All Chapters of Mercenary W.O.L.F (Never Die Alone): Chapter 11 - Chapter 19
19 Chapters
#11 Meet The Majekadors
[Within a fully vegetated portion of the island it seems to be about mid spring. Despite this island clearly floating in the sky, in the distance three adventures are seen walking together each of them no older than about twelve years of age.] A young woman with short spiked back blue and silver hair walks along the distance within the vegetated island alongside two young men. ????: "I don’t think you’re properly understanding the situation we’re in Jourton." (Scene zooms in to find a trio of aspiring mages, Jourton, Camole, and Signoru entering the ruins south of town.) Jourton: A young man with coal black hair and deep Brown and red roots, with eyes that seem to stare into the universe itself responds to the young woman with a hasty retort, "Of course I do, it’s another test. All we have to do is pass." Camole: "No, we got caught out on the battlefield using magic infront of Balshions and this test is probably punishment for that. At best, they’ve upped the difficulty for us an
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(A system announcement is called on the ship over the loudspeakers as Dantzler is seen practicing his martial arts in a room that looks very similar to a park and simultaneously Xanne is seen sitting at the helm of the bridge on what appears to be a dance dance revolution pad controlling the ship's flight mechanics)W.O.L.F Ship: All systems green and slowly approaching stratosphere we will be activating cruise control and assisted artificial air in the next 20 minutes. All helm members please be sure to check the engine for the standard 1 l gasoline. Quantum battery detected on the ship all power levels at maximum and stable. (The sound of a loud thud is heard at the top of the ship on the deck for just a moment and then the sound of screaming is heard similar to that of a woman's voice in the distance)Xanne: Hell yeah! Finally a day that actually doesn't involve military forces attempting to shoot us down, or some political leader attempting to recruit us to their military is called
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# 13 Universal Constants, Definitions and, Elements.
Kimora: (With a proud smile on her face as she wags her index finger at Cammy then proceeds to tie her hair up from the mass of rainbow sunset flames into two very large buns with pigtails hanging from each of them, she says haughtily) That's what distortion and disturbance can do. It's just the basics from what I understand but hey magick is magick. Besides it's the only element I've ever been able to actually really use so I just kind of work with it. I'm the best support mage you'll ever come across!Cammy, Jourton & Siggy: YOU CAN DO WHAT?! THAT'S NOT AN ELEMENT THAT'S NOT EVEN MAGICK!!!Cammy: What you just describe to us is on a whole nother level from what an element should ever be capable of doing. I would even argue and go on the record saying that there has never been an element that can do what you just said, not even close!Jourton: OOH!! OOH!! Maybe it's one of those definitions we've heard about before, there have been a lot of people here on the island starting to talk a
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#14 What is the foundation of an element?
(Back on the Island in the sky Kimora and the young trio are seen walking to a rather open clearing with a large cave in front of them, upon looking at the cave tomorrow becomes a bit nervous and slows the pace of her walking putting a hand up in front of the trio.) Cammy: What? Is something there? This is the correct place you were supposed to come to to begin with since our punishment was to retrieve a specific relic. I kind of expect that we're going to have to fight eventually but I don't see anything and the forest has been awfully quiet ever since we started walkingKimora: I sense something very powerful nearby. This is definitely unsettling because it almost feels like a Deadic.Jourton: What's a Deadic???Kimora: Deadic's are what you guys would effectively refer to as gods but here's the thing, they're pretty much just as human as anyone else and the crazy part is I basically live with two of them. this thing however feels very different almost as if it has a definition and
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#15 Names Mean Everything
(A gentle breeze passed through the now open landscape on a small section of the island floating in the sky as all parties involved appear to be considering their next moves, Kimora deciding that now was a better time than ever to show this young trio that she could fully back her words.)Kimora: Oye! Three Shinobi! I have a plan but you're going to have to trust me on this one. I will give you three in opening and take it the moment you see it cuz it's going to be a couple of seconds. Oh and don't you dare hold back, hit me with everything you've got! (With her final words and a confident smile she goes charging forward low to the ground with her arms behind her as if attempting to reduce wind reduction, she throws recreation in front of her and holds her hand out as it begins to slow midair as if not even moving at all. A few seconds into her run she front flips forward as if about to land an ax kick on recreation and teleports just in front of this creature) DRAGON!! (Upon exiting t
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#16 Management Only
Sargent Richards: (Taking a deep breath he calmly reaches into his coat and pulls out a single cigar and a lighter, biting off the end of the cigar he lights it and takes a puff looking up at the sky and then looking down into the now opening floor hanger doors that Dantzler was previously banging on) All according to plan. The only thing I didn't expect was their leader to be as powerful as he is, Deidics... can they really be considered mortal? I literally witnessed a man punched through a tank today. Well no matter his subordinate is definitely within the base and judging from the fact that he ran away from the fight I'd imagine he's the weaker of the two. (Taking another puff of his cigar he begins to close his eyes slowly and a visual grid of a plan is beginning to lay out within his mind) If we come to peaceful negotiations with them maybe able to actively use them in our next big endeavor which would also give the US government a foothold over the other nations. the only thing w
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#17 W.O.L.F = We Often (Live/Love) Freely
[Somewhere in the ocean with what looks close to Caribbean islands The Wolf Cry Ship is floating on the surface of the water with no sight of land for miles on all sides, the Sun is halfway set into the ocean and the wind seem very calm almost still. In the center of the ship in a place unreachable by any normal person Kimora sits in her room on her bed playing with what appears to be a retro fighting game]Kimora: (Wearing nothing but a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants she's leaning forward clearly into her video game. After a close match she loses and tosses the game and her headphones off to the side) MAAAN!! WHAT A CHEESE!! ...mhm..Nope thanks for the rematch! (Her hand glows with a black and white aura and the game seems to rewind to just before she was defeated, she quickly picks up the controller and after pressing several buttons she attains a victory) BOOM!! I love numbers! (She says with an excited giggle as she places the controller safely down on the ground and gets up to go to
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#18 Locking In
[A small squad of seven Jets were all deployed from Jamaican air bases in an attempt to identify a floating object seen shining by a child off in the distance of the water, after what seemed to be roughly 2 hours of flying around the Jets encountered nothing until for just a brief moment one of the Jets exclaimed out loud]????: Tango this is Charlie speaking I have visual on an unknown object floating in the sea. it appears to be flickering in and out from time to time sir. Tango: Roger that Charlie proceed to change formation, we'll follow you. Ova.Charlie: What da bludclaat... is that a man on the top of a ship waving at us??Tango: We na seein what you are talking about Charlie but we receive ordas from mission control to engage. We can't have unknown ships on our Waters that refuse to communicate.[Meanwhile at the Court Of Villains](In a quiet, cold, windless room, A room full of concerned part is due to recent events sat in a room together ready to deliberate the recent conce
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#19 Crossing The Stars For This?!
Dantzler: Closing time!! (He begins singing as the ship engines begin powering on. The world around Dantzler's body begins to tremble and quake as he begins charging Impact throughout his entire body, bands of blue and silver light begin to envelope his entire body and suddenly explodes with power, causing what sounds like the howling of a Wolf to resound.) I'm going ahead to scout it out! (With these words Dantzler leaned forward while placing his hands in his pockets and began running across the water towards the Islands in the distance. His feet glowing with every step as he used Impact to propel himself)Soldier: SIR! OUR TARGET IS APPROACHING JUST AS SHE SAID HE WOULD, READY THE MAIN CANNON! Military Commander: Good, so it would appear that the woman who claims to offer infinite victory was indeed truthful. Captain Yaardii feel free to fire at will. (A large military base sitting on the edge of the nearest center island with a Canon that has clearly been modified for incredible
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12 Protection Status