All Chapters of The Female Alpha: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
32 Chapters
Chapter 11
Chapter 11: Chase Rhys’s P.O.V   "That went well," Zyane sighed, rubbing his temples. "Yes it did," I agreed, amused. But that amusement was soon wiped off my face as soon as I looked back at the spot Mikalya had occupied not long ago. "Holy Shit!" In her place hung a punching block made of metal alloy, but the only difference was that the long solid block in the shape of a cylinder was now crushed beyond recognition and there were slight red stains on them indicating that she had done it by bare hands. "Maybe you have actually found your match, Rhys!" Zyane slapped my back before whistling at the deformed block and going back the way he came. But even though he didn't admit it out loud, I knew he was thinking that Mikalya was far more than just my match. I circled around the deformed block a few times, assessing the damage. Okay, so maybe I was guilty of admiring
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Chapter 12
Chapter 12: Two Steps Backward Mikalya's P.O.V:   I was fuming as I stormed out of the kitchen. The nerve of that man! How dare he roam around my house like he belongs here! How dare he talk to my people like he has the right to? How dare he! Does he think I’m joking with him? I turn my back on the man once and he goes around exploring my pack house like it’s an amusement park with a ‘free exploration’ tag. I needed a run. That arrogant, dominating, stupid, selfish, ALPHA was getting on my last nerves and I needed to sweat him out of my system for good. I know I’ll have to bear with him sticking around for a couple days and I also knew that his reasons for staying were entirely personal no matter how much bullshits about it being a ‘mission to find out if the pack is a violent one’, that doesn’t mean I’m liking it one bit. I want him go
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Chapter 13
Chapter 13: Trouble in Paradise Rhys’s P.O.V: A vicious growl tore through me as I watched Zyane about to do the unthinkable. The growl distracted Zyane enough to snap his attention towards me, but all he did was growl at me in rage before turning back towards the cowering girl he had trapped under him by force. Knowing that I was the closest one to him, I jumped up on top of one of the rocks and in one swift motion, landed right behind Zyane and sank my teeth into his shoulders to rip him off of the girl and throw Zyane away from her. I turned towards Zyane as he recovered from his shock. I saw Mikalya take a protective stance in front of the girl, but she didn’t interfere. She knew that this fight was between me and my packmate and her interference could only cause trouble. But damn she had every right to pound Zyane to the ground for the little stunt he was about to pull off. The girl was clearly not feelin
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Chapter 14
Chapter 14: Secrets Rhys’s P.O.V: I stood behind and watched as two female soldiers pushed Zyane into the same dungeon cell we were first put into and shut the gate in his face but not before strapping on the silver handcuffs. He was still growling and struggling against them, but the soldiers seemed to be unaffected by it. They simply dragged and shoved him into the cell like he was a ragdoll and not 200 pounds of muscle, clawing and scratching at anything he could get his hands on. After they had secured the lock and left, I came forward and stood in front of his cell. "Are you really that desperate, Zyane?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest. “Do you have any idea what you were about to do? That girl, your mate, is a child! She’s not even eighteen yet and you’re thirty two. Not only is she underaged and un-transformed, her wolf doesn’t recognize you at her mate! What you were trying to do w
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Chapter 15
Chapter 15: Heart to Heart Mikalya’s P.O.V: It was afternoon, the day after the event with Aya and Zyane and I was feeling the need to see someone and sort things out with him. I wasn’t complete heartless bitch like some people assumed I was, so I knew when a ‘thank you’ was due. And Rhys definitely deserved a ‘thank you’ from me. If Rhys hadn’t done what he had yesterday, Aya would have been bound in a relationship that she didn’t desire and Zyane would be dead. There was no other option for whoever forces a mating on a female. It was one of our most absolute rules. Mating bonds were taken seriously. Which was also why my wolf was getting used to being close to Rhys the more time he spent being near me. It wasn’t right, my heart kept telling me. But my wolf was already feeling the pull of the mating bond. It’s difficult for a wolf to get their mate out of their mind once the mating bond had been sensed by bo
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Chapter 16
Chapter 16: Calm Before the storm Mikalya’s P.O.V I remembered those days, those dreadful nights like it was yesterday. An everlasting nightmare. A wolf, whose cruelty and dread had, shook the Earth to the very core. Destroyed all bonds of Kinship. Tore every fabric of nature. "Mouri had been a hidden village for over 400 years. No one knows when that hidden village came into existence but it became the safe haven for the warriors of the BloodPledge pack. Almost all of the male warrior's born there were viciously strong and ruthless in battle. It helped them conquer the whole of the Gulf of Kutch by killing any other packs that lived there and slowly, they had killed all other wolf pack in India, becoming the sole pack that had the strongest of warriors from all over India." Beside me Rhys was silent. The calm before the storm. His expressions were neural but his eyes held lighting.  Lightning t
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Chapter 17
Chapter 17: Bared Hearts Mink's P.O.V:   Every nerve, every cell seemed to buzz to life in that one single kiss. Every sense was on overdrive. I don't know when I was laid on my back on top of the boulder but the coolness of the stone felt like a stark relief in contrast to the heat that was smoldering my every sense. Too long. I'd gone without touch for too long. The memories of my past flashed before my eyes, snapping me away from the pleasures of the present. Only one person before this had incited such feelings in me, given me hope and comfort only for it to be taken away from me in the cruelest way possible. I didn't want to relive that pain ever again. That's why I had kept my distance. But this kiss, right here, right now, felt too right, too real. I didn't want to, but my wolf was lonely. I was a strong Alpha who didn’t need a mate’s comfort but sometimes even I couldn’t help but feel that maybe e
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Chapter 18
Chapter 18: Secret Basement Rhys's P.O.V: "What's wrong?" I asked as Mikalya jumped up a boulder with such grace that it made her seem like a panther rather than a wolf. She had the grace and agility of a cat but the strength and nature of a wolf. It was indeed magnificent to watch her in action. I sprang to my feet as several howls joined in one by one, in complete synchronization. If I didn't have wild wolves of the Wahiba Sands under my command, I wouldn't have known the difference between the wild ones and the sentinels. But these were wild wolves and they were responding to Mikalya as if she was their Alpha too. Then, I watched in wonder as Mikalya threw her head back and a wolf's howl left her throat, higher, sharper than those around us. I had never seen a shifter so in tune with her wolf like Mikalya was and the sound that came out of her throat was completely animalistic. The sound of her cry drowned the soun
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Chapter 19
Chapter 19: Knell Rhys's P.O.V: Well...cobwebs were the first thing in my 'what-you-find-in-your-potential-mate's-basement' list. A lot of them. Now I'm not one of those people that get all whimpery and panicky at sight of tiny microscopic bugs that can hardly cause any trouble for an almost immortal shifter, but..., "Is it me or do these spiders look a hell lot like Tarantula's?" Mikalya's voice, when it came, seemed to be miles ahead of me in this dark, deserted basement with the only source of light that of the open trapdoor and stairs that seemed to lead straight to hell. "They don't look like tarantulas", she said, the sound of water dripping from the ceiling prominent in the background. "They are...tarantulas." Holy shit! Not caring where the stairs ended, I jumped down the remaining stairs, but found the jump relatively short and thankfully, not leading to the fiery pits of Hell.
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Chapter 20
Chapter 20: Wolf’s Rain Rhys's P.O.V: My fighters were let out of whatever dungeon they had been put into to prepare for the fight. In the end, the only preparation we could be doing at such short notice was getting used to everyone’s fighting techniques and learn about the snipers positions so we stay out of their firing range. Since contact with my third, Adrian, seemed impossible for some reason even without the static of the Jharna and even via a sat phone, I was forced to train with Mikalya's....women....and men, and as much as it wounded my pride to admit it, but I have to say that her warriors are pretty good. While I have only a handful of wolves heavily trained in military techniques, she had all of her wolves’ trained military style. Zyane had been right about what he said back in Shiwalik village, my mate is a hell lot stronger than me. And for once, I feel damn proud to admit that.
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