All Chapters of ENRAGED SOUL: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
73 Chapters
"Guess my mind was just playing tricks on me". Mya eluded, her eyes lurked around for the last time before she finally settled in her car and drove off.Ben and his friends, Fred and Patrick quickly came out from their hideout. "Where did she go ". Fred cried, his eyes earnestly searched around. Ben and Patrick's gaze followed suit." Over there ", Ben exclaimed, pointing to a white corolla car, exiting the parking lodge. He swiftly sped to his car, a black Tundra, parked a few meters away from them."Quickly, get in, we got to catch up with her before we lose her". He instinctively added. " We can't afford to lose her now."A sense of rage and a wolfish, threatening glare lingered all over his face as he quickly sat over the wheel and boggled his seat belt. Patrick and Fred joined in at the back seat and they sped off with the flash of lightening.                       
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Ben, Patrick and Fred impatiently sat edged on as they waited endlessly in the car for Mya. Fred glanced through the car's window, examining the dense cloud coupled with the howling wind and the streaks of lightening which enveloped the hard- driving rain. It was actually raining cat and dog with basically no sign of ending soon, which made the penetrating cold weather unbearable. He huffed, brushing his palms together." How long are we gonna keep watch over here– I'm actually freezing dead over here ". He winced which made Patrick instinctively elude to prevent any further clash of words with Ben again." As long as she comes out, Fred. Don't just act like you're not aware of the outcome of this mission if we fail – just think for once".With a sharp breath, he leaned back on the seat, took a quick glance at Ben who just sat unconcerned with his eyes fixed on Mya's car and back at Fred who just let out an inaudible sigh and retu
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Mya pulled up along the road; she glanced back from the side mirror at the car which also came to a halt a few distance behind her. The driver instinctively  waved her over. She sighed and gave a thumbs up. Ben smirked, a roguish glare lingered in her eyes. "You know what to do, Patrick" He stated and Patrick tilted his head in response. His gaze was blank and cold." Come with me, Fred" Ben called as he swung the door opened. Fred instinctively sighed."How did I even get myself into this mess?" He cried. "I'm sick and tired of all this –Can't I just have a normal high schooler's life" He lamented as he jerked down.Mya instinctively tucked a lock of hair behind her ear as she reached out for her coat from the seat next to her. She shoved it on and sighed."This day couldn't be any better " She cried as she sauntered down the car. The street was so quiet with no other passing car apart from theirs. And the only source of light was the str
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Mrs Army and her family arrived at the hospital. She raced through the corridors with shallow rapid breath while Kelvin and Mr Roberts paced after her as they approached the reception."Take your time, mum– " Kelvin cried with darting eyes. " You, acting up like this might cause your pressure to raise which is dangerous for your health.""How can I, Kelvin?" She howled with a flushed gaze. "How can I when Mya is always like this" She stuttered."Kelvin is right, Amy– I believe Mya is gonna be alright. We're here" Mr Roberts added but Amy just couldn't keep her cool. She swiftly reached to the lady nurse at the reception as soon as they closed up."Hi, Miss" She greeted and the lady instinctively tilted her head in response. Without waiting, Amy queried."Please we're looking for the ward of the young lady who was brought in here some few moments ago–I mean Mya Roberts ""Mya Roberts?" She asked with a furrowed brow, not so cert
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Mrs Audrey heard him moan out in pain, "Hey, are you okay? " She instinctively queried which drew Rubin's attention to the door as he struggled back on his feet with quiet a wide stance."Oh, gosh–Mum, you scared me!" He roared. "Thought you already left. I'm fine now, no need to worry. I'll be down in a minute." Audrey chortled "I've heard you– I've heard you, I'm going now. No need to get all aggressive and embarrassed." Rubin scoffed, rolling his eyes in the process as he heard his mother's faint chuckle fade away from the door, down the corridor."Huh, who's embarrassed " He wined as he briskly trod to the bathroom. " Argh!, Why is she always like this" He snarled. " Having fun picking on me, right?" He mumbled. Within the next second, the sound of the droplets of the shower could be heard as he faded in.Within the next minute, he sauntered  out, his eyes earnestly lurked around as he trod over to his wardrobe. "Still no sign of he
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Laura gently tucked a lock of hair behind her ear as she leaned towards the phone. She tried to pick it up but her hand just passed through it. She sighed."You can do this, Laura– " She mumbled and blew her cheeks as she took in a deep breath to keep her, calm and relaxed."Let's try again" She leaned forward with furrowed brow as she flicked her hand in reach of it but it just wasn't working out. "Argh !" She grumbled, as she aggressively run her hands through her hair in frustration. "This is so annoying! " She roared. "I'm literary going crazy now, gosh! – Why can't I just get this simple thing, done,huh? "She kept whinnying while she laid face up on the bed. Just then, Mya hastily sauntered out of the washroom which made her sat up on noticing her."Why are you so much in a rush, Mya?" Laura queried as if she could hear her speak. "Are you going somewhere?" She added as she paced after Mya who was busily getting ready. Her eyes instinctively fle
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"Hey, why are you ignoring my gaze" Alixies stuttered, bugging him either side he turned but he just kept mute. After realizing Alixies wasn't gonna give up anytime soon he gave in, turning to face her fixed gaze on him.She giggled with a puppy face. "Please– just this once" She pleaded. Rubin instinctively let out an inaudible sigh."Sorry, Alixi, you can't talk to her now"He announced and Alixies' face dropped. "Why?– Just for a brief moment, I won't bother you afterwards. " She cried."I mean she's not here, Alixi– I just can't find her anywhere" Rubin mumbled with a nervous gaze."What do you mean by that, Rubin?" She stuttered. "Thought you said she's always being with you?""Yes, I know I did but I don't know what happened– She just disappeared from the room since yesterday and I can't find her anywhere" He wrung his hands with a furrowed brow. "I'm basically restless now; I  don't know what to do now– What do you th
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After an hour of what seemed like an endless epilogue to Ben, the long awaited bell went off for lunch break. Mrs Stella announced their project date and end of research tour. The whole class instinctively roared with applause and chit chats, among others except Ben and his friends; who just felt exhausted by her presence. She smiled and went on." I already see your exuberance towards this– Let's get prepared. See you all in two weeks for the tour" "Okay, Mrs Stella!! " They answered amidst cheers. She tilted her head with smiles and turned to leave." Alixies and Lawrence, I believe you know your duty as class Presidents? " She stated."Yes, Mrs Stella " They answered and she bobbed her head with a smile."Alright, kindly present the details of each student towards the tour to me at the office before lunch break is over–Okay?" They nodded and she stride out. Alixies rolled her eyes with a groan, burying her head on
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Rubin fidgeted, his lips instinctively curved in a sheepish smile while he stole glances at Laura   whose eyes were darted and slightly biting on her lips– lost for words. "What were you thinking?" She mumbled in a near whisper as if Mya could hear her; Rubin gesticulated with creased brow.Mya gazed at him, edge on with a raised eyebrow."What are you doing?" She queried, sounding a bit skeptical.Rubin muttered as if to say something but nothing came in mind. "Um–" He fumbled while his mind haunted for an escape. Just then, Laura noticed Alixies in the distance; heading towards the Canteen."Alixies!" She shouted which instinctively drew Rubin's   attention to her direction."Excuse me, I've got to go" He hastily uttered, dragging Laura along; which in Mya's eyes was just an air. She stared at his back in outer surprise; her jaw slightly dropped."What's with him?" She thought. "So strange " She eluded with a shrug and
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Unknowingly for Mya, Mr. Hansel saw her from the distance as she approached the control room. He sneered. "You're biting more than you can chew, Mya Roberts" He cautioned with a roguish glare.Laura at the other hand, thought of how to stop Mya as well so not to get her at risk. Just then, it dawned on her.  “Oh, no, Mya !” She howled with a flashed gaze which made Rubin and Alixies, flinch. “What's with her now?” Alixies queried, expectantly.“She's headed to the control room at the moment– She's going for the footage of that day” She explained and Alixies gasped. Rubin stared at them with a furrowed brow, confused at their expression.“What's wrong with that, Laura?– That will even make it easy for us to get that justice we want” He stated which brought the roguish frown of the girls on him.“You seem not to get anything, Rubin” Alixi exclaimed. “That place was declare
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