  Saira's POV. Mark has been obvious in his attempt to flirt with me throughout the evening much to Leonardo's displeasure. His manner has been light and harmless but I had no intentions of getting into any 'controversy' which would effect my job. Right now though his presence was welcome. "I have been looking for you. If you would excuse us Carlo?" he added to the man beside him, obviously very familiar with him. The man smiled in response and I allowed Mark to lead me away by my elbow. "You can thank me later for rescuing you." he shot me a grin.
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Chapter 34. Demon or Saint?
Leonardo's POV. I answered the phone on the first ring just as there was a knock at the door of my home office. "Come in." I answered without thinking. "No Mikki. You don't come in through the phone." I gritted my teeth at his lame attempt to crack a silly joke. I am waiting to get crucial information from him and the crack pot is trying to be funny. "There is someone at the door. You stay on the other side of the phone and tell me what you have found." I tried my best not to blast. I frowned as he filled in me with the details he had found. Raol Abramo seemed to be a reincarnated saint! "Mik
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Chapter 35. Fired?
Saira's POV. Did I do something wrong last evening? The party had seemed to go on well. Thinking back I could not figure out if I had erred in any way. The experience had been unnerving and new. Over the past few days he had done a lot of things that had infuriated me, surprised me or even disgusted me but not once had I felt nervous. Last evening after the conversation with the middle-aged gentleman something seemed to have changed. Leonardo kept looking at me all the while. Every time I happened to look his way I would find him looking at me. He would look away but it made me wonder if everything was fine. Leonardo certainly was not fine throughout the rest of the party. His unflinching look later when he had dropped me home seemed to bore into me, like he was silently trying to come to some sort of conclusion. A shiver ran through me at the memory. The doorbell sounded just then making me jump. "Leon
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Chapter 36. Guilt or Instinct
Saira's POV. A sinking feeling took over my heart, a common occurrence these days. My reflection stared back at me from the mirror on the wall. It was a constant battle between my brain and instinct. My brain cautioned me and I knew I should pay attention and do as per the warning my brain is sending my way. My instinct has not let me down in the past- no that is not correct my ever nosey sub conscious mind reminded me. Eight years ago I had squashed my instinct and had let myself fall into the trap of a charmer. I looked away, unable to meet my own eyes.  The memories are not pleasant, however the lesson learnt cannot be forgotten.
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Chapter 37. Not Again
Saira's POV. I heard him sigh "What again about her Zavi? I thought you believe me when I say I am not in any way associated with her. She is not even a friend of mine." "Well she is my friend and I just want this to be clarified once and for all." "Yes Ma'am" he mock saluted me as we reached his car and he opened the passenger door for me, his grin back in place. How long can a girl resist that gorgeous smile? I felt my lips pull into a smile before I could control the muscles and his grin became broader. "That smile is what I live for. It makes my day." His soft voice created havoc to my senses and I slid quietly into the seat. " That is unbearably ch
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Chapter 38 Scared.
Saira's POV. I try to give a friendly look to the old lady as she reaches my cash counter at 'Snacks King' but it is not easy to smile while you are trying to stifle a yawn. I ended up giving her a twisted and pouted lip expression with my cheeks puffed out slightly with the yawn that seemed determined to make it's presence felt. If the lady found my expression weird she did not give it away and I suppose I should be thankful for that. The day had been a tiring one with me visiting the University to pick up some study material then going to visit my father at the hospital before coming here directly in time for my shift. Skipping lunch had not been the best of decisions and it added to my weariness.
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39 He is Alive!
Saira's POV. "Hey." His soft voice did crazy things to my heart reminding me how I had missed hearing it today since morning. "Hello." I responded trying to look nonchalant "What brings you here?" "You." he answered simply making my breath hitch in my lungs. Don't fall for his charm Saira. "Really?" I said hoping it sounded sarcastic enough "I had been there inside you know, if had wanted to meet me." "Zavi. Would you have spoken to me if I would have approached you inside?" His eyes twinkled in humour having read my intentions accurately. "What do you want?" I snapped trying not to question m
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Chapter 40. Grumble.
Saira's POV. Clutching at the cushions in my attempt to stop them from rolling off the bed I almost tripped over my own feet. Easy does it Saira- you can do it without causing a bed disaster. I sighed in relief when I placed them securely on the other side of the comforter. Taking my eyes off them at last I almost toppled over backwards as I met with the dark eyes watching me unflinchingly- not looking pleased at all. In my attempt to overcome my clumsiness I had completely forgotten about him. "Are you comfortable?" I asked in a rush. "Is that what you had been trying to do till now?" my fath
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