All Chapters of Master's Secret: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
49 Chapters
I Am Here
      I was surrounded by darkness, a heavy blanket draped over my body. It was hot and uncomfortable being under all this pressure. I kicked it off as gracefully as I could before sitting up in the bed. Heat radiated off my body in waves, it made me feel clammy and sticky as I tossed my legs over the bed. I practically shrieked in surprise as the cool floor hit my burning feet. It was so cold it practically numbed my senses. There was a flickering light that bounced off the walls. I rubbed my eyes as I pulled my body off the bed and walked over to the table that sat across the room.       "Aria, you are awake." I heard the surprise in Drake's voice. Even he sounded exhausted. I dropped my hands from my eyes and took him in. I sighed when I found him bent over the table, feather quill in hand, looking over documents. He had deep bags under his eyes, and the look of a very fatigued man. I planted my hands on my hips, getting ready to
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      The wind whipped through my hair, sending it flying like an untamed beast into the air. On the wind carried moisture and the promise of rain. Rain, it's honestly been a long time since I felt the cool droplets against my skin. Of course with rain came the haunting memories of battles from so long ago. I could feel the droplets run down my arms and face like never ending sheets. Running the loose dirt into my eyes as I gazed over the thousands of bodies that laid before me. A haunting graveyard of enemies and allies.         The city below me turned into field. A field laid with red fresh oozing blood. Bodies laid silently on the ground, devoid of life and emotion. Stab wounds, gashes, slit throats, the likes covered and marred their bodies. The sickly smell of metallic spread through the air like a wild fire on a hot day. It was dense and intoxicating, pumping my veins full of life and strength. Metal clashing against met
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Having talked to Sebastion even a little was a great stress relief. Although we never did get to talk about the giant elephant in the room. The giant elephant being our heritage. Something about the way he tip toed around the subject, always avoiding my gaze or changing topics told me he wasn't comfortable about talking yet. So for now I would let him be.       It wasnt normal for Sebastion to be so distant with me, and it was honestly frightening. We spent most of our lives close together, sharing the same space, sharing our thoughts, and now it seemed like he was so far away. His eyes, even though suffered, where once filled with light. Despite the hardships he was put through, he was normally full of light. But he was dimming, and as much as I wanted to lift his spirits I couldn't. Just like me, some battles he hd to fight alone.       I gave a long pitiful sigh, once again staring longingly down at the sea o
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        After last nights awkward encounter, Drake has hardly spoken to me. After Silvus walked in on us and I tried to soothe his temper, we went to sleep. But it was distant and colder than normal. He barely laid a hand on me, kept his back turned through the whole night. This morning he barely left with a silent kiss to the forehead and left me to puzzle and worry over his behavior. He was a man that never spoke freely of his problems, I knew that. But it made me worry more when he shut me out.       Now I wasn't sure if it was something I had said or done, or is there was more meaning behind his abrupt change in additude. I could see him being upset over Silvus's demeaning words and actions, but why must he push me away when I was technically the victim. Nothing she said bothered me anyway. This treatment wasn't any different to me, and I could fight my own battles. I jad been doing it for so long it was knee jerk. Although
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   The tension in the room swelled as we sat in silence. Both of their eyes locked on to each other, but not in a menacing way. It seemed both where waiting for lashings that neither was ready to give nor receive. It was uncomfortable waiting in the dense silence. It wasn't until Sebastion cleared his throat to excuse himself that the tension broke. He hugged me once, than Aunt Amina, then left us to our silence. He promised he would keep an eye out for our assassins in case they showed up while I was gone.         "I should start of saying I am sorry Drake. Over the years you have done us a great many services. Silvus's out rage was inexcusable. Pease punish her how it seems fit." Uncle Harold's grim expression never left his lips as he stared wearily at his friend. Drake gave a deep sigh, taking a chance to peak at me. With a small smile he gestured for me to come to him.         "You shoul
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      I couldn't bring myself to answer him. My body completely froze with shock. What was I doing here again? My brain had become a jumbled mess, each thought making absolute no sense. How could he be here if he was dead? Was this some kind of sick joke? Did he pretend to die so he could abandon me also?       No, my Nicklos would never do that. He cared for me. He always shielded me from the other men when ever he had the chance. Nicklos wouldn't just leave me like that. So who was this imposter? There was scuffling of feet behind him as Drake and Argus came into view.     I wouldn't say I was surprised to see Argus looked almost identical to his older brother. Despite his rich and deep voice, his features where soft and younger looking than that of Drake's. Almost like he was just fresh into adult hood. But now he was staring at me with his own dark blue angry voids. Would they kill me now I wonder?
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Guardian of The Blood Dragons
    I stood before Drake like a statue. His anger was a quiet roar compared to yesterday. His eyes where still that dark raging blue and his lips where set in a pressed thin line. Black disheveled hair gave away the stress that emanated off his being. Nicklos warned me before entering that his mood was touchy and sensitive. The room that we shared, once filled with love, was now filled with intense anger. I could feel his rage blowing through me like a high wind.       "A bit of advice Aria, his Majesty is not everything he makes himself out to be. There is a more darker twist that he doesn't show you because he loves and respects you. So I would advise you not to push his buttons while you still have his favor." I wondered what he meant by 'his Majesty is not everything he makes himself out to be'. But I couldn't bring myself to pity his mood either. After our conversation earlier, I was still rather upset with him. Not to mention that
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        I impatiently tapped my fingers against the bar surface. They made a soft thudding noise against the polished wooden surface. It was loud in the tavern, people chatting and shouting as they all gathered around. The day was nearly done so people where getting off work or just trying to find the means to relax. The haze of drunk people had already started with loud laughter and slurred words filling the air. The atmosphere at the moment was peaceful I suppose, the rough drunks not yet arriving.       Soft and gentle music played in the background. A low beat bouncing off the walls and to my ears as I gently swirled a dull yellow liquid around in a pint mug. The same liquor that ever other person was drinking. I stared at the small sea of people that where filtering in. All dressed up in flashy clothes that screamed importance or rich. Ladies all dolled up with bright lipsticks and long dresses. Some wore way too revealing
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      "Come, why don't we grab that table over their. Less chances of us being over heard." Jaden directed our attention towards a table in the corner of the tavern. It was far away from the rising conversation. With more people filtering in, it was becoming increasingly difficult to talk over one another, which provided us with a perfect cover for conversation. I nodded my head once before downing the rest of my beer and leaving it empty on the counter.     Despite being buzzed, I stood tall and walked over without the slightest difficulty. But with how warm my face felt on top of my fuzz filled brain, I knew that my sobriety would not last very long. So we needed to start this meeting and end it as fast as we could. Jaden, the gentleman that he tried to be sometimes, pulled out a chair for me and I accepted it graciously.  Sebastion pulled out a chair next to me, and pulled Maya down on top of his lap. Shamelessly she giggled at h
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Hurt Pride
        I woke up with a loud groan. My head had throbbed tremendously. A constant pounding like a herd of horses. Carefully I slowly opened my eyes and hissed at the sudden light that invaded my eyes. It had been so long since I had felt a hangover. It was safe to say that I didn't miss it in the least. I really just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep. If I hadn't smelt like stale beer I would have crawled under the blankets and enjoyed the cover of darkness. If I had been more careful with my consumption, I would have just bathed when I got back to the room. But Jaden had forced me into bed before swiftly leaving the room.       Luckily for both of us, Drake had not been in the room at the time. I am sure he would have been angry if he learned that another man had carried me drunk back to my bed. More importantly he would have been more angry that I drank at all. I had been careless last night, and if I had gotten into
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